Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Almost Christmas


Just two more sleeps until the 25th. My list of things to accomplish has plenty of items ticked off of it, but there are still a few more things to do. There is time to read and to look at the twinkling lights on tree and mantel, and to enjoy this beautiful season of anticipation. 

We have enjoyed some lovely sunny days where strong shadows cast highly defined shadows into the rooms. On Sunday afternoon we had a casual lunch with friends. This morning rain drips steadily. Temperatures are forecast to drop in the next few days and there is a strong likelihood of snow. 

Our Christmas celebrations will be confined to family as the new variant rages across the globe. We have sadly canceled our trip to the mainland after Christmas to see my parents and siblings. We're encouraged to keep our gatherings small. 

I spent a few delightful hours creating a few farm animals for Cora's stocking. What fun to play with fabric and to add the little embroidered and stitched details. She's taken her first steps this week. 

I'm looking forward to watching a Christmas movie or two in the next few days. Christmas in Connecticut is a favourite, as is The Shop Around the Corner, and It Happened on Fifth Avenue. Old movies just seem to fit the mood for me. Do you have any Christmas movies you enjoy?

Last evening Tim helped me decorate the ginger cookies I baked awhile ago. Decorating is not my forte, so it was lovely to have company and to do it together. It didn't take long at all. 

Our church sent out this Advent prayer:

"God of the long and aching wait.
This year has swelled with the grief and longing and loss of many. We want so much more than the present condition of this world. Where are you? There are seasons where it becomes difficult to believe in your nearness. Would you make it known to us now? That as we carry each other through this season, we would find the miracle in the mundane, tiny sacred flashes of good as we wait for a healing that lasts. 

Help us to dream. That we would find even our prayers grow large in this season, asking for those things which have seemed too good or naive. Help us to dream, not that we would pine for some mirage of how things used to be, but that we would hold space for visions of life where justice can breathe, where power is mobile, and where liberation leaves no one behind. 
Come, God. And we will wait."

I wish you all a most merry Christmas and hearts full of joy and love. 


  1. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I hope you get the snow! My favorite Christmas movie is White Christmas.

  2. Oh, what a lovely and comforting post, Lorrie. Love your Advent calendar - so many little treasures to mark each day off. And those sweet farm animal for Cora - won't she be thrilled! And do I love the Advent Prayer you shared - I may have to borrow it and pass along to loved ones.

    A very Happy Christmas, Lorrie, to you and yours,
    Brenda xo

  3. A very Merry Christmas to you and yours. Love the little animals you created for the stocking!

  4. That is such a meaningful prayer, one that will stay with me.
    Wishing you a peaceful and happy Christmas Lorrie, with as many family as possible.

  5. The stuffed pets are adorable.

    We are almost finished all projects here too. Let’s hope we can spend time with some family in the coming days.

  6. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I'm sorry you had to cancel your trip to see your parents and siblings. It's so unfortunate. I think the little animals you made for Cora are the sweetest. She'll love them. Take care and stay well.

  7. Hope you all enjoy a joyous time this Christmas. This new variant is hanging over everyones head - it is spreading rapidly here. We are going to our son's house, I am desperate to see our grandchildren, but we are all taking Lateral Flow Tests before we all meet up to make sure that we keep ourselves safe.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. What a powerful Advent prayer, Lorrie. I too will copy it. Your Advent calendar and table runner are very beautiful - can I guess your nimble fingers made them? I do admire your stitching skills, as mine decline as the years go by. The farm animals are a delight, and how sweet for little Cora. I made some similar cookies for our tiny grandsons, but did not decorate - they were happy to eat to little gingerbread men, about 4cm long. Grandchildren are the best! Merry Christmas Lorrie.

  10. That line "God of the long and aching wait" in the advent prayer is what caught my attention. Oh how much we dislike waiting, and yet it is required so often. How long mankind waited for the Savior who came only "in the fullness of time." May our hearts be willing to wait for Him.

    Cory is taking steps. How quickly those baby days have passed. Don't they pass more quickly for the grandparents . . . and even more so for onlookers? She is sure to love those darling farm animals! I am sorry that your celebrations must be limited again this year.

  11. Lorrie - such adorable stuffed animals! The prayer sent by your church is spot on and inspirational. I pray every day that we remain connected to one another, to enjoy each other's humanity and to bear with one another. The very existence of our planet depends on it. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  12. Wishing you all the happiest of christmasses. Those cookies look beautiful. Have a wonderful time. B x

  13. I wish you a Merry Christmas to you and your family. I love the soft toys you stitched, they are very cute. The little Xmas biscuits are very nicely decorated so is the table. I hope we will have a better year… but it is not on a good way.
    I am cooking and preparing eve thing for tomorrow evening!

  14. Happy, Happy Christmas...

  15. The farm animals are beautiful. These handmade gifts will become such a treasure. I also like the table runner and your advent wreath. It reminds me Christmas seasons long ago. I wish you and yours a peaceful and blessed Christmas.

  16. The prayer for Advent is just beautiful. And those little farm animals are such a special gift. My favorite Christmas movies are White Christmas and The Bishop's Wife. Merry Christmas to you!

  17. Hi Lorrie~

    What an absolutely beautiful post, from the cute little farm animals to the beautiful prayer. Merry Christmas to you and yours, and may your Christmas Day bring you much joy, happiness and love.


  18. What a lovely prayer from your church, Lorrie. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  19. Wishing Happy Holidays!

  20. Love the cute little animals you made.

    Wishing you a wonderful 2022, Lorrie!

  21. What a lovely post. I woke coughing today. Just not feeling well. I hope 2022 is better.

  22. Dear Lorrie, I am way behind with comments, but I am so glad I save this post to read when I could enjoy your lovely words and I was not disappointed.
    How exciting about Miss Cora beginning to walk, I would imagine she will be something to keep up with.

    Lorrie, the prayer you shared is beautiful and I have placed it in my book of special things. I am anxious to read your other posts where I am certain I will enjoy your Christmas. Wishing you and your family a most Happy and Healthy New Year! Many Blessings.


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