Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Bedroom Curtains

Because the light comes in from two sides, it was hard to get a good picture of the bedroom curtains. This early morning one seems to be the best, although it looks very cool. Be that as it may, I'm happy to have the project done, and happy with the results. Since we never turn on our bedroom heat I decided to make the curtains full length in spite of the baseboard heater. Artwork and some other arranging needs to be done before I show you the entire room. Recovering that chair is also on the list.

The walls are a pale blue and the curtains have various shades of blues, grays and creams in an ikat pattern. These are my favourite colours. Cool and soothing. Calm. I add warm colours and brights in small doses.

A couple of free grandbaby photos to finish the post. Little Miss A is happy to be outside in the yard, squelching as she runs on the soggy grass. She's talking up a storm and narrates her own play in a way that I love to hear. Yes, those are stickers on her hand, her nose and her forehead. She decided where to place them.

Little Miss S is growing up, sitting and playing for long stretches of time. Two little white teeth have appeared. She's showing no desire to crawl, but loves "walking" with assistance. I've read that with the emphasis on back sleeping, fewer babies crawl than they once did.

And now, on with my day. My first class today will be challenging. The class is viewing "The Question of God" - a video series highlighting the opposing viewpoints of Sigmund Freud and C. S. Lewis. I'm to lead a discussion on one episode, which I have not seen, but have read the transcript. Should be interesting. This will be followed by three English classes, two studying "The Chrysalids" and the other "All Quiet on the Western Front." Both novels I enjoy. 

I'll catch up with you all later. Hope your day is filled with wonderful moments.


  1. You sound very busy...

    Love the curtains, did you purchase them, or make them yourself?

    The kiddies are so cute!


  2. yup you sound so busy...
    the kids are so sweet..
    big hugs x

  3. A challenging class discussion to lead...I'm sure. Let us know how it went! I remember The Chrysalids...from my English class of long ago.

    Your bedroom curtains look lovely!

  4. Such cute grandgirlies who both look like their mommies. Since one of those mommies looks like you... I love it when grands look like a grandparent. My youngest grand looks like his maternal grandfather. My sister looks like our maternal grandmother, which is quite fun when looking at the old pictures.

    The curtains are lovely. I really like the fabric. Since you have the window open at night, I guess it would be wise not to heat all outdoors. This all reminds me that last night I dreamed that we had run out of oil...not too likely as it was just delivered. Phew! I don't have to worry about that. Some dreams seem so real.

    The day's agenda sounds really intriguing...

  5. What beautiful fabric Lorrie. You must be so pleased with them. I think that you have made them yourself? (And probably done the hems properly too!)

  6. I love the pattern on the curtains and you are so lucky to have windows on both sides. Your little ones look so cute! I hope your class today went well. Chel x

  7. I love your new bedroom drapes Lorrie. The are beautiful. Your little granddaughters are so sweet. And look at all the hair on Miss S! They both look to be about the same age as my grandsons. I hadn't heard that about back sleepers. I know our E. dislikes being on his tummy and shows no signs of crawling if he is. He's just sitting up nicely now at 6 months. Our older E loves sticker too and you can find them anywhere on his clothes or arms. So precious aren't they?

  8. Nice work on the curtains, Lorrie. And such adorable grand-kidlets you have.

  9. As I've said before - your grandgirlies are so adorable! That Little Miss A always makes such a great colorful fashion statement - love her clothes!


  10. Ooops, the curtains - almost forgot. That has to be one of the loveliest ikats I've seen, such a great choice Lorrie - you did a superb job on them.

    Hugs - Mary

  11. Sounds like a fascinating class -- how cool for high-school students to get to think through those big questions.
    Cute little girls -- so obviously full personalities in those tiny faces.

  12. I love the curtains - and the grandbabies - so sweet.

  13. You have some great skills from drapes to discussion on interesting topics! Those grands' faces are too cute!!


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