Friday, April 19, 2013

Today ...

Outside my window the skies drip. Everything is beaded with raindrops. I ventured out with my camera to take a few photos. I didn't plant any bulbs last fall because we are reworking our garden beds. These are tulips of indomitable spirit that escaped my shovel last year. I'm happy to enjoy them now.

We've planted a few fruit trees - cherry, apple, apricot. Doesn't the raindrop on the blossom above look like a tear? There are many tears falling these days - so much sorrow in the world, not only in Boston and West, but anywhere terror and violence, injustice and wrong hold sway.

In contrast, the raindrops on these plum tree blossoms look like tiny jewels, sparkling against the gray sky. Life is made up of tears of sorrow and moments of joy, with a whole lot of ordinary life in between. Everyday life is a gift - I'm sure there are many who long for that - consisting of routines. Getting up from a warm bed, eating three meals, work, shopping, cleaning, cooking, spending time with beloved family and friends. These are the moments to treasure. 

Today. Laundry. Cleaning. Cooking. 

"The nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens, but those that bring simple little pleasures, following one after another softly, like pearls slipping off a string."
L. M. Montgomery


  1. Such a lovely 'Victoria' post!!
    Here in Edmonton it's snowing and blowing. No raindrops or blossoms, but the faces of two little boys make up for that!

  2. I would like to have a little herb garden like that....ours never develops to any extent. Nice to see some blossoms too, as ours are a long way off. Tulips may be popping up soon, I hope.

  3. Scrumptious, and don't take this wrong, drippy post. Oh for such a day...not today; perhaps tomorrow.

  4. Such lovely photos, Lorrie and I really like the L. M. Montgomery quote.

  5. Beautiful photos. Love the drops. I also really like the quote...

  6. My day was much like yours Lorrie; laundry and cleaning because it was raining outside. I see some chives up in my herb garden so far, I like the cute little sign in yours.

  7. Your raindrop photos are exquisite. And I love the sentiment and the quote!

  8. Yes, Lorrie! The routines...the "ordinary"...the day-to-day blessings...these are the moments to treasure!

  9. I love that quote and the photos are beautiful.

  10. Lorrie,
    As I'm sitting here sipping my morning coffee your post spoke to me on so many levels.
    Your photos with the spring flowers mixed with raindrops are all so beautiful. I'm so glad the tulip escaped your shovel.
    You have reminded me that although there is much sadness in this world, there is so very much beauty to be found.

    How pretty that herb garden looks. Is it yours? I'm currently in the process of re-working mine. It's become a bit overgrown.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. That's a lovely quote Lorrie - I enjoy days such as that more than any others.........even the ones filled with adventure in the far reaches of the world! There truly is "no place like home" and enjoying the ordinary life.

    Lovely herbs - look very healthy and will no doubt be enhancing all those good meals coming from your kitchen this season.

    Because of you I bought several pretty DMC colors and a new embroidery hoop (my old one was rusted!) and shiny sharp needles yesterday - I'm going to try to make some pretty stitches this weekend. Thanks for the inspiration dear.

    May your weekend be lovely even with raindrops - the pics are beautiful. I'll also be planting moon flower and morning glory seeds!
    Hugs - Mary

  12. Beautiful flower shots Lorrie, I do love the drops, and we are getting some around here too.


  13. So pretty...those drippy blooms. Love that quote!

  14. A wonderful quote to remind us to savor even the most ordinary of days.
    The shots of the raindrops on the blossom are so pretty, I can see they'll be appearing on note cards very soon.

  15. Such a fitting quote at the end! Yes, we don't know what we have until we lose it. May we ever be thankful for ordinary days.

  16. Great photos catching the raindrops dripping. Love your herb garden. So true a normal routine day is a blessing when one thinks about those who do not have this and would give anything for it.


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