Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Little Patch of Sky - Thursday Inspiration

The prompt for this week's inspiration is sky. In the above photo, most of the image is the reflections of the mountains near Canmore, Alberta, where we spent a few days hiking last summer. The triangle in the foreground reflects the sky, just a small triangle of light and clouds between the mountains. 

Linking to Mary of the Little Red House for Thursday Inspiration.


  1. Beautiful photo Lorrie. The colors are gorgeous!

  2. That is the most amazing photo I've seen! It should be on one of those glossy calendars Lorrie! I really had to look closely to see what I was seeing - the reflections are so perfect. Great shot! Pamela

  3. I love it, Lorrie. So unique and interesting.

  4. Wow! That water had to be crystal clear to get a reflection like that. Gorgeous! Best wishes, Tammy

  5. One has to study your photo a bit to understand what you're seeing. So many reflections with just that triangle of sky showing sure makes this a stunning photo Lorrie.

  6. What glorious colors in your photo, Lorrie, and such a beautiful reflection!

  7. A very artsy and unique photo. As Pat say, wonderful cool colors in the grays, blues, and greens. I like the staircase reflected in the water, too.

  8. Great photo with very interesting cropping, Lorrie!

  9. A peek into heaven!!! Beautiful shot Lorrie.

  10. That is an amazing shot - as though heaven had parted and let us have a glimpse inside.

  11. Amazing!!!!!! This one should be framed and hung for all to see.

  12. that is amazing and I am still studying it. What a good catch there and what stunning colors!

  13. That's a cool shot! Wonderful...

    Gosh, that teal color is delicious!

  14. Thanks for your comments, Lorrie! I love church spires, too. I find myself photographing churches whenever I get a chance. I'm glad Dotsie explained Carolina Blue to you. :) It's so ironic that we both mentioned it in our posts.

    Your photo is absolutely AMAZING!! I still can't imagine how you captured that image. That water must be incredibly clear -- thanks for sharing.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    Denise at Forest Manor

  15. This is an amazing photo, Lorrie. The color of that water is gorgeous. I would love to see this place "in person".

  16. You've even done better than Photoshop ever could with this landscape and reflection Lorrie - it's amazing. The colors are beautiful............and of course Alberta always supplies gorgeous scenery so we can snap away getting photos that are keepers. I need to go back to Banff, Lake Louise etc. now that I have a really good DSLR (my Canon 7D) to get good pics!

    I mentioned you and linked to you in today's post!
    Hugs from the now pollen covered North Carolina Piedmont area!

    Love, Mary

  17. Oh my, what a beautiful photo and so wonderful that you captured the reflection of the sky.

  18. A stunning that could be entered into a photo contest..hint, hint.


  19. What a brilliant response to that prompt -- a clever puzzle for the eye to work out!

  20. Wow - What a great photo!!! Thanks for sharing it with us.
    Thanks for stopping by - Have a great weekend!

  21. What a beautiful picture Debbie!

  22. Real food for the soul in your Sky photo Lorrie.
    For me the amazing triangle of sky represents the Blessed Trinity!
    Shane ♥

  23. WOW, amazing reflections Lorrie.


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