Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April Days

First up, breakfast is NOT my favourite meal of the day. I eat it because I have to. I don't enjoy many traditional breakfast foods - oatmeal yech, cereal doesn't stick, eggs once in awhile. Tomato juice and cheese is good. Or leftover pizza.

I drink a glass of water when I come downstairs, then after my husband goes to work and before I leave (or stay), I eat something. My latest breakfast kick is an Apple Almond Smoothie. One apple, cored, peel intact, a couple of heaping tablespoons of yogurt, a sprinkle of cinnamon, a handful of sliced almonds, a sploosh of milk and a dash of vanilla all whirled together in my ancient blender. The result: creamy, a bit chewy, lightly spiced goodness that takes me through the morning.

Along our evening walking path is a neglected and abandoned lilac bush. On Monday night I was surprised to see the lilacs just beginning to bloom. How I love their scent. Tim cut a few boughs for me to plop into a vase.

Can you see the tablerunner? I've been waiting since Christmas to show it to you. A friend made it for me. Lilac print fabric along with black. How pretty it is. And how complementary to the lilacs. Thank you, Karen.

Last, but certainly not least, today is my father's 79th birthday. A man of strong faith. A harder working man I've never met. He spends his retirement days doing work at my brother's church - painting, fixing, repairing, renovating, and helps others out as well. He gardens and golfs, and loves my mother, their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Here he is at Easter, reading Go, Dog, Go to Little Miss A. Happiest of Birthdays to you, dearest Dad. I love you.


  1. Like you, Lorrie, I'm not a big breakfast eater. I don't care for very milky things and prefer toast and honey, or fruit.
    Happy birthday to your Dad.

  2. Love the lilac runner, and it's so nice to see the lilacs blooming...can't wait to see some around here.

  3. I am not big on breakfast either, but make myself eat something. Pretty table runner and happy birthday to your papa. Mine turned 81 this month . . . I guess he would be your Uncle Ray by marriage, wouldn't he?

  4. I have a weird breakfast thing going too. I love breakfast foods like cereal and pancakes for dinner. But for my breakfast meal, I prefer a meal like spaghetti or even steak (mostly foods that we would regard as dinner foods.)

  5. Happy birthday to your dad!

    From someone else who loves smoothies (and pizza) for breakfast!

    Gracious Hospitality

  6. This just goes to prove that one never knows all about anyone. If I were taking a quiz about you, I'd have flunked the "does she like breakfast" question. ☺ I eat a piece of peanut butter toast with a small glass of milk week in and week out. Hope that your dad has a wonderful birthday! That's a sweet photo.

  7. That is an interesting smoothie. I've just started making them. Got me a brand new blender to do it too. Love the lilacs and the runner (do show more of it please). Pretty colours of springtime. I hope your father has a very special day. Enjoy! Pamela

  8. I wouldn't have thought to put an apple into a smoothie, but it sure does sound good. I'm going to have to try it.
    The lilacs are so pretty. I wish I could scratch n' sniff your photo. They don't grow very well here and I do miss that heavenly scent. The runner is beautiful and looks great with the lilacs.
    Happy Birthday to your dear Dad. The photo is precious!

  9. Ah, I could eat breakfast at all meal times... especially omelets.

    A big Happy Birthday to your Dad!

  10. What a lovely post - the flowers are so real looking I can almost smell them, and great photo fo your dad reading. Happy family memories.

  11. Happy Birthday to your father!

    I hope our lilac bush blooms soon - it's small, but I sure love it.


  12. Happy birthday to your dad!!
    and that photo is really heart warming to see.

  13. Your father looks like a wonderful man for his age and right at home in the chair you treasure reading to his great granddaughter. He's a lucky man !

  14. I can just catch the scent of those lilacs. We can't grow them down here and they were my favorite when we lived up north. In fact as a child I had my own lilac bush!

  15. I could quite do well without breakfast and just wait until lunch, but your smoothie sounds just right instead of a coffee! Happy birthday to your Dad, sounds a busy man! Take care. Chel x

  16. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Happy Birthday to your Dad! Your lilacs are in bloom? I haven't seen any signs "down here" yet, perhaps this bout of sunshine were having will coax them!

  17. Sending birthday greetings and a prayer for a great day for your Father!

  18. Wishing your Father a Happy Birthday!

    Those lilacs are so lovely.


  19. Hope your dad was well-celebrated! I see your lilacs are ahead of ours. Lovely...and I'm almost catching a whiff!

  20. From Karen S. Somehow your smoothie photo gave me the impression it tastes a bit like chai tea. That sounds good! Our lilacs are a ways from blooming.

  21. Chocolate Cake for Breakfast! OR Apple Pie! My personal favorites.

  22. So blessed to have such a great Father.

  23. Hi Laurie...I am back in the blogger world again :) and I often do a smoothie for breakfast. i will have to give your recipe a try, it sounds yummy! It was good to see Darlene and Neil a few weeks back. They came out to our place to see Melissa's horse and where they hope to build a house eventually. (which will make us neighbours!) Have a great week! loved the tulips from your latest post as well.


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