Thursday, February 18, 2010

Overwhelmed and Utterly Grateful

This is the view from the front yard of our new house. Yep, we made one trip to Parksville, looked at 7 houses, decided on the last one, made an offer, went back and forth on the price a bit, and finally everyone agreed. Moving date is March 25. This is all very exciting and fast! The house is a project - it has very good bones but needs some work (like replacing emerald green carpet.....). All will be done in time, but not before moving in.

In the meantime, I am overwhelmed with my studies. I had hoped to finish 3 courses by the end of March, but it's not likely to happen. My head just won't stay focused on French debate techniques or medieval history or French partitive articles. I don't know why (ha!). So I'm just going to keep working, and hope to finish the two French courses. Even that is optimistic.

So I probably won't be around here too much. Although I do enjoy a little downtime in Bloggerville in the evenings so saying I won't be around might not mean very much at all.
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  1. Lorrie! Partitive articles?? And I live in France and speak French, but....!
    So glad you have found a nice house.

  2. Well, you have been a busy lady. Congratulations on your new house. I can certainly see why you'd be overwhelmed. I hope you will be able to enjoy the rest of your French AND enjoy the move. And, I can certainly wait on your Victoria story until you have time. It is an ongoing project for me, and I hope that I will continue to receive submissions on an ongoing basis.

    Blessings and prayers for you right now,

  3. Ohhhh, Lorrie, what a beautiful view from your new front yard. (Wonder if you could get the neighbors to take down their fence? ;D ) I'm always impressed by those who take language wishes with it. Don't worry about being here or being there, just do what you enjoy and what needs doing. All the best!

  4. OH, what a view !!! Good luck juggling everything - the moving is in little more than a month ! Will be thinking of you often.

  5. Congrats on your new phone, the view is breathtaking.

  6. Oh Lorrie I am delighted for you and your dear hubby to be entering this new adventure in your life! Wishing you many smooth and peaceful days ahead full of tiny VICTORIA moments....

  7. Lorrie,
    So glad you were able to find a house you liked so quickly. Take your time with any remodels - I've always heard you need to live in a place at least three months to get a good feel for it; and where and how you want to arrange things. Best of Luck and have fun with it.
    The view looks absolutely lovely.

  8. Yippee! That was fast, wasn't it?.....but we've always bought our houses quickly and never had regrets. The good thin about needing some work is that you'll have fun putting your stamp on it, and your Dear Husband will have fun renovating for himself!
    I love Parksville, so I'll probably call you for coffee when I'm working out of Nanaimo.

  9. Good morning, Lorrie! So glad I found your lovely blog today! Good luck with your move--your new view looks amazing!

    I'll be back to check in often--have a wonderful day!

  10. Hi Lorrie,
    I'm just catching up with my fave blogs and have discovered that your hubby has a new job & you're on the move.
    Good Luck with everything, stay in touch and keep sharing pix of that fabulous view.

  11. Good luck with everything, house, moving, studies. You are really quite ambitious, aren't you!
    If you ever find the time, do tell me about the mediaeval history you are studying. My favourite study subject too. I did a few courses without ever finishing and my bookshelves are full of text books. For me it's European history, not English. My hero is Charlemagne.

  12. I wish you good luck with everything .
    I'm planning wisit Canada with my two daughters and sister in law on May . Coming to see the places we lived long time ago ,

  13. Congrats on the new house..fab view ...Parksville is such a lovely place..take care..

  14. What a beautiful view Lorrie. I pray that your move will go smoothly and that your new home will be all that you envisionage it to be in the future. Hope we will see some picture of before and after.


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