Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Crossing the Strait

Sunday morning. Blue skies, bluer water. The ferry glides through the water. In Active Pass we meet a sister-ferry headed for the Island. 

Pristine white deck railings. Forested chunks of rock jut upwards from the sea.

Gulls wheel overhead, flying into the wind, holding themselves almost motionless against the sky. 

On Monday we gathered to celebrate a crossing of a different kind. Once 10 siblings posed for photos, stair-stepping in age from my mother, the eldest, to my uncle, the youngest. Now they are 7. Seven red roses for the surviving siblings, two yellow roses for sisters who crossed ahead, and one white rose for my Auntie Clara. We grieve, but not without hope.

While walking and waiting for the ferry on the return trip, this bit of moss caught my eye. Life springs up. It's irrepressible. Precious. 
Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there, 
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me, 
your right hand will hold me fast.
Psalm 139: 7-10 


  1. I'm sorry for the loss of your aunt, Lorrie. What a sweet bouquet of tribute to the family. I've not seen that idea before. The ferry crossing with the blue water and sky looks so beautiful. A very lovely post. Blessings to you.

  2. I am so sorry for the loss of your aunt...
    Such a sweet tribute to the family...sending you big hugs xx

  3. The passing of a generation is so visible in the family. Yesterday I lost another aunt. She is in Cape Breton, too far for me to go for the celebration of life, so I will think of here, on this island.
    The bouquet is makes a beautiful remembrance.

  4. Your bouquet is beautiful, and says everything.

  5. I'm sorry, too, for your loss. The arrangement is a beautiful way of honor each of the siblings.

    My grandma was the oldest of nine. The youngest sister, only three years older than my mom (her niece) is the last of the siblings. Its hard as the generations of a family go. Not all of them have been believers, so that is hard as well.

    Your photos are beautiful.

  6. I am sorry to hear about your Aunt. This post was a lovely tribute to her and her siblings. You are a sweetie.

  7. Life does spring up in unexpected places.... Such a nice tribute to your loved ones.

  8. A sad loss Lorrie, but lovely you were all there to say goodbye.
    We seem to be losing people too, family members and several aging friends have passed away - it really makes one sit back and realize this will not go away, and in fact will become even more prevalent as we too age. So, we must make each day count, go forth on ships, planes, even our cars, seeing the beauty of the world whenever possible, while we are able. We're planning to visit Ireland this year - roughing it somewhat with one bag each (famous last words!). Nobody there now to visit whom we have to look all spiffy for! Bob hopes to learn more about his paternal grandparents who came from County Kerry.

    Blessings to you and the remaining members of your families.
    Hugs, Mary

  9. Sorry to hear of your Aunt's passing, Lorrie. How lovely that the flower arrangement included thoughts of all Clara's siblings. Your photo of the seagull is outstanding. I love to go outside on the ferry and years ago when I taught in Vancouver I can remember just trying to find a seat and opening up a book to read. Now standing by the railing on the fresh air is my favourite part of the trip.

  10. The bouquet is a lovely idea. I love the picture of the moss and your comment on it. The scripture portion you quoted is so powerful and sums it all up nicely!

  11. The loss of a loved one, is always sad, be it family or friend, or even a neighbour you don't really know but see from time to time. I really loved the floral bouquet with different colour roses for the loved ones.
    Such a lovely tribute for your family.

  12. Dear Lorrie,
    my thoughts and prayes are with you. So sad about your loss.
    I love your photographs, they are just so lovely. Gosh, the last time I was on Vancouver Island was before my younger daughter was born which is 15 years ago. I think it is time to visit it again.
    Many hugs,
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  13. Sorry to hear about your aunt while rejoicing in our Hope. Beautiful, meaningful flowers.

  14. Such lovely sentiment in the bouquet of flowers.

  15. The lovely flowers tell a story in a very unique way and the post honors your family. I find the title especially touching. I am sorry for your family's sadness and loss.

  16. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Sorry for your earthly loss. Love the bouquet and its meaning. So glad for our hope.

  17. Lorrie- What a beautiful place you live in and I love the story behind the flowers. You are so right- We grieve but we are not without hope. God bless you! Trying to get a few blog visits in tonight while hubby is feeling good. xo Diana

  18. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Lorrie, what a beautiful and sad post. What a lovely memorial for your family.

  19. Sending a virtual hug for the loss of your aunt. What a beautiful bouquet and the verse at the end.

  20. So sorry to hear of your Auntie Clara. I too like the flower arrangement with the different coloured roses for the various siblings. Take care,

  21. Sorry for the loss of your aunt Lorrie. I like the story the roses in the bouquet tell.

  22. What a beautiful bouquet to honor all the siblings. "Crossing the Strait" -- beautiful, and even more beautiful for your dear aunt. I've said it before, but wow, you live in a beautiful place! Love the photo of the moss, too.

  23. My sincere sympathies on the passing of your aunt for the family will miss her. The bouquet is so meaningful and brought that quick sting to the eye that a sudden understanding often does. May it be a tender grieving filled with all hope as you say. The metaphors here are created by a writer's heart and do not go unappreciated.

  24. What a beautiful way to remember a loved one. It is difficult to have them taken from us, but as you said, not without hope do we grieve. The scripture is one of my favorites. Such a blessed truth.

  25. The flower arrangement to honor your aunt is so beautifully symbolic...a precious gesture of love. Please accept my sympathies for your family. How blessed are we who "grieve, but not without hope." Oh, how blessed!

  26. Lorrie, I am sorry to hear that you lost your Aunt, the symbolism of those beautiful flowers was very moving. The majestic scenery and the Psalm express the solemn grandeur of life and loss and hope. Thank goodness we have the latter!

  27. Please accept my sympathy on your loss, Lorrie? It was a lovely floral bouquet with lots of symbolism...well done. May you be surrounded by His Peace & comforted by His love.


  28. Anonymous5:04 AM

    I am sorry to hear about your loss but am impressed with the lovely flower arrangement and the story behind it. Peace.

  29. What a lovely arrangement Lorrie and sorry to hear of your loss. You had a nice day for your trip over though, beautiful photos.

  30. Lorrie...this is such a beautiful, heartfelt post. I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your Aunt Clara. I had an Aunt Clara too, my mom's sister, and she lived to be 103! The flower arrangement was just so perfect and significant. I think your precious aunt would have loved this beautiful memorial to her. And the last photo, the moss...and what you said..."life springs up"...absolutely.

  31. Sorry for the loss of your Aunt. - What a lovely remembrace bouquet. - The ferry ride looked really lovely.

  32. So nicely memory of memory of your aunt. So sorry for your loss...but so thankful there is hope!

  33. So very sorry to hear about your Aunt. My sincerest condolences to you and your family. xx

  34. My condolences to you and your family, Lorrie.

  35. What a wonderful assurance we have Lorrie--we are definitely blessed to have the hope we do! May God be with all of your family at this time.
    Your photos were beautiful! You truly live in a most wonderful place:)
    Blessings, Aimee

  36. Hello Lorrie, I am so sorry to hear about your Aunt. Sending my prayers to you and your family. Lovely images. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  37. Sad Lorrie when our parents siblings are dwindling away.
    My mother was one of seven girls and one boy - only the youngest remains and she is 97.
    Nobody left from my fathers family of nine siblings.

    Do you enjoy your trips on the ferry back and forth - what is the distance?

  38. Lorrie,
    Please let your Mom, know my thoughts and prayers are with all the family, on the passing of Clara.
    It is never easy to say goodbye to those we love, this side of heaven, but we take comfort in the hope we have.
    Thank you for sharing the picture of the lovely flowers. They are another thoughtful, stair stepping picture of Clara and her siblings.
    God bless you all.

  39. Lorrie,
    Please let your Mom, know my thoughts and prayers are with all the family, on the passing of Clara.
    It is never easy to say goodbye to those we love, this side of heaven, but we take comfort in the hope we have.
    Thank you for sharing the picture of the lovely flowers. They are another thoughtful, stair stepping picture of Clara and her siblings.
    God bless you all.

  40. Hi Lorrie, I send you my condolences and a hug. x


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