Saturday, April 13, 2013


I've been eyeing this clump of hyacinths on a nearby street for a few days. After returning from the grocery store, I lugged the food into the house, put away the perishables, left the rest on the counter, grabbed my camera and walked a block or so to take some photos. It was all about seizing the moment.

Sweet hyacinth scent wafted upwards as I crouched down to take the photo. I did have to walk a few steps into the driveway to get the shot. I've seen others around here do it to examine a particular bush or tree more closely. It felt a bit awkward for me, yet I know that I wouldn't mind if someone walked up my driveway for a photo. 

Donna's prompt was all about simplicity. Flowers emerging from the earth - simple, yet so intricate. The photo was taken with my Nikon Coolpix, edited very slightly - deepening shadows, adding highlights.


  1. The word glorious comes to mind. Very nice!

  2. wonderful white hyacinths!!!!!
    wish you a nice weekend,
    love regina

  3. Nice work with your photo editing, subtle. There is nothing simpler than that which comes from the earth, year after year, faithfully dependable!

  4. Beautiful photo and they are so white! I'm like you about creeping in driveways or such to take photos of something in someone's property. I'm afraid they might yell at me or something. :)

  5. The group of hyacinths are pretty Lorrie without a lot of background to take away from their beauty. I'll bet it was heaven inhaling while you snapped the photo.

  6. Truly of white subjects always represent simplicity to me. You're right, though, a great deal of intricacy evident. Deepening shadows and highlighting...hmmm...

  7. Beautiful hyacinths Oh the wonder of spring when the earth bursts forth with new life,color and hope.Spring has never failed us yet, dear niece.

  8. Beautiful!!! I can almost smell their sweetness here.

  9. Anonymous12:37 PM

    gorgeous blooms ... I can almost smell them

  10. Hi Lorrie dear - just popped in for a much needed cup of tea. Working in the garden - went out at 9:30 to do a couple of things and still out there at 4:00 because there's so much needing attention! Bob is helping with cleaning leaves from flower beds, cutting back ivy, vinca etc., and right now he's planting a new azalea I bought yesterday! Pollen covering everything - sneezing a lot! But it's so pretty out - perfect gardening day and hopefully another tomorrow.

    Your photo of the beautiful hyacinths is gorgeous, I'm certain a neighbor wouldn't mind you walking up the driveway, at least you're not trying to sell anything! I'm glad you are taking part in the photo challenge - it's so much fun and quite educational - another blogging plus say I.

    Local amateur theatre date tonight so must clean up, make an easy supper, then head out on the town!
    Hugs - Mary

  11. They are gorgeous! Just like they've been arranged into a bouquet! Great choice for the challenge!

  12. Oh Lorrie I wish I could catch that beautiful fragrance wafting in the air!
    A beautiful photo image for 'Simplicity'.
    Shane ♥

  13. What a wonderful choice and well worth the effort! Love the pop of white against the green colors. I bet it smelled heavenly! You did an admirable job in eliminating any competing background too. I had to giggle about how you had been eyeing them and just couldn't stand it any longer, hahahaha!!!!

    Now that our neighborhood is getting a little bit more established, I'm going to wandering into some yards and taking photos too. I'll ask them before I venture too far though, LOL!

  14. Hello Lorrie,

    Love them, the smell wonderful! Have any rain there?


  15. I absolutely love the scent of hyacinth. A lovely picture

  16. You sound like me. I've driven home many times just to get my camera and go back to a shot I saw and taking pictures of something on someone's property is always a little nerve-wracking. This is a gorgeous shot! You did well.

  17. It's a lovely shot,and I can almost smell them through the computer screen.

    And thanks for giving the ocean a hug for me.


  18. I love hyacinths. They smell divine.

  19. So much beauty in something so simple as "white".

    My mother once planted an all white flower garden. I thought it would be boring, but I was SO wrong! It was a beautiful garden and I always enjoyed viewing it. She would seek out the unusual blossoms and tried to have something always in bloom. Simplicity.

  20. Sorry to be late! I was out of town...
    Oh Wow! I'll bet the smell was wonderful...


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