Monday, April 01, 2013

What a Weekend!

Glorious sunshine filled the days. Warmth poured down. It was delightful and I thought of so many of you who are experiencing continuing cold weather. But that didn't stop me from enjoying the almost-summery temperatures. Paska Buns, made from Judy's recipe, found by clicking on the link, were gobbled down in a hurry. I'm ashamed to say how many of them I ate. But they are best fresh, and a once-a-year treat.

After church on Sunday, and before dinner, we had a quick egg hunt. Little Miss A knew exactly what to do. Her interest lay entirely in what was inside the eggs. Little Miss S, on the other hand, was happy to hold an egg in each hand and shake them to hear the insides rattle.

 Dinner in the light-filled dining room. We missed two of our family, who were unable to attend. Lots of conversation and laughter. 

A walk around the bog in the late afternoon had us shedding jackets. Herons don't often frequent this pond, but seemed to be getting along well with the ducks.

My parents left this morning, and I went to the park this afternoon with the Little Misses and their mothers. I came home feeling a little bit droopy, like these tulips. They drank all their water, but perked right up when I refilled the vase. I'm perking up, too, after dinner and an evening of catching up on blog reading. Tomorrow, real life kicks in again. I'll be ready for it.

How was your Easter weekend?


  1. What a beautiful table setting, Lorrie. And those buns look scrumptious. Happy Easter week!

  2. The photos are wonderful - good capture on the heron, and the girls are darling in their new dresses.

    We had a fabulous family weekend - lots of fun and food - and now on to more spring. Wasn't our weather delightful? Hope it holds for a bit longer.

  3. What a lovely time you had and I adore the pic of the two pretty little girls. I am glad they dressed up. Such a wonderful tradition. Loving your fancy napkins too! We had a mini Easter since one of my daughters is out of town. But it was fun nonetheless. Kit

  4. What a delightful family weekend you all had. And the girls look so pretty!

  5. The little misses are just adorable in their dresses. Love the droopy tulips, too. So happy you had a great Easter, Lorrie.

  6. Easter weekend was lovely for both you and me. We are so blessed to have family near us. Hubby and I had a hoot watching our grown daughters and their men run around the back yard hunting chocolate eggs! Makes me smile just thinking about their excitement. :)

  7. Lovely to hear about your Easter weekend and to see the sprinkles, smiles and sunshine. The new dresses look so sweet on your darlings!

  8. Aww such fun you all had :)
    Hugs x

  9. Glad you had a lovely Easter too. Nice to have family around.

    Take care,

  10. How lovely, Lorrie! I have a very similar tablecloth, white/cream are always perfection on a formal table, aren't they? And I spot some Lindt bunnies :)
    Hugs to you,
    Monica xo

  11. all looks so pretty over here! Love the photo of your two grandgirlies. Isn't it great to have family around to celebrate all the special occasions with?

    So glad your paska buns were a hit.

  12. Those buns look totally they tasted just as good.

    Nice to know that the beautiful Easter weather was spread around quite a bit.


  13. The granddaughters are darling (love the dresses!)! Your table is lovely, so cheery with the napkin bunnies and the Lindt bunnies.
    And I can relate to the "droopy" feeling after a special celebration and lots of company. I find I need more time to regroup...but I wouldn't trade it for the world!

  14. Holidays are so much sweeter with little ones. The girls are so cute! Sounds like you had a wonderful Easter weekend. Best wishes, Tammy

  15. What a beautiful post! I agree the girls are adorable :D
    It looks like you had a lovely Easter!
    Oooh, those buns do look delicious

  16. Looks like a grand celebration. I love how your folded napkins turned out! Cute. Glad you recovered from your droopiness. I'm still a bit droopy down here! :)

  17. Wonderful images of a happy time. I can imagine you felt a bit droopy after all of that! The little girls are so sweet. Love your bunny napkins!

  18. Cute cakes, cute girls, cute everything :-)

  19. Lorrie,
    It was wonderful! We were surrounded by friends and family and my son played the drums in church!

    Happy belated Easter to you!

  20. Your granddaughters looks so pretty in their Easter dresses! it looked like it was a wonderful Easter for you and your family.

  21. They look so cute and I love their dresses. Not a fan of Herons as we have lost about 70 goldfish to one this winter. Pond empty.


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