Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Drawing Blind

In my art journal today, I drew this hydrangea blossom without looking at the paper. It went really fast because once I started I kept my pencil moving and didn't think too much. It's crooked and weird, but oddly whimsical. Believe me, adding colour improved it a whole lot!

It was fun to do, and I learned something about being in control. Letting go is difficult, but liberating, and even fun. It's all in my attitude. Now to apply that to other areas of my life!
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  1. I remember doing that in art class in high school and finding it hard even then to let go of the control! I should give it a try again! Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. What a fun exercise. I remember doing that in art class years ago.

    I can see you are going to have a wonderful art journal -- a journey of your summer of fun!

  3. Sadly, mine would look worse with my eyes open!

  4. I remember doing that in art class too - and the teacher roaming the room, ready to snatch the pencil out of our hands if we peeked. Yours turned out WAY better than any of mine did. They never looked like anything recognizable!

  5. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Thanks for your comment on little lovelies! I wish we never had to clean our crafty spaces, too. You'll see there are more recipes coming! And my space is still an awful mess!

  6. That turned out really well!

  7. I love it, this is such a great exercise.

  8. Anonymous10:28 PM

    That is pretty darn amazing if you didn't look at the paper! Hey, I'm impressed.



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