Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Welcome December


Here we are on the cusp of another month. I love the image above, done by Jody Bergsma. All the symbolism that points towards the birth of Christ is so beautiful. I've linked to her website, but didn't find this particular image there. It's one I saw on Facebook. 

In between all the rain I walk and in the wooded areas there is such freshness in the air. Ferns and mosses thrive in the damp. 

Holly trees are filled with berries and I've clipped a few for decorations here and there. The house is slowly taking on a festive air. It's happening more slowly than usual because of a small construction project going on in the front hallway. Tim's had a few days off and chose to putter. There will be a major renovation when he retires in a year or two, and these small projects are all part of the grand scheme. 

Tomorrow, once the dust settles, I'll tidy up and pull out more seasonal decor.

In my own back garden, there are five buds on the Secret Rose. The same system that has pulled so much moisture from the tropics and caused such havoc also brings warmer than normal temperatures. I wonder if these buds will open. Time will tell. Roses in December are very special.

Squelching along the sodden ground to the raised vegetable beds, I was surprised to see how much the broccoli, planted in September, has grown. Normally, I harvest in February or March, but this will need to be cut before too much longer. 

There is time spent each day at my sewing machine and projects are being finished. In quiet moments I enjoy looking through old issues of magazines for inspiration. Recipes, craft ideas, decor suggestions and more are interspersed with heart-warming tales and beautiful quotations. 

I'll leave you with one quotation, and scoot back to my sewing. 

"December offers a banquet for the senses, and many chances to lose oneself in the plain deliciousness of life - all the sights and smells of the season, from wood fires to baking." Diane Ackerman


  1. Broccoli this time of year? Great!

    The holly is beautiful. Ours is looking great as well.

  2. What a beautiful image! How fun that you have a rose blooming in December!

  3. December is a month filled with excitement, if we are only open to it. I love all the festivities.

  4. I think that December is my favorite month of the year. Your photographs are beautiful.

  5. The scent of a wood fire is one of my favourites. Most of our holly berries in the garden have been eaten by Mr Thrush. Never known them to go so quickly. I’m looking forward to hearing about your building projects. B x

  6. Thank you Lorrie for sharing you photos - two of my roses did their best to bloom in our strangely warm weather and got as far as lovey buds.

  7. That first image reminds me of Chronicles of Narnia. I read the book before I saw the movie and it may be time to read it again. Enjoy your evening!

  8. That Holly is absolutely beautiful how nice that you can go into the woods and pick it fresh for your Christmas decorations. I didn't realize you could plant broccoli in the fall and have a Winter garden.

  9. That first picture is so lovely! I enjoy looking through December issues of magazines from past years too even if I end up doing much the same decorating and baking as on the past. It's still fun to look.

  10. I find myself getting excited about your house projects as I hear of your plans! I love all things house . . . and it doesn't have to be my house! :)

    So many things still growing in your garden! And roses in December would be special!

  11. I love the image you have shown of Jody Bergsma's work - it portrays a sense of calmness and peace within it. Christmas for us this year will, hopefully, going away to stay with our family - fingers crossed that the current situation with the virus doesn't deteriorate too drastically.
    Your plans for the future, when Tim retires, sound interesting.

  12. Christmas is such a wonderful time. Enjoy!

  13. I hope your weather settles soon!

  14. I am amazed to see your Broccoli!
    I am making my wreath for the door and enjoying finding ittle clippings of berries and ivy. It's a pretty time of year if you search.

  15. Good morning, Lorrie. Happy December to you and yours! I love your opening photo, it is truly beautiful. Your rose made me think of our home in VA. Most often, I would have a rose or two for our Christmas table. It was such a treat to find such a lovely thing in late December. We also had a winter garden there.

    Your quote by Diane Ackerman is lovely and is a new one for me. It will go in my book. Our home is beginning to look like Christmas. The tree is up and is almost decorated and a few other things are scattered about. Enjoy your sewing and the projects of your heart. Gifts from our hearts are always the sweetest.

  16. Love that image! December is here and we wait and contemplate and meditate on the amazing season of Christmas. Blessings.

  17. Happy December Lorrie. How lush it all looks, especially after rain. It must be lovely to be able to pick the fresh holly to decorate for Christmas. We can sometimes buy a piece or two, but it is quite expensive here, imported from somewhere cold. I hope the rose opens, something very special for you. Enjoy your Christmas sewing.

  18. Hi Lorrie~

    I can't imagine what a wonderful thing it would be to have blooming roses in December...very special indeed! I'm amazed at that broccoli...and the holly is just gorgeous, how fun to decorate your house with holly from your own yard!

    I love magazines, I hope they are always on the shelves. I just love sitting down and thumbing through a magazine, especially some of my favorite old magazines that I can't seem to part with.

    Have a great week-end!


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  20. i have quite a lot of roses in the garden enough to make a bunch.
    My Xmas decoration is done and now I have to look for the recipes I will choose.
    I love all your magazines especially for Xmas!

  21. Fun to plan for home improvements, and to be able to do some now!

    How lovely to still have roses.

  22. Your photographs are lovely.
    Enjoy the month of December, the year has simply flown by :)

    All the best Jan


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