Saturday, January 16, 2016

On a Sunny Saturday

While picking up a few groceries today, bright primulas caught my eye. They are sitting on the dining room table for now, and after they have finished blooming I'll move them outside.

Five Gerbera Daisies also found their way home with me. I lined them up on the kitchen windowsill in a variety of vases. The sun shone today, in between a few showery moments. 

The house doesn't get very untidy with just the two of us living here (although I can really make a mess when I'm sewing). Still, dust collects, papers must be gathered up and the floors cleaned. And don't forget the laundry. I feel very satisfied when things are tidied and put into order. Adding flowers to the mix just ups the satisfaction factor. Is it that way with you, too?

Linking with Sunlit Sunday, hosted by Karen of My Little Home and Garden. 


  1. Anonymous5:42 PM

    You found some lovely sunshine! The flowers are so cheerful!

  2. Flowers always add such comfort to the home. I almost bought a primulas today while grocery shopping. Now I wish I had. Next time. :)Looks like you don't have snow right now. We are in a winter wonderland here. Deb

  3. Sunny & Saturday go so well together. Your flowers look so cheerful. Love the Gerbera Daisies lined up on the windowsill like that. I predict the job of dishwashing will hold more appeal this week.

  4. How cheerful flowers make everything and on the Island, flowers bloom so much earlier. Happy weekend.

  5. Absolutely! I don't have mental peace if the house isn't tidy.
    I often buy flowers in the winter to add a bit of cheer, and it doesn't feel a bit frivolous.

  6. The pink is so fresh and pretty, my friend. Thanks for sharing such loveliness with us.

    Have a blessed Sunday. Hugs!

  7. The flowers are wonderful - I love how they cheer up our homes. We didn't get much of the sunshine today - we had a lot of wind and some rain, though not nearly what they had forecast. During his afternoon walk Don said it was very cold out. I've been doing a little spiffing up too - I shined up some of my teapot collection and edged the shelves of two china cabinets with lace edging - I really like how it looks. I have several open shelved china cabinets and find that the dust collects faster than I wipe it away - always giving me plenty of dusting to catch up on wintry days. I love your daisies - great idea to space them out in little vases.

  8. I love the flowers, Lorrie...beautiful. I need to brighten my place with some bouquets this pretty!

    We are very cold. -20 degrees tomorrow. I know to stay home but I worry so about letting my dogs out---they have to be watched closely.

    Have a wonderful Sunday!

    Jane x

  9. Pretty flowers. I have so much stuff and this is a dusty country so dust bunnies abound. I just ignore them most of the time. :)

  10. Wonderful flower photos, Lorrie! Especially the last image is gorgeous. However, they are the bright and cheerful Primulas that make my heart beat faster. They bring so much light and happiness to these cold and short days.
    Thank you for sharing. Have a lovely and sunlit Sunday!

  11. Primulas are one of the joys of Winter and they look especially lovely in your basket Lorrie!
    During the cold winter days flowers can certainly help lift the spirits.
    We have been sweltering for the last few days - I get into the garden at 7:30am for a couple of hours and then it's too hot!

    Have a happy week and keep warm!

  12. Flowers are a bit of cheer on a gloomy day, perfect for this time of year.

  13. Couldn't agree more flowers most definitely make me smile. At the moment in cases I have tulips and daffodils.

  14. Your flowers are lovely...I'm visiting from Sunlit Sunday!

    Cheryl @ The Creative Me and My McG

  15. Flowers certainly brighten us up in the winter. I love the bright pink Gerbera daisies - one of my favourites. I hope the week ahead has some sunny days for you.

  16. Oh those flowers are just lovely!

  17. The gerbera daisies are so bright and cheery. Saturday is my day to do laundry, clean around but like you our home doesn't get too untidy with just the 2 of us.

  18. Well, I can hardly contain myself. Simple. Pure. Pretty. I picked up a bunch or 3 of daffodils the other day. They have already faded. Those spring flowers in the supermarkets are very hard to resist, aren't they?

  19. Oh flowers are just so lovely x

  20. I would have to agree with you, Lorrie. Flowwers do increase the satisfaction factor, whether they are cut ones or a flowering plant. I like how you separated the gerberas into different vases. Their vibrant colour, and that of the primula, would definitely add cheery notes to your home. As an aside, I really like the print pillow on your sofa!


  21. What fabulous flowers you've bought, so bright. They have such a pleasing effect especially at this time of year. Wishing you a lovely Sunday, Lorrie. xx

  22. Gerberas are one of my favorite flowers. Their color is so rich. Your primulas are pretty, too. You found some wonderful flowers to enjoy. I'm with you, I think flowers add a certain serenity to the home. Happy SunLit Sunday!

  23. After seeing your beautiful post,I think I will treat myself to a small bouquet of flowers. Noticed how green your grass is through the window, white and gray snow here in southern Ontario.

  24. Loving your post Lorrie. It is dreary here in Ky. also. Hubby went to the grocery too and he will bring in some fresh flowers. Nothing to elaborate just something to make us smile when we look at them. Over from Karen's. Enjoy those flowers, I did.

  25. What a lovely way to chase away the winter time blues. How can you not feel cheery with those beautiful bright blooms :)

  26. I love flowers in the house year round but particularly over winter when we're craving colour. Nice idea to split the gerberas up.

  27. Such beautiful flowers!! Your gerberas are especially lovely aren't they. xx

  28. Such pretty flowers! Very Cheery!


  29. It's such a satisfying feeling to have the house clean. That's a gorgeous shade of pink in both groupings of flowers. What a treat to the eye and the soul!

  30. That must be the perfect way to use Gerberas - you are reminding me that I wanted to go to Trader Joe's soon mostly to get some flowers!

  31. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Lorrie, flowers always cheer up any room. Your daisies are such a gorgeous color!

  32. Flowers do add a lot of cheer. Our primroses won't show up until February. Sometimes, I am tempted to purchase carnations just for the fresh smell and living blooms. Today, we are dealing with ice dams so flowers are far off in my thoughts...they sure look delightful at your place!

  33. Yes, especially in winter when nothing is blooming in the garden. Those pink colors are perfect for January!

  34. I love bringing home fresh flowers -- nothing cheerier.

  35. The flowers are such a bright and cheerful pop of color during the dreary month of January. Love the color.

  36. Very bright and cheery! Our house hasn't been tidy and clean at the same time since the last graduation!

  37. Gorgeous in every way!

  38. A great way to brighten Winter months!!...:)JP

  39. Lovely flowers!

    Happy week!

    Madelief x

  40. Flowers brighten the house so much in January! I don't change the furniture around but I change the little "vignettes" that I like to create in the apartment. Two adults don't make a mess but I am constantly culling our possessions. Happy week!

  41. I love the feeling of everything dusted and floors mopped! I received two beautiful bouquets of flowers Dec 31 and enjoyed them for the first tow weeks of January. I realized it was so much easier to move away from twinkly tree lights with fresh flowers to enjoy.

  42. I love tidy too - the fireplace makes a lot of dust here but I don't mind because I love having a roaring fire in the evenings.
    Wow, the news you shared about your travel plans was a lovely surprise - I'm so happy for you to be going there Lorrie.
    Hope you tell us more soon.

    Hugs - Mary

  43. There is nothing like a flower to brighten a mood (well, maybe cake). Lovely photos, Lorrie.

  44. Flowers make our hearts sing don't they? I've always loved the texture of the leaves of the primrose. And how could a person look at a gerbera daisy and not smile?? Your photos are lovely Lorrie. It's so nice to meet you. If you have a moment we'd love to have you come see the magical Christmas village that Marie shares with her town of Picayune Mississippi. We'll have tea and scones and get to know one another!!
    Blessings for a very happy New Year! Edie Marie & Marie Antoinette

  45. Oh yes! When the house is tidy I feel so much better. At the first of the year I go through the house thinning down things. I just finished sorting books on my book shelf, how wonderful it feels. Now on to other parts of the house. Love flowers in the house too. Now I must run off to the market for some primulas. They make my heart just sing and then they go out in the garden too.

  46. Love the vibrant colours of your pretty flowers. I'm also much happier when my place is tidy. I actually prefer cleaning over cooking!


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