Friday, February 18, 2011

This and That

It's Friday already. This week has zoomed by and I feel like I haven't accomplished a lot. I've been recovering from vacation :). 

These roses, brought home by my sweetheart on Valentine's Day, have inspired a couple of photo shoots. They are opening beautifully and I have plans for more photos. I do love the flexibility of digital cameras - no need to worry about taking too many photos!

Tonight Myrna and her friend Caroline are coming for dinner. They are in Nanaimo for a sewing retreat. I have great plans for sewing more clothes, but I'm not making a lot of progress on that. I keeping telling myself that "there will be time" and for now, finishing my studies is paramount. When I take a break for creativity these days, I'm looking for fairly quick and easy projects.

Myrna has some dietary challenges. While I'm glad I don't have to worry about dairy-soy-corn-gluten free cooking every day, I think of preparing a menu for her as a fun challenge. 

For dessert I found this recipe for Chocolate and Raspberry Financiers (scroll down through the post to find the recipe). I'm usually confident enough at reading a recipe to not worry about a trial run, but this time, I thought I should. The batter has to sit for awhile, so I made it up yesterday and baked just one this morning. I ate it for breakfast. It was wonderful! Hopefully I'll remember to take a photo or two tonight before serving them properly.

Meanwhile, I'm working on a paper this morning (medieval history) while ignoring the scraping noises created by the workman who is repairing the ceiling after we pulled down some walls.


  1. Gorgeous roses! They make a wonderful collage. Yes, this week went by very quickly...but NOW we are more than half way through February which is good news in Ontario. :)

  2. Your roses took my breath away, they are exquisite.
    I have a favourite watercolour done by a lady from Nanaimo, bought on a trip up the Inside Passage years ago.

  3. What beautiful roses Lorrie, picture perfect actually! Thanks for stopping by, now you've got ,e even ,ore worried about fb etiquette!
    Have a great weekend

  4. That roses mosaic is spectacular! I hope that they last and last and last. I'm going to go check on that recipe right now. Have fun with your guests.

  5. Your roses are so pretty! I love making mosaics but have to look back to last summer to make anything as colourful as your rose mosaic. We're still surrounded by white here.

  6. Beautiful roses, love the colour. Enjoy the company tonight. Take care.

  7. Have a great time with your guests!

  8. Such gorgeous roses what a stunning mosaic you have created with them.
    Hope you and your guests have fun, the financiers sound yummy and after clicking on the link have to say they look yummy too.

  9. Oh those roses! How beautiful. Your vacation looked so lovely and peaceful. I loved your information on the Channel.

    If you are a dog lover please visit my Metis Linens blog as Andrea and I are having a dog themed giveaway.


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On a Tuesday in February

  Tuesday are when granddaughter Cora comes over. We spend the morning together, then I take her to afternoon pre-school. Today we baked gin...