Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Valentine Tradition and News

My first year of college my mom sent a package with her wonderful sugar cookies, heart-shaped and iced in pink. She does a lovely job of icing cookies - much better than I do.

Heart-shaped sugar cookies are a tradition around here, or chocolate cupcakes with white icing and sprinkled with cinnamon red hots. This year, it was cookies. I use my mom's recipe and it always turns out. The cookie dough is just as good as the baked cookies.

We're going away for the weekend, so I passed the cookies out to our children today - except for one package that I'll drop off at our youngest daughter's house tomorrow.

And I have some WONDERFUL news. My husband, who has been out of work since last May (and started a home renovation business in the meantime) has been offered, and accepted a job back in his field. He is excited about the possibilities, and I'm happy for him.

The only downside is that we will be moving two hours north of Victoria. This will be the first move without any of our children. But they will come to visit and I'm thankful that we won't have a ferry ride between us. My head has been whirling with everything that needs doing all of a sudden. I would like to finish these three courses I'm working on before we move, but that will be around the first of April so I'm really going to have study hard. Then there's the packing. I've begun and have four boxes done.

This weekend was planned as a getaway to a friend's cabin. It's an hour north of us, one hour south of where we'll be living, so on Saturday we're going house hunting. We met with a realtor last week and have a list of 7 homes to visit.

We are thankful to God for his grace and faithfulness during these past months. They have been extremely difficult at times. It's a good feeling to be looking ahead with something a little more concrete.
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  1. That's great news, Lorrie. I'll be thinking of you this weekend.

  2. Hi Lorrie...

    Oh, I am so happy for you and your husband. Despite the work ahead re: moving...a sense of relief and a new beginning will lighten your burden.

    Wishing you the very best!
    Hugs, Nancy

  3. This is wonderful news ! A "new beginning", a new house, this is very exciting !
    I'm very happy for you, though it will require a lot of organisation - but this should not be a problem !

  4. So happy for you. Lots to do, but for a very good purpose. Hope all goes smoothly. xx

  5. Good Morning Lorrie,

    That is wonderful, wonderful, WONDERFUL news!! I am so excited for you that my spirit is jumping with joy. I know it has been a long dry road but the rewards you reap in the end will be worth the journey. Best of luck with the house hunt.

    Those cookies look yummy! One would certainly be welcomed with my coffee this morning.

    Have a happy Valentine's Day weekend. Be safe!

  6. Yummy looking cookies!
    Off on a new adventure but at least you won't be too far from your blog friends.
    take care

  7. Oh, Lorrie, how wonderful!!! I am so happy that things are taking a turn for the better, and things will be easier. Enjoy your getaway, and have fun house hunting! Becky

  8. You are going to be so BUSY! Good luck to you and I hope you don't get overwhelmed - how exciting!!!

  9. Fantastic news! As always, a move is not only exciting, but stressful. Take it slow and easy and have a great getaway this weekend. You need to celebrate!

  10. So very happy on your good news! God bless you in your move.

    Love the cookies! Got to thinking I should start making some.

  11. I am so happy for you! It sounds exciting to me! God is good... all the time.... this will be a blessing in many ways.

  12. What wondeful news - I'm so happy for you!

  13. Lorrie,

    I am so happy about your husband's employment news! You are the second person today that I've heard from with "new job" news!

    It is so easy for me to get down about the condition of things and our times. It seems funny to be so happy about a job for a family I've never met but I guess that's part of what the blog world is about. : ) Thank you for sharing your blessings!

    Praising God,

  14. Great news for you. I share in your joy! Have a wonderful weekend...and enjoy the househunting adventure.

  15. Hi again Lorrie - I wonder how your weekend is shaping up? Of course, it's hardly started, whilst ours is well under way...

    Anyway, after your comment yesterday, your magazine has arrived today! I'm so excited, and also amused at a little coincidence which caused a similar Canadian package to arrive for Son 1 in the same delivery. I shall save your envelope to open on Monday, as I do like to wait until I have a little time to savour a new magazine - not much of that at the weekend. Then I shall do a post about it. Thanks again, and hurray for the Canadian postal service!

    I posted yours a while ago now, but time is a blur and I'm not really sure when it should arrive.

  16. Lorrie,

    I am so happy for you and your husband. It sounds like a great opportunity. I hope you find the perfect house to make your own. Happy Valentine's Day. Wish I could bite into one of those pink heart cookies!

    Kindredly, Lynne Laura
    PS: stop by when you get a chance, I used your silk fabric to make a cuff. Thank you pretty.

  17. Wow, Lorrie, what a lot to take in all at once. Thank God for answered prayer in regards to your hubby's job. And a move... what an exciting adventure awaits you as you look for a new place to call home. I am glad you'll not be too far from your precious ones. May God bless you and be with you as you pack up and journey on.


  18. I am so happy for your husband..congrats...what a new adventure you will have..where is the new position?


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