Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mosaic Monday - Warmth and Color

Today, driving home from Victoria, I was struck by the gray tones in the landscape. The contrast between the cool tones of our island home and the warm brightness of Mexico's Yucatan coastline are striking.

We spent a lovely, restful week away. Our biggest decisions involved choosing what to eat from the buffet and which excursions to take. We read, we swam, we snorkeled, we walked. Mostly, we unwound and relaxed. I took some photos, but not oodles of them. No internet nor email distracted us from our vacation.

A thousand different shades of green punctuated with abrupt color make for a landscape that delights the eye. Set against the clarity of the Caribbean ocean simply adds pleasure.

And now, we're home again, back to the same work, the same studies, the same issues that we faced before leaving. But the break did us a world of good and we'll face each task, each problem, with renewed energy. It's good to "vacate" everyday life from time to time.

I encourage you to visit Mary's Little Red House to see more mosaics that are just like taking a mini-vacation! 


  1. Lorrie,
    Thank you ever so much for stopping to say hi.

    Like you said... store bought tulips are a must when we have been inundated by that wet white stuff for months now.

    Your blog post looks like you had a VERY nice get away... thanks for sharing the sun a bit.

    Have a wonderful Valentines day.


  2. It sounds like a fun get-away! Our kids are there right now.

  3. Gorgeous colour! I'm glad you had a break after the very busy time you've had over the past year.

  4. Beautiful photos ,how wonderful to be able to drive to another country,soooo jealous:)

  5. Lorrie your beautiful mosaic brought a much needed ray of Mayan sunshine to grey, rainy Normandy today.
    It took me back to the wonderful times we've spent doing just what you did on vacation there. My favourite beach getaway.
    Merci beaucoup.

  6. Welcome home !! What a beautiful mosaic, could feel the warm ocean breezes as I looked at the pics :) Glad you were able to get away and recharge your batteries.
    It was great seeing Darlene and Neil this week end and honoring Colin's memory at Briercrest. Have a a wonderful day.

  7. thankyou for sharing your sunshine vacation photos with us. It is so wonderful to get away from the pressures of life for a while.
    Thank you also for visiting my blog and for your comment.

  8. Quelles merveilleuses photos pour échapper à la grisaille de février ! Ici l'ambiance est morose au travail : la réforme et les coupes budgétaires dans l'éducation ont des conséquences terribles pour l'année prochaine. On essaie de rester positifs... mais c'est dur. C'est pour ça que ça fait d'autant plus de bien de voir ces jolies couleurs, la mer, ou une fleur d'hibiscus.
    Pour ce qui est de mon blog, il n'y a pas encore grand chose à lire, ce sera pour la semaine prochaine quand je serai en vacances !

  9. what a wonderful mosaic.
    happy valentine!!!
    love regina

  10. Your mosaic filled me with sunshine!
    Happy Valentine's Day.

  11. What a beautiful place to visit. Wonderful mosaic of views.

  12. Hi Lorrie,

    Love your header. Your pics are stunning. It sounds like you had a fantastic getaway.
    Going through previous posts... girl,
    you are one talented lady.

    Happy Valentine's day.

    love you!

  13. It's good to hear that you had such a relaxing week in the sun Lorrie. Both my sisters and their husbands got back from Mexico on Saturday. I'm enjoying seeing their pictures. Your mosaic is beautiful. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  14. Oh my what a beautiful mosaic. Glad you enjoyed your time away. Hope you have a wonderful Valentine with our sweetie.

  15. Such a lovely mosaic!

  16. The best way to take a vacation. Glad you had a good time.

  17. I love the mosaic, its so nice to see your lovely vacation!! *sighs* looking forward to the warmth coming back! Thanks for sharing!


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