Sunday, December 05, 2021

The Second Week of Advent


Last week went by with a whoosh, and here we are on the second Sunday in Advent. Over the past two days Tim and I decorated the Christmas tree - it's a bit earlier than normal. As I sit here the lights shine softly, reflecting on the shiny gold balls and illuminating ornaments that have hung on our trees over many years. 

December is a beautiful month, and flies by so quickly. How to slow down time? Impossible, I know, so it's important to savour the moments. 

After unusually high temperatures for November, the thermometer plummeted and we woke up to a frosty world. No snow, sadly. Tim suggested a walk before breakfast, so we bundled up with gloves and scarves and headed out. Pink tinge the sky that was soon pale blue streaked with white clouds. Small puddles cracked into shards of ice if stepped on. Cold clear air filled our lungs and filtered in through our clothing. 

Home again and I went to see how the garden fared. The rosebuds are frost-tipped, but still holding their own. I'm optimistic.

An ice-coated leaf in the woods looks as though it was dipped in sugar. By mid-morning the frost was gone and I am so glad we ventured out beforehand. We came home to a warm house and enjoyed scrambled eggs and toast, along with coffee for him and tea for me before watching our online church service. 

We ran a few errands in the early afternoon before settling in with quieter pursuits for the rest of the day. I puttered with decorations. The week ahead will be another busy one, not frantic busy, but busy enough to keep me focused. 

Here's a little quotation to take with you through the week, 

"Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most." 

Ruth Carter Stapleton 


  1. Happy second week of Advent. I like your frosty photos. And the quote to remember through the days ahead.

  2. Frost is beautiful on foliage. Wishing you a happy week Lorrie.

  3. we also have frost here. I love the picture of the frosted leaf. It’s a busy month and I am preparing for my son’s arrival for two weeks.
    Lost of baking these coming weeks!

  4. What a very apt quote. right now there are so many who need that light of love.

  5. Beautiful photos. The frost gives me shivers. Lol.

  6. I bet it looked like a fairy land with all of that frost. It sounds like a perfect Sunday.

  7. Your frosty photos are beautiful! It was a good idea to get out early and capture the moment.

  8. Love the frosty photos. So pretty. Happy new week to you.

  9. How beautiful that first frost!! Surely worth getting out in the cold before breakfast. Thank you for sharing it with those of us who won't see that beauty (and I must confess would not have gone out in the pre-breakfast cold even if I did have frost!)

  10. I love to see the world coated with ice sugar. Truly it is a wonderland. Wishing you a lovely week and enjoy all the moments. And the quote is wonderful.

  11. I think the rosebud is a beauty. I a1so 1ove your quote about giving 1ight to those who need it most. I'm praying for 1ight for my 1oved ones and others I know who need that 1ight

  12. Oh how I love those frost edged leaves!

  13. Those frosty photos are just beautiful. Love to see the frost even though I know it can damage tender plants. Sounds like you are ahead of me in the decorating game. Hopefully our tree will go up later this week. Stay cosy in that cold weather. We’re stormy at the moment. Storm Barra heading this way! B x

  14. We've had a few light snowfalls here, but nothing that stuck around. It would be nice to have some snow for Christmas.

  15. Happy second week of advent.

    I think your frosty photographs are wonderful, and scrambled eggs for breakfast, YUM!

    All the best Jan

  16. Love the quote and frosty garden.
    Everytime I see the advent candles I think I would like to do that.
    The ritual is so pretty and meaningful.

  17. I love the quote...and your frosty photos!


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Blogtober Twenty-Seven

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