Saturday, November 06, 2021

Slow Saturday


Storm after storm moves in from the Pacific and we are inundated with rain and wind. The sun shines for a brief while before the clouds scud across to cover it once again. These are good days for sewing projects accompanied by cups of tea. 

Our municipality is intent on increasing the tree canopy and offers to partner with residents. They provide and plant trees along the city easements, and the residents care for them. We chose this tree (Pacific Sunset Maple - acer truncatum) several years ago and it's growing nicely. Its leaves are slow to fall, but just now there is a lovely circle of red and gold under the tree. This photo is taken from ground level, but I admire the circle from an upstairs window. 

A few hardy blooms still brighten up corners of the garden, like these fuschia blossoms. In Spanish-speaking countries, they are often called "aretes" or "earrings", and they do resemble a dangling piece of jewellry. 

Yesterday I filled in for a teacher who had to fly out east for a family event. I'll be covering for her for three days next week, too. French and Drama. It's most enjoyable, particularly the French classes. Drama, with grade 8 students, is a bit of a challenge at the end of the day. 

Today I'm puttering around the house. I've started some Christmas projects and spend a bit of time every day stitching by hand or on the machine. 

Are you thinking about Christmas yet? Any projects on the go?


  1. Acers just go on giving, such pretty trees. What a lovely idea to partner with the local Council.
    My plan re Christmas is to get everything, cards, presents etc ready well ahead. I am doing it mostly online as the thought of mingling in stores makes ma worry.

  2. Hehhhhhh.... The POOF went my comment caught me again...

    Well, must remember!

    ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨

  3. Gorgeous photos...

    We are having frosts, so all flowers are now gone.

    ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨

  4. Grandson will remove them, this weekend.

    It's not hard, but involves much bending over, not good for 80 year olds. -smile-

    ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨

  5. Your municipality had the right idea. "Your" tree is lovely.

  6. That tree is lovely and so colorful. I am pretty much done with Christmas shopping this year. I am surprising myself,as I usually don't get done this early.

  7. Beautiful tree
    Christmas has enter the scene. Calls for early shipping make the holidays feel closer.

  8. What a nice program planting those trees. Hope your 8th graders don't get too dramatic! :)

  9. That is such a beautiful tree! I love the fall color. We had some pretty heavy rains as well and boy, did we need it. The garde is looking so much happier, but unfortunately the rain hasn't put a dent into our drought. We need lots more rain. - No, not thinking of Christmas yet. We don't give presents to each other anymore, so I "only" have to pack a parcel for my daughter in Germany. It will be filled with handmade items and some small things she misses from here. The worst in all this is filling out the customs forms...

  10. i have started shopping and planning cookie making day with the kids. Enjoy teaching!

  11. Beautiful photos, Lorrie. I've started a bit of Christmas shopping for my grandkids. I just read your previous post, Dora's story, and it's so beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes.

  12. Your maple tree is in that most lovely state . . . such a feast for the eyes! I have started some embroidered Christmas ornaments. I make a personalized ornament for each member of my family, but I am several years behind. This is catch up year. :)

  13. How lovely that you teach French and drama - I am sure you are enjoying time back in the classroom. So you are having lots of storms, and we have also been having them, some very violent ones too. So often, the same thing happens on the opposite sides of the world. Your flowers are beautiful by the way. Yes, thinking of Christmas, and have finished my purchases for our little Canadian family. The box is ready for the post tomorrow, and the Christmas tree is up, but still in the decorating process.

  14. What a lovely tree. I haven't started anything Christmas yet.

  15. Your storms have been horrid, haven't they?!
    I am nearly ready for Christmas. We don't do much.

  16. Dear Lorrie,
    What a wonderful idea, partnering with the city in planting and taking care of new trees. An idea that would be so appreciated in many cities and towns.

  17. Good morning, Lorrie. Your tree is lovely and I am most impressed that your community cares enough to commit to such a project. I haven't started Christmas as of yet, although there are boxes of decorations in the hallway. I am doing lists at this point.
    Have a lovely day and week, Lorrie.

  18. We went to the garden centre and purchased some fir boughs and Ilex red berries...popped them in an urn at the bottom of the front stairs, a start to our festive decor! Christmas shopping has not started here yet...
    Oh a TOC job will be a change in your routine! Enjoy your week!

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Yes, I've started to get into the Christmas spirit by listening to one of my favourite Christmas tunes, "All I Want for Christmas is You". I can never tire listening to this Mariah Carey classic!

    1. I've also been watching the Hallmark Christmas movies.


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Blogtober Twenty-Seven

  October The summer is over, The trees are all bare, There is mist in the garden And frost in the air. The meadows are empty And gathered t...