Monday, June 30, 2008

Cold Avocado Soup

This is perfect for a hot summer evening. Cold and creamy with a hint of mint. I like to serve it in martini glasses (I've never actually had a martini - I tend to stick with wine, but I love the shape of the glasses.) This can be made ahead, in fact, it needs to chill for an hour or so. It's fast and delicious. I found the recipe in the June 2007 issue of Country Living magazine.

1/2 seedless cucumber, chopped
1 medium avocado, peeled and pitted
1 shallot, chopped ( I used a slice of Vidalia onion)
2 Tablespoons plain yogurt
2 Tablespoons fresh mint (I use a lot less, just a few leaves)
4 teaspoons fresh lime juice
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon ground cumin (I prefer it without)
1 cup cold water

Throw everything into a blender and process until smooth. Chill for at least 1 hour. Serve garnished with a sprig of mint.

Over at Kathy's Cottage, there's a summer recipe exchange. Hop on over and see what's cooking!
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  1. Oh and I just got back from the store where I got Avacados on sale! How lucky am I!? Thanks for adding to our recipes!

  2. Oh....this just sounds terrific!!!

    Thanks for visiting our Blog!!


  3. Mmmm... it's hot down here and that recipe sounds delicious. Cold soup may be just what the weatherman ordered, especially if it has avocados. Also, it would give me another way to use the mint from my back porch. BTW... the Deeper Still conference was awesome! 19,000 women praising God together is an amazing blessing, not to mention that I got to be with my mother and m-i-l for a precious time together.


  4. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Ooh, sounds delicious, and I love avocados.

    We had an avocado tree in our back yard when I was growing up.

  5. This sounds delicious!

  6. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Yum, a new way to eat avocados. We love them and this doesn't sound hard at all.

    We spent some time in Vancouver on our way to Alaska. We had a beautiful visit.

    Thanks for sharing your recipe.


  7. Hi Laurie, I am new to your blog...& am so enjoying it!!...I grew up in Washington State, near Spokane, so am fairly familiar with where you live....such an incredibly pretty area!....This cold soup looks wonderful!...Such a great recipe for a hot summer evening! Thank you so much! I will be back soon to visit again!...Heidi :)

  8. THANKS for sharing this. I'll have to round up some California avocados!


  9. This sounds yummy. I am heading to the store (been heading for an hour) so I will pick up some avocados.

    Thanks for the tip.



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