Sunday, April 07, 2013

April Showers

After a stretch of sunny, warm weather that made Easter feel like summer, the rains have come again. But these are not the cold onslaught of November rains that lashes against the windows and the soul alike. No, these rains are soft spatters, falling gently on the newly planted grass seed, the pots of bulbs, and the trees laden with blossoms. These are the rains that bring the flowers.

These raindrops sit like crystal drops on the frilly ranunculus that I admire from my breakfast table. Pink delights.

Just as I type this rhapsody to gentle rain, I hear a noise and look outside to see heavy drops of rain slanting down. Sigh. All this rain makes me tired. I need a nap.

Linking to Mosaic Monday, hosted by Mary of the Little Red House.


  1. Yes, we have just had rain that will not cease for the last couple days. A nap does sound good...

  2. Ranunculus flowers are stunning. A couple of days ago, I gave a yellow one to a friend and a white one to myself! The pink is beautiful, Lorrie, and I also like the arrangement of items on your table. Did you paint the birdhouse yourself?

    Enjoy your nap.


  3. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Beautiful! Lovely mosaic photos for MM ~ ^_^

  4. I agree - it has been pouring huge buckets of rain on us today - it was running off the neighbor's roof in sheets - I'd never seen it before. I think I'll have a cup of tea and a nap. Lovely flower photos.

  5. It is nice to have a nap while its raining --- so cozy! Lovely mosaic! Hope you have a great week!

  6. Rain has a soothing sound that does induce sleep. I like the birdhouse - did you paint it Lorrie?

  7. Thank you so much for the lovely surprise of your card in my mailbox -- such an unexpected solace.

  8. It looks and sounds like a lovely rain, Lorrie. You'll have lots of blooms popping from it. I like your photos, especially the ranunculus. Very pretty.

  9. Ranunculus are such pretty flowers, Lorrie! I love their colors. I also like your pretty birdhouse.

    We are in need a much rain here as we have a drought in our state. We will be getting snow on Tuesday so hopefully that will help a little. I'd prefer rain but I guess snow will do! :)

  10. What a funny day it was! I curled up too.

  11. I love the sound of rain, especially when there is a distant storm. Lovely photos of your refreshed plants. Take care. Chel x

  12. Beautiful ranunculus -- great color. Rain refreshes everything. Love the birdhouse. Happy Day!

  13. I have never grown ranunculus, but I am inspired by your photos.

  14. I love to nap while it's raining. It feels so cozy. I've never grown ranunculus but I think I would like to. There are so many pretty colors. Love your mosaic.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Yes, this is a problem with the April always need a nap. Happy Monday to you!!

  17. I love your tablescape - and I do prefer the gentle showers of April over the cold biting rains in November. Lovely photos, and I hope your nap was nice (it must be the gentle pitter pat of the raindrops)

  18. Nothing like falling asleep to the patter of rain...

  19. April and showers...they go together! Your frilly ranunculus look lovely...especially beaded with raindrops.

  20. Hello Lorrie,

    Rain here in T.O. as well. I have seen crocuses blooming already. Need to take some shots next time I go for a walk...
    Love your photos, tulips, ranunculus...and is that other red and green plant a hen and chick?


  21. Raining that soft sort of Spring rain here today. I love it! It brings us green grass and beautiful blooms. ranuculus are one of my favorite Spring flowers. I usually plant them every year. Just an annual here. Didn't get any this year and I am missing them. Your pink ones are so pretty!

  22. Very lovely Lorrie, and I so look forward to some Spring rains...due in this evening and tomorrow. I think the fragrance of Spring rains are so much more sweeter than the November rains too. Have a happy day~


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