Friday, February 25, 2011

Winter's Last Gasp and Weekend Visitors

A cool but sunny day beguiled me into working in the yard last Saturday. I cultivated the herb bed, enjoying the smell of oregano, sage, thyme and rosemary - plants hardy to our area. I felt sure that spring was well on its way.

Wednesday morning saw this system roll in. Heavy snow. And the temperatures have plummeted, meaning the snow has hung around. 

I feel I should qualify "plummeted" for those readers not living on the west coast. It's about -7 Celsius (18 degrees Fahrenheit), nothing at all like the deep freeze across the Rockies. But it's cold for here. 

I'm not going to be working in the yard this weekend. But that's just fine by me. Adria is coming to visit - and she's bringing her parents. Sweet baby snuggles are in my weekend plans - what about yours?


  1. Oh my gosh. You're scaring me out of finally pruning the front yard from the Winter. I'm guessing we won't have a snow storm like that, but here in the South (Georgia) we will probably have at least one more freeze before official Spring. We did have 2 snow storms this year, a record.

  2. Oh how precious! I'm chuckling at your comment about Adria coming for a visit and bringing her parents. I have to work hard at saying hello to my son and daughter-in-law when they arrive for a vist because otherwise my attention goes directly to the boys. I vaguely remember this happening to me when I was a new mother. Yes, it's a terrible thing to become invisible. :D

    Have great fun this weekend even if winter did rear up a bit.

  3. Well maybe we can hope that March will soon come in like a lion and then we can get ready for spring.

    I know I'm ready.


  4. Oh Lorrie, I heard your area got hit very hard with snow.. Spring is comin !! Have a lovely visit with your adorable granddaughter.. I'm having the carpets cleaned ..getting ready for a visit in March from my lil bug...yipee havent hugged her since July, but skype everyday..have a great weekend.

  5. Ah...that sounds like the best kind of weekend. Enjoy!

  6. I'm so jealous Lorrie!

  7. We are heading to Dallas in the morning for sweet snuggles with our new one, too! Cheryl

  8. You'll have a cosy weekend then.
    Down here we're planning a big excursion to Mayfair Mall so that TGD can go for a walk. It's too treacherous around the ponds right now.

  9. Adria is certainly worthy of being the centre of attention this weekend, how gorgeous is she?
    Lucky Grandma Lorrie to have this sweet girl to cuddle all weekend.
    I know you'll have the best weekend.

  10. What a sweet picture of your little Adria. Enjoy all the snuggles. I think I am ready for spring weather too,,,,it has been -27 here the past few days. Today is -5 but it is snowing! Enjoy your week end.

  11. Such a wonderful weekend to look forward to. I can only imagine the welcome your sweet granddaughter will have! Enjoy each moment - I know you will...

  12. Most precious and beautiful little baby!!! :)

  13. Oh! She is beautiful and I know you had a wonderful time.
    You have the snow and we have the rain. Cold too but not as cold as you.

  14. Nature does have a way of keeping us guessing! Great images...what a story they tell. I have to say that in my book 18 degrees F is verrry cold! We were all complaining last week when it dropped to the forties and fifties!


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On a Tuesday in February

  Tuesday are when granddaughter Cora comes over. We spend the morning together, then I take her to afternoon pre-school. Today we baked gin...