Thursday, February 03, 2011

Saying Thank You - Tutorial

Recently, when I go on a trip, I like to say a personal thank you to the people whose work I appreciate. Waiters, chambermaids, guides, and drivers do much to make a tourist's vacation pleasant, and a pretty card along with a tip adds a personal touch. 

This fast and easy project could, of course, be easily adapted to saying thank you to anyone.

You'll need:

old greeting cards
cardstock printed on both sides
 8 1/2 x 11 designed paper for your printer
stickers or other embellishment
scissors, glue, or doublesided tape

1.  For some cards I used the fronts off old greeting cards. Just trim the front with scissors or a paper cutter.

2.  For others, cut various sizes of printed cardstock. Suggested sizes include 4 x 6 inches, 6 x 6 inches, 5 x 7, or whatever you like. 

3.  Open a Word document and compose lines saying Thank You, Muchas Gracias, Merci Beaucoup, or whatever line of thanks you want. I used a couple of different fonts, 24 point size, with three dashes before and after the words. Leave space between the lines for cutting.

4.  Print the document on printed paper - I used scrapbooking paper cut to size. Cut the lines apart, then trim as needed and apply to the back of the cardstock or card fronts that you prepared with double sided tape or a gluestick. 

5.  Add embellishments. I kept mine very simple, with stickers. Stamping would add great texture. 

And there you have it. Sweet and simple.


  1. What a lovely idea simple and use what you have....enjoy your day..

  2. Such a nice thing to do - our holidays always depend on the hard work of others on site (of course, after the hard work one does to actually earn a holiday!) and I love the personal expression of thanks.

  3. We are going on a cruise in March...thanks for the idea!

  4. Love this sweet, simple and very thoughtful idea and your header is gorgeous.


  5. Very pretty idea Lorrie.
    Thank you is a word easily overlooked nowadays, it seems.

  6. dear lorrie,
    a wonderfull idea......very simple...
    use what you have...that is my way for this year.
    happy weekend ,
    hugs regina

  7. This is a very nice idea and there's nothing nicer than receiving a handwritten note in the mail. I opened one last week that said "Merci" on the front and "That's French for Muchas Gracias" on the inside...very cute!

  8. What a thoughtful way to show a special person that their service or help has been appreciated. Thanks for the tutorial, too.

  9. Lorrie, I love this idea, and I will enjoy making a few small cards to carry in my purse.

  10. Simple and lovely! Great I just need to schedule a card making session.

  11. What a kind and lovely thing to do. There can't be many people who leave a personalised thankyou behind; staff is lucky if they get any kind of thankyou.

  12. I am a big believer in thank you cards and I adore you idea of recycling old cards.

    Love the paper hearts one post below.

  13. Yes I like to do that too when I can.

    Love your header.

  14. I've taken ready-made cards along on trips for leaving notes and tips, so I like your idea of creating them yourself.

    I like card-making and used to do it more. You remind me to let my heart -- and hands -- create a glimpse of heaven for someone who has touched me in some way!


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