Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Goodbye 2009

Quite frankly, I'll be glad to see the back of 2009. I made a list of the positive and negative aspects of the year in my journal yesterday and the negatives are big ones. Our extended family has been plagued by marriage problems, cancer, other health issues and disappointments. My husband's job loss in May sent us reeling and we continue to come to grips with the whole issue.

On the other hand, we have much for which to give thanks - a wonderful family, children who love the Lord and have purpose in life, each other's love, God's grace, health and much more. It takes effort to focus on the positives at times.

A year is really an artificial division of time, and yet the turning of a calendar page seems to bring with it new hope and a sense of anticipation about the future. Looking ahead can be frightening or exciting. I choose to look towards the light, placing my hope and trust in a God who loves me even when I don't feel his love or sense his presence. I will trust because to abandon my trust and give into despair is a thought too terrifying to consider.

On another blog today I read this quotation that I leave with you - a hope and a wish for 2010

"May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art - write or draw or build or sing as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself." (Neil Gaiman)

(edited to add: Yes, that is my husband looking off into the distance like an intrepid explorer. This photo was taken a couple of years ago, between Christmas and New Year's, at East Sooke Park, one of our favourite places to hike.)
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  1. Karen S.7:47 PM

    What an evocative photo--is that Tim looking into the future? I pray you and Tim will relish peace and richness in each day, and keep looking ahead with anticipation to tomorrow.

  2. What a beautiful quote! Like you, I am happy to see 2009 ending, and am praying for, and working toward a better year in 2010! My year (and the one before as well) was mostly taken up with helping my Mama care for my dad as his illness progressed, and then he finally went to heaven in September. I don't make resolutions, but this year (2010) my motto is 'live joyfully', and I intend to try to follow that through. Many blessings for the new year, Becky G.

  3. Dear Lorrie,

    You have definitely brought joy into my life this year.

    All I can say is that I hope this new year brings you joy, hope and happiness and that the dreams you wish come true.

    Thank you for being such a loyal friend.

    (Beautiful arrangement below. Those are the little details that make us realize one can always find beauty in this life if we take the time to seek it out, which you always do.)

    Warmest regards,

  4. That photo! That quote! And all that went in between. Thank you, Lorrie. Our year has been much like yours, but God is taking us through. Thank you for the sweet message and a Happy New Year to you and yours.

  5. Hallo Lorrie,
    I wish all the best for you and your family in 2010.

    Happy new year!
    Agnes D.

  6. I love that quote! I think I'll keep it in my journal.

    I'm glad 2009 is almost over and am looking forward to 2010. I think it's going to be a great year!

    Happy New Year!


  7. What a gorgeous photo - 2009 is a year that I will be glad to be rid of too. It has not been kind to us but I am sure that good things are in store for 2010.

    Happy New Year to you and your family!

  8. Good Morning and Happy New Year Lorrie!!

    I LOVE THAT PICTURE...what a shot!!

    I agree with your philosophy about the New Year. If we would all look to God for our help, wouldn't the world be a better place in which to live?

    I truly wish the best for you and your family this coming year! It seems like when it rains, it pours and it is time for the rain to stop!

    Thanks for sharing!

  9. Wishing you a wonderful 2010. I find this time of year a great time to look back and take stock even if that time has been difficult. Your photos are beautiful. Amazing scenery. We have sunshine today but no mountains to gaze at...I'm not sure my kids will even come down to the river for a walk with me. I'll have to enjoy my own company!

  10. Happy New Year! Happy New Decade!

  11. The great thing about the New Year is the new slate it offers us - the 'who knows' is big....but then we know that because we never could have predicted on Jan 1 2009 that we'd have experienced all that went on over these past 12 months. I hope that the upcoming year offers prayers answered and little more ease of mind!
    I agree with you that one of the lovely things about 09 was meeting one another! Maybe we'll be able to make it happen again.....

  12. Great photo...I though maybe it was the Englishman River when I first saw it.

    Blessings to you in 2010!

  13. Hi Lorrie!

    I had emailed you yesterday to let you know that you are in the swap... I hope it went through. I will be sending out the group info on Monday!

    Thanks so much!!!!
    :) Heather

  14. All the best for the New Year, Lorrie. I hope it's a glorious one for you and all your family. Never give up!!

  15. I agree- I'm not too sorry to see the end of '09. and I'm looking toward a much brighten 2010~
    wishing you much prosperity in all ways. xo natalea

  16. You certainly have had a lot to deal with this last year Lorrie but I know that it is yur faith that is carrying you through.

    My prayer is for breakthrough for you in many of these areas and a job for your dear husband.


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