Thursday, January 21, 2016

Five on Friday

1. Unrelenting grey drizzle has me longing for meals that warm me through. Chili fits the bill. Do you enjoy avocado with your chili? So yummy. 

2. Our new bathroom light fixtures are installed and I'm pleased with them. They took awhile to arrive - we ordered them from a lighting shop and one arrived with the requested finish and the other without. I think we'll change the bulb wattage - they are very bright.

3. Here's another view of the main bath - finished other than the baseboard. We kept the same basic plan, but replaced all of the fixtures and cabinets. Now to add some colour. 

4. Pink adds a cheery tone. The hostess set is pretty with its painted roses. I have two of these, given to me by my mother-in-law. The label says "made in Japan." Those are the last two cranberry shortbread cookies from my Christmas baking. The tablecloth is a vintage one, also from my mother-in-law's collection.

5. I had fun this week making a variety of pillow covers. These are samples for Home Ec. The students (Grade 8) will learn a bit of sewing - learning the machine and then creating one project. I'll teach them how to do an envelope-style cover and they will be required to do something creative with the front.

These are five things that have been filling my week with delight. Today (Friday) is the last day of the semester. Next week is exams and on February 1 we begin the second semester. 

Linking to Five on Friday, hosted by Amy of Love Makes My Home.  


  1. Yummmm warm soups and stews for these crazy rainy days. I like avocado on just about anything - well not everything - our youngest daughter had a friend from South America come to visit and she made us avocado milk shakes - not exactly my favorite way to have an avocado - but then she thought topping our tacos with avocado was strange. Your bathroom lights are neat - we had new ones put in a few years ago and I still smile whenever I go into the bathrooms - they make such a difference. Your little cabinet in the bathroom is exactly like the ones we have for end tables in the living room. The top section is a drawer and I decoupaged S.E. Alaska nautical charts on the fronts of the drawers - and for handles - blue outdoor spigot handles that I bought from etsy. I'm glad you had an enjoyable week - hope the weekend is the same.

  2. This is the sort of food I like in winter, I've never used chili or avocado with stews though. And yes, pink does brighten up a dull day doesn't it? Your flowers are very pretty. Your students are going to have fun making those pillow slips, something they can be proud of. Yours are lovely and bright.


  3. Love the design of your bathroom, nice, clean and white.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  4. I never considered avocado for soups, stews, or chili, my husband would love it !

    I think you must be a fun home-ec teacher, I wish mine had given us such a project.

  5. Avocado is not something that we have had with chilli but it is certainly something that I would give a try. I loved you examples for the cushions such fun!

  6. Your cushion is looking awesome
    Keep warm x

  7. Love the new look bathroomx and the pretty pink flowersx

  8. Such a lovely Five on Friday post, Lorrie, so warm, cosy, and colourful!
    Stay warm and enjoy your weekend!

  9. they are calling for snow this weekend so nervous, i always hate when folks have to be out in the weather, my hubby is one of them, i just want them to get home before things get rough then the snow can get to going. in a perfect world i guess that would work. your meal bowl looks delicious. i am in need of my breakfast, better get started. have a lovely weekend & stay warm and cozy. ( :

  10. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Chili is great for a soppy day and I do love avocado with mine, please. I really like the bathroom lights you chose. Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. Interesting that you would ask that question today. Just yesterday I was having a bowl of chili for lunch and considered putting some avocado on it. I ended up not doing it and now I wish I would have. Will be sure to try it next time.
    Love your new bathroom light fixtures. Very pretty, as are the pretty pops of pink.
    Have a warm and cozy weekend.

  12. Your tea plate looks very pretty...I love a bone china cup and saucer and have quite a few.
    Good Things in Oak Bay have many beautiful ones for tempting to buy more!

    We use appliance lights in our bathroom fixtures...the kid that you out in an oven or refrigerator...they emit the right amount of light for our small bathroom....they might work for your new fixtures.

  13. Never considered avocado on chili. Cheese. Yes. I am heartened that you teach home ec. Here the class has all but disappeared from American schools. Too expensive. As has auto mechanics, wood shop, many art and music glasses, too. I'll stop here to avoid the tirade on American education. So I applaud your efforts. Lucky students to have a fine teacher.

  14. The chili looks delicious!
    You have had a busy week - I'll bet you are looking forward to walking through the door and straight to the fireplace at the end of today.

  15. Your bathroom is such a bright, fresh, clean space! You did a great job with the remodel!
    Mmmmmm...chili is a perfect gray day/snow day food.
    Happy Friday to you!!

  16. Such good five things! Your renewed bathroom looks lovely and I like the lights. I've seen others talk about avocado with chili and I'm going to try it.

  17. The bathroom looks wonderful! A nice clean palette for the new color. I like your light fixtures a lot.

    No, I enjoy neither chili nor avocado. Very picky I am. Now the cranberry scone cookies...they look fantastic.

    May the sun return soon. It's a beautiful blue and white day here, but the temps are the price we pay for it. Brrrisk!

    The Home Ec class sounds like fun and creative.

  18. Love avocado, it's one of my favourite things. Your bathroom is looking gorgeous, good luck with the light bulbs!

  19. I have t made pillow cases for years. This makes me want to again. So jolly and happy x

  20. I love your cushion covers they are so pretty, I have never tried eating avocados like that I must try it, thank you for your visit and your kind words, have a great weekend. :)

  21. I do like advocado with chilli, it takes it to another level. I love your bathroom light fittings, they are lovely as are your pillowcase, so colourful. Good luck with exam week, have a liovely weekend xx

  22. I like your bathroom light fixture and the bathroom itself looks lovely and fresh. I noticed our Sears catalogue upper cabinets are starting to yellow (vinyl covering) so I think it's time to replace them (they were meant to be temporary 10 years ago!) with a custom look to match the vanity. I have ground beef thawing and you've inspired me to make chilli for supper after seeing your photo. Your tea looks lovely with the vintage cloth and china. I hope you get some relief from the rain and clouds soon. Enjoy the weekend.

  23. I have been looking for different ways to use advocado and never thought of chilli. I'll give this a go tomorrow. I am in love with your bathroom lights - gorgeous. Your afternoon tea looks so colourful and inviting, save me some!! Have a wonderful weekend and keep dry and warm xx

  24. Definitely five lots of lovely today! I don't think that I have ever had avocado with chilli, but I really like both so I should try it, tastes great I am sure!! Your new lights are lovely and so is the bathroom, great updates indeed! Hope that the cushion cover making goes well! Thank you for joining Five On Friday, happy weekend! xx

  25. Yes, I love avocado on my chili! Your new light fixture is so pretty, Lorrie. Also, your cranberry shortbread cookies look so tasty on the pretty plate, and the vintage tablecloth is a beauty. The pillowcases are a fun project for the students, and so colorful, too.

  26. It's been a little cooler than usual here, so I'm loving soups and chili and my crockpot. Love avocado and onions and cheese ... All the fixins! Did not realize you taught. Was just reading recent,y an article in our Oregon newspaper about how misguided it was that most schools no longer teach home ec and how needed it is. I agree .. It's the same as with voc Ed classes, which my husband taught. Our home state has really gone downhill sadly.

  27. I do like your bathroom lights. Never thought of avocado with chile, but it sure sounds good. I like the pillow covers too, sounds like a great project.

  28. Love avocado with chili, but then I would want a bit of sour cream too. Yummm!
    The light fixture is wonderful. Doesn't it feel good to get a home project done? Making pillows sounds like a fun sewing project too.

  29. Love the beautiful way the fuscia-colored flowers warm up a cold day...with the warm tea as well. What a pretty vignette. I've never had avocado with my chili, but it sounds like a great idea!

  30. Wow, that semester went quickly..! (But then, I wasn't the one doing the teaching!!!)
    I think your Five are full of cosy goodness, and the students will love making the cushions, wish we could see the results!
    Avocado on chilli...yep, every time : )

  31. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Hello, nice to meet you, I'm new to Five on Friday. Your chilli looks delicious, yes I like avocado on mine to , and cherry tomatoes, hot and cool, a great combo.
    Enjoy your week
    Kiln FiredArt

  32. We have the same bathroom cabinet. Nice that Home Ec is still being taught somewhere, not in our school board. The pillow covers are lovely. I'm sure you will see some creative work from the students.

  33. That's a pretty fixture and I'm loving your cover samples, especially the one with the fun circles! :)

  34. I didn't know you taught Home Ec. Actually, I didn't know it was still being taught. Good to know, as there are so many useful life skills to learn. I knew someone who threw out any clothes that needed mending or a button sewn on because she didn't know how!!
    I like your new light fixture. And the tea with the cookies, candle and flowers looks lovely, especially on the heirloom tablecloth.

  35. YUM...that chili looks delicious and the avocado is a great thing to add. Love your bathroom and the light fixture. Have you had any trouble with Blogger dashboard? I have not been able to create a new post this weekend...just tells me that it is loading?? Hope your week end is going well!

  36. Your chili made my mouth water! Your hostess set from Japan is lovely! I still have some Christmas treats in my freezer...

  37. I'm smiling here as I recall my first Home Ec project in grade 8. It was a gingham apron. A pillow slip is a great idea. Your bathroom reno looks great!

  38. My son just finished his mid-terms last Tuesday and Wednesday started the final semester. Love the pillow covers. And avocado is good on anything! :)

  39. Yum! I LOVE chili and I LOVE avocado--why have I never thought of combining the two? :) Your bathroom looks good--great work!

  40. Hi Lorrie-your Home Ec students will enjoy an open ended project like the pillow cases. I t looks like you are working full time now, Congratulations !


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Five to Delight on Friday

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