Monday, February 15, 2010

Signs of Spring

We spent the weekend at a friend's cabin overlooking a meadow with a small lake. Although we didn't spend as much time there as we had hoped, due to house hunting, we thoroughly enjoyed it. Friday and Saturday were dismally wet and dreary. Sunday, however, sparkled with light. We took a rather squelchy walk around the property, up into the woods, along the marshy shore. Although the grasses are still brown and the trees bare, tiny signs of spring abound.

Swelling buds on bushes, croaking spring peepers, and the warmth of the sun all point the way to the changing season. Hurrah for spring!
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  1. How lucky you were to see the signs of Spring....Alberta is still covered in snow and will be for a while yet.
    BC is so beautiful.....:-0 Hug

  2. You are indeed blessed. The spring peepers will be months down the line for us. I can almost smell the warmth in your photo there. All the best, Lorrie, as you are looking for your new home. It's one of those sometimes daunting tasks.

  3. Oh, yes, come on Spring! I wonder how much of it I'll see in Scotland? I've posted about your two lovely magazines... Thanks so much.

  4. Spring really does seem to be here,doesn't it? I was amazed today to see the blossoms in town - streets lined with fluffy pink trees.
    It was fun to get together on Friday - I finished two scarves!

  5. You are a bit further ahead than we are here, though the first catkins are appearing, so there is hope yet!
    Re your previous post...wonderful news!

  6. Ici aussi le printemps commence à se faire sentir dans l'atmosphère... les jours rallongent, les oiseaux chantent différemment, la neige commence à fondre et le soleil fait une ré-apparition très attendue !!
    Bonne chance pour trouver une nouvelle maison !

  7. Hurrah for Spring! Any little sign popping up through the soil is encouraging. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend. Thanks for visiting and check back for my giveaway! Have a wonderful week, M.

  8. Lorrie, what beautiful photos. Even here in the deep South we have not seen a sign of spring, yet. It has actually snowed here twice in the past week... unheard of for Alabama. So, you are indeed fortunate. I have been watching the Olympics and thinking of all my Canadian blog friends. I am sure right now you are too busy to think much about that, but the photos of your country have been so magnificent... I am so glad we can see them in HD. Spectacular! I hope one day I will get to your corner of the world.


  9. Hi Lorrie,

    Thanks for stopping by the farmhouse today!I put the double chocolate whammy on those eclairs--oh well!!

    I know you are super busy trying to get ready for the big move. I am praying that all goes well with that and that the new job is better than any that your husband has ever had!

    Have a great day!


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