Sunday, January 03, 2016

January Quiet

10 AM on January 2, East Sooke Park, walking towards the water

Is any month more conducive to dreaming than January? The earth tilts ever so slowly towards the sun; cold settles deep into the land. Life is centered indoors, where fires glow and soups and stews provide sustaining warmth.  

Moss drips from the trees against a tangle of rocks and driftwood along the shore - East Sooke Park

Gardeners dream of colour and make long lists from the seed catalogues. Travelers begin thinking of trips to take. It's a good month to consider home improvements. Considering takes time and thought, not energy, and I enjoy the considering after a day of teaching. 

Arbutus tree bark detail 

After the rush of December, this month is ideal for delving into new interests - a photography course, writing down family stories, learning upholstery, starting ( or picking up again) a new embroidery or knitting project. I'm currently working on sewing a shirt.

Detail from moss/lichen/fern growth on a rock

I like to read recipe books in the evening and consider what I might make in the next week or two - a chicken pot pie, a fresh salad, or perhaps a vanilla cake with whipped cream. 

After the Christmas decor is boxed away for another year, the house can benefit by changing things up a little. Today, the paper whites are blooming on the mantel, tall and fragrant, flanked by tea lights set into vases with sea glass.

Looking westward from Beechy Head in East Sooke Park

Not all of January is white and grey. When the sun burns through the clouds, invigorating colour appears. I feel more energetic and am glad to bundle up and go for a walk or hike. 

Tea on a rock at Beechy Head, East Sooke Park

And always, there is tea, indoors or out. Copious cups of varying flavours delight my taste buds.  

In January, my heart is warm from the glow of Christmas, and I welcome the quiet. January is a month for thinking and pondering, providing moments of peace in which to plan for the months ahead.  

How will you make the most of January days?

Linking to No Place Like Home, hosted by Sandi.  


  1. You do make January sound purposeful. Lovely photos to show just what you mean. Here the Christmas decorations are not all quite put away. I don't mind taking my time. I am no hurry these days. I do have a plan for the year: declutter the house by going through each closet and drawer. I am depressed already. Have a great week. Hope the students are settled and ready to work for you.

  2. I love dear January's always full of wishes for the new start and everyday thing feel fresh and new :)
    Wishing you a happy January x

  3. Super photos, particularly of the Arbutus.
    I'm taking life slowly , undecorating, looking at plant catalogues, but unable to do anything in the garden due to constant rain.

  4. You described January well --what we like about it. We are enjoying cold weather too--well, cold for us down here in the south.I do like changing things up a bit around the house after Christmas is taken down. Have a good week--I guess you are back to school.

  5. A lovely look at winter in your area through your eyes, Lorrie! Loving the close up shots you're getting with your new lens.
    We've got our first snowfall & I wanted to capture it falling so badly, but by the time I got dressed to go outdoors & had my camera, it had stopped. Not much on the ground...not that I'm complaining!!

    Like many of your commenters, I've slowed my pace as well, & am enjoying the process of packing away Christmas & getting out the snowmen.

  6. I'm impressed that you still get out and about in January. Lovely photos. We are still on the go in January since we have 3 more birthdays to celebrate this month. Have a great week.

  7. January is one of my favorite months for all of these reasons. I am pondering and planning my Spring garden. We are drawing plans for a tiny greenhouse too. Restful days for you.

  8. This sounds so peaceful : ) I've babysat a new puppy 3x now and have probably been outdoors more in those times than all of last winter, ha ha! Every 20 minutes or so I am bundling up and going out with him so he'll "GO" outside.

  9. January can be a peaceful month here on the east coast as long as we are not snowed under from our many snowfalls or storms. I am pondering the painting of our kitchen/dining room. It will be a big job for my hubby as I can no longer do it myself. But I will supervise. :) I do have some decluttering to do. You live in a beautiful area, Lorrie. We have never gotten over to Vancouver Island yet. If we ever make it out to BC again to visit our son and his family we will have to try to do that. Thanks so much for sharing with us and Happy New Year, my friend!


  10. Beautiful images of your island. I like the rejuvenating feeling you get in January right after Christmas. Anything is possible! I plan on attacking (yet again) the clutter in my home. I have to make some difficult and drastic decisions there before it all overwhelms me again and I get too bogged down. Best wishes to you and your family in 2016!

  11. Lovely post. I find that in January i read more, crochet and knit more, dream of being outside in the garden, start planning our trip to BC, and get into projects that were neglected during the really nice weather.

  12. Some great photography. I find January a reflective month and also a month for planning new ventures and taking stock. Best wishes for 2016.

  13. I hope that you have a wonderful January! xx

  14. It sounds like a perfect Lorrie kind of month! How will I spend January? Certainly not out on a rock with copious amounts of tea. ☺ Though, after reading this wonderful description, I could almost be tempted to think that maybe, just possibly, it might be a wonderful thing.

  15. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Lorrie, I embrace the month of January. I love the quiet, the cold (with flannel bed sheets!), the hot tea & coffee with a little something sweet to eat, sitting by the fire, and just chillin' (literally!)

  16. This afternoon our very first snow flakes fell! No sticking but just to see them was beautiful. It's freezing out this evening and at last I'm able to wear boots, sweaters, coats and hats with feeling overheated - love it!
    We have a fire burning also at long last - sitting close to the hearth with my knitting now - perfect!

    Mary x

  17. Simply lovely photos - the world is stark but beautiful in January. I have plans to renew my interest in watercolor painting and sketching. I've been wanting to do it for some time now. This is the month to get started - I have some classes in mind already. I like the feeling of the slowness and peace of January - and look forward to spring bursting out in all its glory - but I can wait - I love the quiet times too. Love your header.

  18. Beautiful photos and macro shots of the bark and moss. I love your tea mug. I've not seen one like that with a cover. I'm afraid I'll be hibernating inside on the coldest of days this winter but hope to get out snowshoeing or walking on packed trails on the milder days. I'm working on a puzzle right now. It's been years and it's frustrating. :) Have a great week Lorrie.

  19. Thanks os much for stopping by!! I just posted what my Woed for 2016 is. If you have a chance, check it out.
    Wisihing you and yours a very Happy New Year!!


  20. I actually really like kind of feels like a time to just regroup after all the stress of the holidays...and it finally starts getting cold here in NC. After experiencing an 80 degree Christmas, I am ready for the cold, gray days. I made soup over the weekend and have been eating the leftovers...getting better each time it's warmed up!

  21. Oh...I forgot to say how much I loved your photos! Duh! :)

  22. What beautiful scenery in your part of the world. I have always liked January. It is the time of reflection, a new start and actually can be rejuvenating after the hectic holiday season. I only do some of my best thinking and working in January.

  23. Your pictures are beautiful! January is definitely a cozy, reflective month. I have to admit, I stay inside most of the time. No invigorating walks for me. Although if I had your scenery I might.
    Christmas decor will start to get packed up tomorrow, then I may get cleaning and decluttering, always a good start to the year.

  24. January is also National Tea Month! Hope you've eased yourself back into the swing of things at school. I'm not going to lie--it was realllly hard to return to work yesterday, but a surprise gift of teas from people at work helped ease my pain. Hee!

  25. I agree with you Lorrie, January is the month of organising and planning and it is incredibly satisfying to plan each week and month. I hope the shirt comes out well and all your plans come to fruition. Keep warm xx

  26. What gorgeous photos! How blessed you are to live in such a beautiful area. I also love January, especially if I am able to remain indoors (which I definitely wouldn't do if I lived where you do!) and just enjoy the quiet and the fresh start to a new year. Sadly, I'm so busy with responsibilities that I haven't yet had a moment to sit and ponder the new year's goals. Thanks for this lovely post.

  27. You always share the most gorgeous photos, Lorrie! I love the wintry months after Christmas, when life is at a slower pace. I like to catch up on reading, crochet, sewing, and always making soups and baking. Right now I'm reading a Rosamunde Pilcher book, an author that I love!


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