Sunday, February 20, 2011

Texture Mosaic


     Beyond capturing places and events, I like to use my camera to record different layers of the world we live in. Color, certainly, and shape, but also texture add so much to our experience of a place or event. Weather-worn stone, soft pink leaves, tough and rustling palm fronds along with rough tree bark are a few of the textures captured on our recent vacation in Mexico. 

     Touching a photograph is not the same as touching an object, but looking at a photograph triggers memories of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. 

     Painter Andrew Wyeth says, "I search for the realness, the real feeling of a subject, all the texture around it ... I always want to see the third dimension of something ... I want to come alive with the object."

     Linking to Mosaic Monday hosted by Mary at the Little Red House.


  1. That's a lovely mosaic, Lorrie. It says something about the contrasts that are so visible in other aspects of life in Mexico.
    I love the Wyeth quote!

  2. Great idea for a mosaic, Lorrie! The textures are awesome!

  3. This is great, not only great shots of textures but those photos framed with sand, water and sky.

  4. Texture is wonderful ... all the contrast .. makes things so much more interesting! And Mother Nature is very good at texture!

  5. How unique! I would like to try to put together a mosaic with this in mind! I love it! ♥

  6. It's wonderful and so creative and I think Wyeth is just right.

  7. Gorgeous items of texture. V

  8. Great being there!

  9. Your mosaic shows such a variety of textures and I enjoyed the quote you paired with it. I hope you enjoyed your venture into your garden yesterday. It would be so good to breath that fresh air, It wasn't as cold as expected here last night thank goodness!

  10. This is absolutely beautiful, I love the contrasts in colour and I feel an urge to touch!

  11. Your textural mosaic is very clever and the sandy background image adds even more depth, well done.

  12. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Great pictures, I love the textures! Seems almost like I can feel them! Love the background of the mosaic!

  13. Very interesting mosaic, Lorrie. I Liked the quote by Wyeth!

  14. Beautiful mosaic. They are all fabulous textures.

  15. Wonderful pictures. I especially like the tree bark. As I look at it, I really want to touch it.

  16. A lovely Monday mosaic, Lorrie. I'd rather be feeling the sand beneath my feet right about now...than the snow which is coming down.

  17. Your mosaic is so pretty....I bet visiting Mexico was amazing...these textures are lovely and perfect on your background :)

  18. Wonderful mosaic - very creative!!

  19. Hi Lorrie. What a great contrast in your pictures. Thanks for sharing some of Mexico with us. :)

  20. lovely mosaic of colors and textures. thanks for sharing.

    by the way, i am your newest follower here. thanks for visiting my mosaic monday entry. have a great day!
    The Park Bench

  21. A beautiful array of shapes and textures! I love the juxtaposition of rough bark next to smooth petals. Love the quotation, too!

  22. I am glad to know that you take time to appreciate such little bits of beauty!

  23. Hello Lorrie,

    Thanks so much for your visit!

    Love this mosaic, these photos are fabulous!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  24. Great contrasts here and pretty too.


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