Wednesday, December 08, 2021

A Sunny December Day


One of my treasured items of Christmas decor is this paper cutting done by my eldest daughter when she was in high school.

Outside my window this afternoon the sky is bright blue and the slanting sun casts strong shadows on the furniture. What a welcome respite these occasional sunny days provide from the usual dark grey. Across the street our neighbours have decorated a small tree with all sorts of silver ornaments that catch the light and dance in the breeze. I stepped outside to cut some arugula (rocket) for tonight's salad, and I hurried back indoors as quickly as possible for the wind is sharp. 

This year, I bought two new pieces of Christmas decor. One is a dozen of the little silvered hearts in the photo above. I hung them in clusters with a large and a small gold ornament and quite like the effect.

Inside, all is cozy and warm. Young Iris spent the morning and we made shortbread cookies and granola, did some Christmas crafting, and read stories before lunch. Her younger sister Cora was here for part of the time so the girls' mother could run errands. Iris is now napping and after she wakes up and has a snack, I'll return her home. 

I planted the amaryllis about 10 days ago and it's coming along nicely. Whether or not it blooms before Christmas is in question, but I'll be happy for its flowers whenever they open. 

The second item of new Christmas decor is the felt ball garland hanging under the mantel. It's handmade in southeast Asia by women in a fair trade cooperative. 

This room is the one where we've done the most work since moving in 20 years ago. I'm standing in the kitchen to take it. Tim installed the window and it's made such a difference to what was formerly a dark room. A gas fitter installed the fireplace workings, but Tim did the finishing, including the mantel and the fireplace stone face. It's such a cozy spot in the morning when we eat our breakfast at the little table there. 

I have a cup of tea beside me, and I did nibble one of those cranberry shortbread cookies. A few days ago Iris also helped with the rugelach cookies - I rolled them up and she placed them on the baking sheet and brushed the tops with egg. For 2 1/2 years old, I thought she did a stellar job. 

Recipe links:

Cranberry Shortbread


Have you completed your Christmas shopping? Gladys Taber writes in Stillmeadow Calendar "I think, on the whole, books make the most satisfying presents. A fine book is a lifelong friend. Time does not stale it, it becomes dearer. In happy hours it is a delight; in time of sorrow, a comfort." 

Last year I compiled a list of seasonal reading suggested by you, my readers. Here's a link to that post. 

Earlier this week I had a restless night and was very tired. The day was dreary, wet and dark. I spent an hour or two under a cozy blanket on the sofa, reading Laura Ingalls Wilder's The Long Winter. Such hardship the Ingalls family faced that winter. Now I'm off to spend a few minutes with another favourite seasonal book - Rosamunde Pilcher's "Winter Solstice". 


  1. Beautiful mantel
    Decorations nearly done.

  2. Your breakfast area is delightful!!
    Wasn't it lovely to have a mostly sunny day today? I could wish for a few more in the next weeks.

  3. Always love your book recommendations. Lots of cosines in your home now and it must be lovely having your granddaughters to visit. Your husband is clearly a very useful person to have around. Your dining room is lovely. B x

  4. So many lovely Christmas things in this post, Lorrie. The paper cutout decoration is delightful, and what a clever daughter you have. It is good to buy a new decoration or two each year, to keep it fresh, and the hearts and garland are very festive and pretty. We have been introduced to a bit of babysitting this week, with our 15 month old twin grandsons. We managed to keep them entertained for nearly an hour while their parents were busy. I look forward to the activities you enjoy with Iris, cooking and crafting, as they grow older. They were entranced by some yellow flowers in our garden, which was so sweet to see. Stay warm and cosy.

  5. I love the paper cut done by your daughter, such a joyous little image. The sun is shinning here too, how those precious golden beams of light lift our spirits.

  6. The paper cut out by your daughter is beautiful. Your fireplace looks looks great!

  7. Your home looks cozy! Cookie time with your little sweetie sounds wonderful.

  8. You have talent in the family for sure. The paper cutout is amazing and that little one helping you make cookies at such a young age. Such sweet memories.

  9. Enjoyed this little visit with you today! The Gladys Taber quote intrigues me and I've requested Still meadow calendar from interlibrary loan. Thanks for sharing this beauty.

  10. I would love an amaryllis. That paper cutting is a treasure!

  11. Your home looks warm and cozy and yet a bit elegant at the same time. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas enjoy your grandchildren.

  12. Lorrie - sorry I have not been 'round to comment much, but I am back now! The paper cutting by your daughter is so delicate and precious - I can see why it is so important to you. My neighbor has an amaryllis bulb, and she is sending me photos of it every day - amazing how quickly it changes! I still have a few odds and ends of Christmas shopping to do - books rarely come to mind as a gift unless specifically requested by someone - right, wrong or indifferent, I see most books as just another thing that gathers dust after I have read them once!

  13. The papercut is a treasure, so great you still have it. Thank you for these cosy photos & calming thoughts around Christmas. Warm greetings, riitta

  14. WOW wonderful decorations bravo

  15. Dear Lorrie, Love the paper cutting and the way you photographed it.

  16. That is a great window you added to that space. Love the mantel, too. That paper cutting is very special. Happy weekend to you.

  17. It is easy to see why the papercutting is a treasure! I have a friend who does scherenschnitte and it is truly an art form! I love that you and Iris bake and create together, making memories, forging bonds, and learning skills!

  18. Lovely post Lorrie - your home is looking so cozy for the holidays.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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