Thursday, January 14, 2016


While driving home from a friend's house on Sunday afternoon, I glanced toward the water. "Oh, let's stop by Island View beach for a better view," I suggested to Tim. (He complied.)

What a day! Mount Baker (in Washington State) was certainly showing off her beauty, with the help of clear skies and sunshine. 

A dried sea plant, left high and dry on a piece of driftwood, looks as if it were sprinkled with sparkles, aka sand.

Golden nuggets of fungus creep along another sea-tossed log.

I was so glad I had my camera with me. We didn't stay very long, but that little detour added a bit of whimsy to the day. It was a reminder to take the time for serendipity for one never knows when she'll show up.

Any serendipitous moments in your life lately?


  1. What a wonderful blue the sea, and the sky, are. Such super always!

  2. Such a lovely few moments, beautiful.

  3. Don't you love those unexpected blessings! And all because you had the gift of the time and followed your instincts. What beautiful blue water.

  4. Stunning vista and lovely photos. There is always something wonderful to see if only we take the time to notice I find.

  5. So sweet it x

  6. I always appreciate your photos of the trips you take in my favourite places. Island View Beach is a very special place. Thanks Lorrie!

  7. With all that beauty, it pays to have your camera nearby. I breathed in deeply looking at the first photo, all those rich blues!


  8. Anonymous4:10 PM

    It's fun to know we can both see Mt. Baker from where we live, just from a different side! I like what you saw and shared. I hope it wasn't just serendipity that my husband and I finally took a walk this morning.

  9. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Lorrie, oh my goodness. The blue is such a rich color! I love how the ocean has so many hues of blue. When I was visiting Hawaii with my daughter, the ocean had an almost turquoise blue color.

  10. Oh what a great view of Mt. Baker. I got some great shots this week too. Love the sea plant and the fungus - grand photos.

  11. Just fabulous photos, sunshine on a beautiful drive, does it get any better than this?

  12. What beautiful pictures! What state were those taken in?

  13. Really pretty photos of a beautiful area.


  14. I don't know how many times I can exclaim, "Wow!". This is one of the best things about blogging---seeing another slice of our big world. These are amazing photos and such a treat for me. I bet you had a wonderful time on your little detour

    Jane x

  15. What a beautiful stop off moment! Well worth it as you took some wonderful photos and no doubt had a lovely time there too! xx

  16. Anonymous3:54 AM

    Looks like you took the time to stop and smell the roses. :-) Our landscape is covered in white, but we've been watching the wild turkeys, all 23 of them, meander around and that always brings a smile.

  17. Breathtaking photos, Lorrie...from both far away & right up close to your nose!

    I had a "God Wink" moment that seemed like serendipity. I've been missing my Ern so much lately, as the anniversary of his passing approaches. Somehow, my phone fell out of my pocket while I was putzing around the house. I could NOT find it! I knew it was inside somewhere, as I'd spoken to my DD on it just hours ago.
    I went to my land line & called my cell....found it down between a chair cushion, covered by my lap quilt. When I went to cancel the call, I noticed it said "Ernie calling". Long ago, I had entered our house number into my cell, so I could contact him at home when I was out. He didn't drive his last year of life, so I always knew if I wasn't at home, he was!

    It literally stopped me in my tracks! For one fleeting moment, I wished he was on the other end of the line, just so I could speak to him one more time. I've decided to take it as a sign that he is still "around" me & watching & knew I needed a hug.

  18. Thank you so much for replying to my comment. That was really thoughtful of you. :)

  19. Your water side photos are always amazing. So glad that you take time to stop and then share. Have a fine weekend.

  20. I am happy that you had your camera with you, too :)
    What a clear and beautiful day and what lovely photos.
    It's never a bad idea to take a moment in time to stop and reflect on the beauty around us. We are blessed with this amazing planet.
    Praise God and all that he creates.
    Have a lovely day and thank you for sharing with us.
    Keep smiling!
    Your blogging sister,
    Connie :)

  21. I'm glad you stopped too. The view of Mt. Baker is gorgeous. I loved the seaweed and those little golden fungus nuggets. Yes life is beautiful when you take the time to stop and see it.

  22. I just love when we can add a little whimsy to our day. Does this count? We stopped at a new pizza shop on the way home from the gym today. The pizza was delicious and it was unplanned.


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