Thursday, December 30, 2021

Between the Years


The week between Christmas and the New Year is my favourite of all the year. The glow of Christmas flows through the quiet, peaceful days. Little is accomplished. 

This year is different from most. It's quieter than we planned as we cancelled our trip to the mainland to see my parents and siblings. And, there is snow. Lots of snow. We have so enjoyed watching the birds flock around the feeder and perch in the fig tree. They nibble a little on the unripe figs, but greatly prefer the sunflower seeds in the feeder. 

Long walks in the snowy woods fill me with utter delight. Tree branches bear coats of fluff, and in town every fence post wears a white top hat. 

Gulls sat by the hundreds on Tod Inlet. Although it's salt water, it's fed by a small river that rushes full at these days. The fresh water is lighter than salt and sits on the surface where it freezes. There are lines near the shore where the rise and fall of the tides breaks the ice. We witnessed a couple of bald eagles chasing a gull. Happily, the gull escaped. A river otter enjoyed a fish caught through a hole in the ice. Long icicles hang onto a fallen tree across the river. 

These snowy days are gift to families. Children scream with delight at the rare snow and spend hours playing outdoors. We went and watched some of our grands playing on a small hill. Nana even went for a ride with Adria. We went for a walk with another family, and Sadie was really good at throwing snowballs! So we all indulged in a good-natured snowball fight.

In the garden frozen rosebuds wait under a shawl of white.

Tim was on call until the 26th, and since then he's been off on vacation. We've been very lazy, drifting from walking to reading, to nibbling on a cookie, back to reading. We've watched a couple of movies and done very little. Minimal cooking - but we've eaten well with leftovers, and some fresh salads. 

The garden gate with a drift of snow.

In a bit of whimsy I took a candle out into the snow for a photo shoot. The play of white on white, with a bit of candle flame makes for winter prettiness. 

Today I roused myself and did a bit of cooking - granola, and a chicken lasagna for tomorrow. In the evenings we still enjoy the lights of the tree and mantels. And tomorrow is New Year's Eve. The start of 2022. What will it bring? We can only wait and see. 

I wish for you a happy and healthy New Year full of love and opportunity. 


  1. I would love to have snow!
    Beautiful pictures.
    I Wish You a Happy New Year!

  2. Such a lovely post. I am glad you had snow! The sledding looks so fun. Happy New Year to you too!

  3. Dear Lorrie,
    Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family. Hope 2022 brings you health and happiness.

  4. Our mantle is still decorated too, in fact all of our decorations are still up. I don't take them down, until, one day, it just feels like the thing to do. -smile-

    Oh I so envy you your snow! It should be like this, here. I am getting so tired of waiting for a proper snow storm. -pout-

  5. Wow, look at all that, I got published!!!!!!

    Your words and photos are lovely, as usual. Poetry actually...

    Merry Midwinter Wishes,
    Happy New Year,
    🌲 ⛄ 🌲 ⛄ 🌲 ⛄ 🌲

  6. Gently meandering post, Lorrie, which totally fits my mood. This is probably the most favourite week of the year for me as well. Loved the photo of you and your granddaughter going down the hill - a great shot. And the white on white candle in the snow - exquisite. Wishing you peace and joy and grace for the new year ahead. Heart hugs, Brenda xo

  7. Happy New Year! The candle in the snow is a great idea!

  8. Oh it does all sound delightful. I like the candle getting its photo shoot, but best of all you and Adria. You look like one of the kids! Happy Nw Year!

  9. Happy New year. Thanks for finding me at the new knitting genes b1og . Your photos here are amazing. WE just saw our first otter type guy in the waters . We have never seen them in summertime

  10. Your words are as delightful as your pictures. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  11. What a lovely post. I did enjoy the snow a bit. Loved seeing one sledding. There is something so beautiful with candle light in the snow and a walk in the snow too. Your nature shots are just wonderful.

  12. Exquisitely beautiful, Lorrie. What a magical time of year for you, with nature covered in pretty snowfalls. The water pictures are great too, such a delight. Such a happy picture of you enjoying fun in the snow with the grandies. Happy New Year!

  13. Love the eagle and the otter! Beautiful photos. We are still a bit cold to enjoy walking in the beautiful snow for longer than a few minutes.
    Happy New Year to you and yours!

  14. I love this time of year as well, though our winter is nowhere near as impressive as yours. Wishing you the very best for the coming year, my friend.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. It certainly has been a magical Christmas for you with all that snow, yours photos say it all. Very mild here perhaps you could send a few snow flakes our way. Wishing you a very happy 2022. B x

  17. Lorrie, this post is lovely. I hope you have plans for something special of the photo of you and your granddaughter on the sled. It is a joy. And the snowy woods, is gorgeous. However, they all are wonderful Happy January, Lorrie.

  18. Love the white candle in the snow...and all the other snow pic's too! Happy new year to you and yours!

  19. Beautiful images, Lorrie. Love the one of the kids in the snow and that last photo is really lovely. Happy, blessed New Year to you and your family. xo Diana

  20. Happy Snow!
    It is wonderful y'all have a snowfall to admire. A good way to begin a new year!

  21. Oh look at that snow - so rare here in Wales, though I did manage to get a quick trip to France.
    More broadly, after an unexpectedly challenging December - as much logistical as anything - I'm finally catching up on some of my favourite blogs to send good wishes and say thanks for reading and commenting on mine. Yours was a new find for me and delight it has been to learn about Vancouver and to connect and share however remotely.
    I so hope that next year brings us better times and plenty of words (and pictures) to inspire and entertain.
    Best wishes

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Dear Lorris, how lovely and fun the sledding looks - having enough snow for that was great and quite unusual for Victoria, right?
    Here's to another year with hopes of better days and months ahead, and most important that we all stay healthy and safe.
    HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all.
    Hugs, Bob and Mary

  24. Hi Lorrie,

    Great post!! I love the last photo (candle shot) and your sledding picture, too. :D I remember sledding with our son when he was young, and it was such fun. This is one of my favorite times of the year, too; it's so peaceful and restful. I have always loved the week after Christmas. Your collage photos are so good. I like the otter and the long icicles. How neat that you saw a bald eage; they're our national bird, and I've never seen one in person.

    I'm so glad you've enjoyed your snow; we got a small one today, too. I hope you have a great week, Lorrie!



  25. Happy 2022 to you and your beautiful family, Lorrie.

    Love that pretty capture of the candle in the snow.

  26. What a beautiful photo of you and your granddaughter on the sled! A memory to treasure! Wishing you and yours God's best for the New Year!

  27. Love your photos, Lorrie. Wish I could join you on your snowy walks and with the kids on the sled ride!

  28. That is a lovely photograph of you with Adria.

    All the best Jan


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