Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Love

Have you noticed that Christmas is always different? As much as we like to celebrate with the same traditions, sing the same songs, eat the same foods and do the same activities, each year is unique. Children grow. People change. Loved ones pass on. Circumstances alter. And that's the way it should be. Change is part of the universal human experience. Some changes are welcome, others not so much.
Christmas is a season full of high expectations. We want to feel loved and to express love. Some years are easier than others.

I was reading a Victoria magazine from December 1994 and found a quotation by Phyllis Theroux that expresses a way to approach the ever changing nature of years passing. She writes, "Christmas is one holiday I have learned to receive like a gift that varies in size and significance one year to the next."

Receive Christmas, the celebration of Christ's birth, as a gift. What a beautiful thought. I am able to celebrate this season because I have been given the precious gift of life. I want to savour each moment of it, live fully in the present and embrace it, even when life doesn't always go according to my dreams and plans.

"Every good gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, in whom is no darkness or shifting shadow." James
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  1. Hi Lorrie,

    What a lovely post and I love the quotes! The Theroux quote is new to me, but so well put. It's quite true. (I too love Victoria magazine, old and new versions.) Thank you so much for the inspiring post, as always.

    Wishing you and yours a blessed holiday season filled with love and light.

    Tracey xox

  2. Oh my, what a blessing this Advent devotional was. It's especially valuable for senior home care givers! While things can change in a blink of an eye for any of us, it's even more likely for caregivers to have to deal with change on a regular basis. Thank you so much! :)

  3. Great post...and so true. No two Christmas celebrations are the same...but we can receive each one like a gift. And soon it will be but a memory!

  4. That is a really special and helpful insight into how we respond to each Christmas we experience. Thanks very much!

  5. Great minds think alike - I'm posting my Christmas decs too. I know what you mean about every Christmas being just that bit different from the others. I think the traditions we invent sometimes highlight the things that we may not be able to control. It's good to get comfort from those traditions but also reflect on the changes.

  6. Thank you for this one, Lorri. You've expressed so well what I've been thinking about this Christmas. This year will see another family member at the table, but we'll miss my parents who will come in January. This year The Great Dane is no working - an unexpected and sometimes-difficult change, but we've received from that the gift of time together. It's important to embrace the changes and appreciate every moment.

  7. Thank you for sharing that. It's soooo true and a message we all need to hear. Merry Christmas sweet friend!

  8. What a beautiful post Lorrie,
    Yes to change! Yes to receiving the gift and learning how to feel renewed joy.
    This year we have invited the people we know who do not have family to join us for a white elephant exchange and dinner. And have we found some hilarious gifts that will be part of the mix.
    It's so nice to make celebrations beautiful and unique.

    When I wasn't married and I owned a catering business, it was hard. I feel so for my friends that don't have a partner in their life.
    I feel for those who will learn what it is to celebrate this Christmas without a loved one for the first time.
    Hugs to you!!

  9. What a wonderful thought! Yes, each Christmas is different and wonderful in it's own way:>)

  10. This was so timely for me....and a perfect quote.... thoughts are so different this year...ever changing and always for the better, prayerfully...knowing it is indeed about HIM...not every day should be...
    thanks again for this post..

  11. Thanks for letting me know about those broken pictures. They're fixed now (I hope) so come over and see my tree.

  12. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Great post, Lorrie.......


  13. Dear Lorrie! Wishing you the blessings of the season from the cozy cottage to your little beautiful haven. Thank you for all the beautiful glimpses I have had through the windows of your world this year...I pop by often and today I wanted you to know that! Misses Peach reminds you that "Happiness is quality not quantity" so eat a truffle instead of an M&M

  14. No matter how 'samey' Christmas is in one sense every year has to be different in some way as a year on we are surely different ourselves.

    Saw a very interesting programme on V ancouver Island on TV recently. Ray Mears finishing his treck across Canada following in the footsteps of the explorers and setlers. I looked for your house and boat!


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