Tuesday, August 07, 2012

What I'd Like to be Doing

We've just had a long weekend (BC Day yesterday), but I feel like I need a holiday. I'd love to be sitting outdoors, nibbling a little chocolate (just a square or two), drinking tea and perusing this British magazine I recently purchased. 

Instead, I'm sitting at the computer editing a paper for my husband. (Yes, I know I'm really composing a blog post, but surely I'm allowed a little break.) And I have that mug of tea beside me as I write. The magazine is the carrot dangling at the end of the stick for when I finish the paper, hopefully today.

In my previous post I mentioned the taking down of a tree at our rental home (yes, it's rented as of the 15th of August - houses are not selling in the area, so we decided to take it off the market, rent it, and hopefully sell it in a year or two.) 

The before photo, above, shows how it overshadows the house. The front door is virtually hidden.  

And here's a glimpse of the last bit of tree being cut up. Perhaps in the fall we'll plant a shrub there. I'm thinking a Nandina would look well, and it's deer proof. The lawn is dried out, but will turn green again once the rains begin.

So, back to the editing. How do you reward yourself after completing a task? Or do you? Perhaps I'm alone in this. I hope not.


  1. Good for you! Taking a blog break is good for the soul, I say. Not to mention a magazine and chocolate break. Tee hee! Crafty hugs! --Sandy Leigh at EatWriteDreamStitch

  2. Hello Lorrie,

    I love this magazine, have lots of issues! What a beautiful house!


  3. Rewards? Chocolate!
    Or maybe a chapter of a book. Country Living is my favourite 'while away the time' magazine!

  4. I reward myself all the time. A task complete then I can sit at the computer or go out and about. Glad you were able to rent your house out...

  5. The British Country Living is often a reward I give myself too! One of the prettiest and well written magazines available.

  6. Lorrie, what a magnificent tree however, before the roots damage anything beneath the surface taking it down was a good idea! In this market, renting is perhaps the way to go. We were lucky and sold our place in VA but it was on the market a year. Nice to meet you...:)JP

  7. I eat. Be grateful that you blog. Yes, I can see why the tree needed to go. May you have wonderful renters. We do. Very good ones whom we appreciate very much.

  8. Hi Lorrie,

    Oh my.. it has been sometime since I have visited. Your blog is gorgeous. That was one big tree. Quite a job to take it down.
    Thank you for reading my story. Writing it brought back all kinds of emotions.
    Take care dear one.


  9. I subscribe to UK Country Living, it brings so much of my home across the pond - I always wait in anticipation of its monthly arrival - it's a good quality mag.

    I think it's good to reward oneself at times................right now I could eat chocolate too but I don't have any in the house and it's pouring with rain so I'm not venturing out! Instead, just another 1/2 glass of nice Sauvignon Blanc!!!

    Your house..............so much better with the tree gone, curb appeal improved 100% I do love trees but sometimes they outgrow their spot and have to go. How about a trellis on that wall between the windows, a rambling rose or climbing Jasmine would be lovely. Hope you get nice renters who take care of such a pleasant property.

    Hugs - Mary

  10. I've been busy but just enjoyed catching up on your posts. Hope you get to read that magazine!

  11. Removing the tree has made a vast improvement to he appearance of the house, I hope the renters appreciate the results. I always bring back Country Living after a trip back home, have you ever seen BBC Homes & Antiques magazine? Another favourite which I now have on my iPad!

  12. What a coincidence! I love the Sea Salt Lindt chocolate too. Impossible to have a bad morning wit such a companion. You should try the Chili variety too. But in any case, coffee fits chocolate much much better than tea. No need to be that British :-)

  13. Hope you finished the work for your husband and got time to sit and enjoy your magazine and chocolate? Your house looks pretty and will be so much lighter now that tree has gone though it is always strange at first when a tree is felled. How brown your grass is - would you like some of our rain everything here is Green with a capital G!!

  14. A similar magazine, chocolate, a single cup of coffee, a chapter of my current book, a call to a friend - I can think of many rewards I like to give myself!

  15. A reward at the end of the task is always a good thing. Unfortunately I tend to 'jump the gun'...and hop to the reward before I should! Your reward looks perfect.

  16. Promising myself a reward is the only way to persuade myself to do anything these days. A bit of chocolate usually works. What I need to do is train myself to go for a walk instead of sitting over a cup of tea and the computer, how much more sensible that would be.

    I always hate to cut down trees, but when big trees have been planted too close to a house that has to be, I suppose. Will a Nandina survive your winter climate? I have several but they take many years to grow to any decent size in my garden and I've lost one to a severe winter.

  17. Like, Judy, too often my reward comes first! I am a terrible procrastinator at times and can't get motivated. Once I feel pressure, however, I usually complete the task at hand very well. I always promise myself that I'll change but I always seems to slide back to the same habits.

    That was a very big tree and now your rental house looks bigger and brighter. I will soon have to learn what shrubs and flowers deers do not eat :)

  18. Just last night I finished off the last nibble of the same chocolate bar. Mmmmmm!

  19. I see we share the same taste in chocolate! Yum, I love that sea salt one!
    That's a good start to a reward for a job well done.

    I like being able to curl up in bed early in the evening to settle in with a magazine or good book, or the opportunity to scribble a few thoughts in my day journal.

  20. Aw... you couldn't just give the tree a good pruning?
    That's just me... sad to see a tree go that I dont' even know...=)
    I like to reward myself with time on the computer or a good magazine...
    but often get it flipped around.


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  A quick post from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico where the sun shines most of the day and the temperature is pleasant, but not hot.  Sunset over ...