Saturday, July 25, 2009

Ways with Flowers

One thing I love about summertime is the luxury of having fresh flowers from my very own yard to cut and arrange. I spent a happy hour or two this week arranging flowers for several rooms in preparation for a visit from my cousin and her family.

I don't know why this photo insists on being off to the side, but it's stubborn and I can't move so... It's not the greatest photo but I took it because it illustrates my point of this post. You can see that the flowers are in a glass jar which is smaller than the vase itself. I found this round vase at Michael's and put the flower filled jar inside, held the jar firmly in the center, and inserted seashells all around it. In the past I've used paper items - music paper or whatever. Being separated from the jar with the flowers means that nothing else gets wet.

This wicker basket is also filled with jars, which in turn are filled with water and beautiful hydrangeas. Combining water with "un-waterproof" items is a fun way to add texture to flower arrangements.
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  1. Isn't summer great? Fresh flowers are such a fantastic bonus.

  2. Wonderful fresh flower arrangements. Your cousin will be impressed with all the beauty brought inside to enjoy. I really like that first vase a lot.

  3. Lorrie, I loved your photos. What great ideas -- especially the one to set the 'water' vase inside a larger one and fill the outside one with seashells or whatever else.

    Your guests will feel pampered as they see your lovely arrangements all over your home.


  4. Lorrie, you have so many talents! I do love the color combination of these floral designs! I can't wait for my hydrangea to bloom--been here two years, NO BLOOMS. Do you mind sharing the variety of the one pictured here and give me some insight on their care? I plan on adding additional ones in the yard when it is time to plant again. Thanks for sharing...enjoy your cousin's visit!

  5. Your own fresh flowers and your arrangements are a true gift. How exciting to be part of the summer magic!
    Thank you Lorrie for your kind birthday wish!


  6. I am allergic to alot of different flowers, so I must enjoy them outdoors :-)

  7. Such a great idea about the smaller jar inside the vase and adding things in between! Love to get ideas like that ... ones you can really use.

    :) Christi


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