Tuesday, February 08, 2011

An Old-Fashioned Dessert

On a bookshelf downstairs I have, neatly arranged by the month, stacks of Victoria magazines. I think publication began in 1988 or 89, and continued until 2003, then resumed with a different publisher. I'm not so fond of the newer issues. Rather, I find inspiration in the older pages.

Looking through the issue dated January 1995 I was drawn to a page featuring a beautiful dessert. Here's what the author of the article wrote:

"...the choux-pastry ring is a classic mainstay of New Year's Eve celebrations all over France. This praline-flavored cream and almond confection dates from 1891, when a pastry cook decided to make éclairs that looked like the bicycle wheels that raced by his windows. His shop, it seems, was located on the route of the bicycle race between Paris and Brest, a happenstance that gave this sweet treat its quirky name." 

I made a Paris-Brest recently. For anyone who loves cream puffs (as I do), this version takes it up a notch with crushed almond praline folded into the whipped cream. Mmmm good! 


  1. Lorrie - I have a stack of Victoria magazines as well. They will never leave the house until we downsize I suppose. It's a trip back in time to see the wonderful photos in those magazines. That dessert looks delicious!

  2. A very pretty dessert...and an interesting story behind it!

  3. OOOH that sounds and looks delicious!

  4. Oooh, I love these! Years ago there was a kosher deli/bakery not too far from where I worked, and I often went there for a bagel for lunch. They made these occasionally - usually in the spring - and filled them with the sweetened cream and fresh sliced strawberries. Oh, I can taste it now!!! Thanks for making me drool so early in the day! :o)

  5. dear lorrie,
    oh that sounds very good and delicious.
    have a nice time,

  6. It certainly is a beautiful dessert! It sounds heavenly, too.

  7. Mmmmm, Lorrie,
    Your dessert looks delicious, I love choux pastry with any kind of filling.

  8. OH miam, il a vraiment l'air délicieux ! Je sors de table et je n'ai plus faim du tout, mais il me semble quand même bien tentant !!

  9. Lorrie,
    I also have a collection of Victoria magazines on my book shelves. The earliest that I have goes back to Spring 1988.We have downsized but I cannot part with them.They are inspiring.Your dessert looks oh so good.


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On a Tuesday in February

  Tuesday are when granddaughter Cora comes over. We spend the morning together, then I take her to afternoon pre-school. Today we baked gin...