Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hot, Hotter, Hottest

Western Canada is undergoing a heat wave! I'm loving it - until about 10:30 pm when it's time for bed. Heat like this is so rare in Victoria that practically no one has air conditioning. We do have a fan in our bedroom, but last night, even that air felt warm.
Meanwhile, during the days I'll enjoy the flowers in the yard and the fact that I can just about SEE my garden grow - the tomatoes, cucumbers, and zucchini are soaking up this lovely warmth.

Evening shadows on my potting bench. A birdhouse constructed by my son, painted by me years ago, some driftwood from the beach and a heart-shaped rock found in my garden.
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  1. It sure is HOT out here...enough !!!....after 75 I wilt.

  2. Enjoy your heat wave!

  3. Hi Lori,

    We both have heat on our minds. Think cool thoughts-hehe.

    The bag you made is just lovely. I would love to give it a try.

    Happy belated anniversary. 32 years- God really blessed the two of you.


  4. Was just reading about 115 degree temps from Barb's blog-The French Element...guess you both had the same thoughts today! East TN is getting plenty of rain which I'd much rather have than those extreme high temps! You do have a lovely garden and I am glad that it is doing so well!

  5. Hi Lorrie...

    Love the tutorial on your bag...I, like you have an abundance of fabric...and should use it for things like this project!

    You are having unusually warm weather there...enjoy it...I can already sense fall is in the air...the days are definitely getting shorter. We are heading out to Savona mid-August. The weather should still be pretty nice in BC.

    Have a great week!
    Hugs, Nancy

  6. Enjoy the heat Lorrie!
    Your heart shaped rock is great!!!


  7. I am glad that you are enjoying this rare heat wave for you! We have had lovely temps in the 60's at night just about all summer {one heat wave week in the mid to upper 90's with humidity = use air conditioning}. This is a rare summer for us also but one that is more tolerable for us here in Chicago.
    Love your photo scape that you put toghether!
    I am off to see your post on the "Summery Bag" :)


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