Friday, February 11, 2011

From the Heart

I like Valentine's Day. Around here it's sweet and understated. I put out my rock hearts - three of them for my three children, each one unique. A bit of lace and a touch of pink finish it off. 

The other day I went through my night table drawer and found a number of Valentines given to me by Tim. And ones that I've given to him. I save them and put them all out the next year. In fact, I have the very first Valentine card he ever gave me, back in college. We don't exchange cards every year but acknowledge the day in a variety of ways.

I like to cook a nice meal for my husband, and eat by candlelight. I might get flowers or I might not. With his current work schedule I'm thinking not, this year. And that's okay. As I've grown older I think I've grown a bit wiser - and lessened my expectations. Love isn't shown by flowers and chocolates, although they are nice, but by coming home every night, sharing dreams and thoughts, and enjoying each other's company. 


  1. Amen.
    Since we'll be alone this evening I'm going to cook our Valentine's dinner tonight - mussels and a crisp baguette and white wine (for me, but not TGD!|).

  2. Great post and I agree with you. Have a wonderful Valentine.

  3. Happy Valentine's Day to you. What a beautiful read.

  4. Lorrie,
    So sweet having all those cards to share with each other.
    I miss having little girls around on Valentine's Day. We used to decorate the house, make special pink meals, and a bake cookies. Oh well, these days are quieter but I'm still with the man I've loved for 34 yrs!
    Happy Valentine's Day to you too.

  5. Yes - the years go by and traditions change. sometimes that's for the best as new traditions are born. I like your collection of heart stones!

  6. Beautiful post!!! Happy Valentine's Day!

  7. That is so sweet, and so well said. Happy Valentine's Day to you and Tim !

  8. I think that eventually cards become inadequate to cover love that has deepened through the years. As long as my DH REMEMBERS it's Valentine's Day, I won't worry about a card. :D xx

  9. Lovely post,like you I've kept all our Valentine cards from the early days.
    After more than 30 years together we don't exchange new ones so often nowadays but do "recycle" the vintage ones.
    Happy Valentines Day.

  10. Sweet...and understated...I like that! Some of my favorite Valentine's celebrations have been those where we stayed home...and enjoyed a homecooked meal and each other's company.

    Happy Valentine's Day.

  11. Pretty display of heart! And a vaca to Mexico? Nice!
    Hugs, Heidi


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