Friday, January 29, 2016

Five on Friday

Is it really Friday again? The weeks are flying by so very quickly. Are you noticing the slightly longer days? Those short moments are easier to notice on the sunny days than the rainy ones, of which we've had plenty lately.

I ventured out between the raindrops yesterday for a fast tour of the garden. Oh, the ridiculousness of January! Snowdrops, of course, but also hyacinths and crocuses. Those sharply pointed leaves made me smile! They don't respond to the calendar, just to the mild temperatures.

Even the chives are making an appearance, thrusting up fresh growth from the brown leftovers of autumn. I'm thinking they would taste just fine snipped into a salad over the weekend.

Hellebores droop gracefully, half-turned upwards to the light. Such pretty, creamy blossoms to brighten winter.
Thank you for all the thoughtful comments on my last post. I do so enjoy this blogging community.

Last summer, while out on the boat, I thought I might want to do a bit of handwork, so I packed a few balls of cotton yarn, a crochet hook, and a pattern. These washcloths/dishcloths were the result. They've been sitting on a shelf in my sewing room, just looking pretty. The sherbet colours caught my eye yesterday and I thought they deserved a photograph.

So there you have them, my five thoughts for this Friday's link up party at Amy's.  


  1. Anonymous9:20 AM

    your garden is looking so very promising. I need to step outside and see how my passion rose is coming along. Those sherbet colors are very happy colors! I'm looking out right now for a bit of a slow down in the rain so we can take our walk!

  2. Your garden is looking so lovely
    Enjoy your weekend dear x

  3. I am so ready to see bulbs poking out of the earth too but will have to wait until sometime in April. The cloths you crocheted are colourful, would even make a nice hostess gift.

  4. What joy to find the first signs of Sping Lorrie!
    Snowdrops always make me smile with their white nodding heads - one only needs a little clump to lift the spirits!
    We are lucky we can enjoy salads all year now - when I was young it was very much a summer dish - how the world has changed!
    I've tried to teach myself to crochet but always become unstuck - it's one of life's mysteries for me!

  5. Five lots of lovely, especially the beautiful snowdrops!! Hope you enjoy eating your chives, I must check on ours! Great cloths too! xx

  6. Every morning on my walk with Rory I see a drift of snowdrops surrounding the base of an oak tree. They are a lovely surprise every single morning.

  7. Pretty washcloths! Spring seems coming to our area after our brief bout with winter. Beautiful snow drops! Hope you have a restful weekend.

  8. Beautiful photographs, Lorrie. Love the snowdrops and the washcloths!
    Thank you for your kind comment recently x
    Wishing you a happy weekend.
    Helen xox

  9. Hello Lorrie, I really smiled seeing your photos showing signs of an early spring. Warmer temperatures have melted some of our snow and the sun is shining on the ice. Have a great weekend!

  10. Those wash towels look lovely! Don't you hate it when you make something that pretty and they end up grungy with use! Beautiful photos too.

  11. Oh, lovely indeed! The wash cloths in their sherbety shades. I'm smelling the wonder of those finely chopped chives. And Snowdrops and hellebores already! Promises of spring. And yes I am noticing the days are a little longer now. I love how it does that ... you don't notice, you don't notice, and suddenly you notice.

    Wishing you a beautiful weekend, Lorrie!

  12. Very springlike your way! It's been a snowglobe world here today. I like the image of the stacked dishcloths.

  13. I really like hellebores and each year I swear I'm going to plant some, but never get around to it.

  14. Yes, the mild weather is showing new growth here too. Love seeing what is growing around you. The colors of the wash cloths is like springtime too.

  15. Oh snowdrops are so pretty and delicate. My mother in law used to crochet dishcloths and I just loved them. Yours are so very pretty.

    Have a wonderful, sunny weekend!

  16. The snowdrops are so pretty - I need to plant some! We do have very similar climates, being so close 'as the crow flies'! You have a lovely blog - my first visit > new follower :) - Karen

  17. Your garden is looking so pretty. I'll have to check out whether Hellebores would do well here, they are so pretty!

  18. I almost missed the hellebores in my garden as they look so sad facing the ground. It's January madness out there with the mild temperatures. It looks as though you are almost on a par with us over in the UK with the weather. Have a wonderful weekend xx

  19. Beautiful photos, great to see a few flowers again! :-)

  20. Oh how different two sides of Canada can be when it comes to weather!! We had more snow overnight- not enough for the kids to really play in, but the dog loves flicking it with his nose. I've often wished I lived out on the west coast where spring seems to last longer and come earlier. Maybe I'll retire out where you are and leave the Toronto area behind just for the weather!! have a wonderful weekend!

  21. We are loving the extended daylight, if only a few minutes each day. Nothing is ready to grow in our garden yet, still frozen out there, but lots of dreaming and planning going on.

  22. You have some nice shoots and flowers coming up already! It's always a surprise to see Victorian gardens coming to life in January. Your crocheted dishcloths look so pretty together. I like knitting dishcloths with the cotton too. Feels so nice in the soapy water ;)
    Have a great weekend!

  23. Such a lovely Five, Lorrie, and so nice to see that vigorous, fresh growth! It must be fun to have something pretty growing in the garden all year round. :)
    Enjoy your weekend!

  24. Your garden's winter bouquet is lovely. I love the pastel dishcloths, too. Makes me think of springtime. My best to you, Pat

  25. Your garden's winter bouquet is lovely. I love the pastel dishcloths, too. Makes me think of springtime. My best to you, Pat

  26. Sadly, Lorrie, those dishcloths are too pretty to actually be used! lol Love your winter flowers. I am so anxious for Spring~ xo Diana

  27. I think you must be just a wee bit ahead of us there on the island. My Lenten rose is budding but not open yet. It reminds me of my dad, who passed away in February a number of years ago and begins to bloom around this time. I love those kind of reminders. I'm sorry for you recent loss, and yet rejoice with you in the hope we have.

  28. It is so nice to see snowdrops, the first signs of spring. Lovely pictures x


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Five to Delight on Friday

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