Friday, January 15, 2016

Five on Friday

1. There are still a few hours in Friday to get this post up. After our sunny Sunday, the week has been dull and drizzly. I try to appreciate the shades of the day. 

2. Last weekend, I talked the man of the house into rearranging the living room. It's not one of his favourite pastimes. Do you enjoy rearranging? I still have a few things to tweak, but it feels more open this way. 

3. The shirt project I was sewing last weekend got stalled in fIavour of something quicker - a flannel nightgown for someone who likes blue, stars, and ruffles. This ticked all the boxes in spite of the lengthy sleeves which are rolled up here.

4. I seem to be in the middle of several books. I think I'd feel better if I'd finish just one. Currently holding bookmarks are "The Inconvenient Indian" by Thomas King, "French Chic" by Tish Jett, "Rising Strong" by Brene Brown, and one upstairs about Wales that I'm too lazy to get up and investigate.

5. I'm craving fresh these days. A little bit of mint from the garden tastes wonderful in my mouth. I bought a bunch of cilantro and have been chopping it into my salads. Speaking of fresh, with the nosedive of our dollar, produce prices are skyrocketing. Cauliflower for $7.00 a measly head! Yikes! 

And that's a wrap. It's felt like a very long week and I'm anticipating a puttery weekend. We're having neighbours in for dessert tomorrow night but other than that, no plans. Sleeping in. Feet up. Light housework. Cooking if I get inspired. 

Linking with Five on Friday hosted by Amy. 


  1. Thanks for the visit. I've enjoyed your post and think the blue starry,frilly creation is lovely and so is the wee lass who is modeling it 😄

  2. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Your granddaughter looks lovely in her new nightie. :-) I'm not a big furniture arranger except in my sewing area. But I'd pay someone with experience to come give me some help with one corner of my family room because I have wasted open space in this one area that I don't know how to address. Enjoy dessert with your friends. :-)

  3. I can't believe how lovely and tidy you living room is, I like to move my furniture round too it's nice to have a change. Your grandaughter looks so cute in her new nightie. :)

  4. What a sweetheart, in her custom made nightie!! She'll have lots of sweet dreams in it, I'm sure since it was made with love.

    I'm not big on rearranging furniture but mostly because it would involve too much work!! I did get new living room sofa & 2 chairs after hubby passed away, so that is about all the moving I want to do.

    How nice of you to invite the neighbors in for dessert! That seems so much more manageable than trying to serve an entire dinner. I should do it, too.

  5. I love your sweet sewing project! How do you find the time? I need to do some rearranging but I'm holding off until I do some purging. There is too much stuff at my house!

  6. I love your beautiful fireplace and the room feels very inviting. What a sweet gown for this pretty girl. Enjoy your weekend. We're going for a hike today and watch a little football tomorrow. Hugs, Diane

  7. I was just reading an article about how the price of high ticket items has dropped considerably in the past twenty years while the price of food has skyrocketed. The price of eggs startles me, and milk, and butter. I refuse to pay over $5 for a pound of butter. Guess we could find ourselves dieting after all...we'll not be eating much fresh produce either...prices right through the roof.

    On to more pleasant things like your calm and beautiful living room.The fresh flowers and plants give it a springy, fresh feeling. I used to love rearranging and did it all by myself. Needless to say, that doesn't happen anymore and the furniture pretty much stays put.

  8. I love the look you have achieved in your living room, very calm and cool.
    Your weekend sounds ideal!

  9. Wow, that is certainly one expensive cauliflower! I love to rearrange furniture now and again too. The night gown is stunning as is the model...

  10. Anonymous8:29 AM

    What a cute soft nightgown! Love it. I also like your plans for the weekend!

  11. Your weekend plan sound so beautiful..
    Have fun x

  12. Cute nightgown (and little girl!!) Have a relaxing weekend!

  13. I try to get the rearranging done and over before my husband gets home otherwise he rolls his eyes and mutters under his breath. Ha! Cute nightgown -- I used to wear those when I was little. Now I just feel like nightgowns twist all around me so I prefer pajama pants and tops. Enjoy your quiet weekend.

  14. It sounds like a good weekend to reward a tough week. The slightest change in my view gives me a boost so hopefully your LR change will do that. I've just been rearranging some cupboards and making things much easier to work with. Even that gives me the slightest more spring to my step, so to speak!

  15. Hi Lorrie. Moving furniture around is refreshing and much easier with two. I lucky have wood floors so I just drag or push things around on towels. Simple dimple. We're puttering also this weekend, except for this afternoon when I'll be on a movie date with my 12 year old grandson. Happy week to you.

  16. Wow, that is expensive cauliflower, I just went and checked, my supermarket charges £1.00 GBP, which equates to $2.07 CAD, so that really is a lot isn't it. I hope that your prices settle soon. Lovely to see your beautifully sewn nightgown too and your newly organised living room, it looks like a nice place to spend some time. Thank you for joining Five On Friday! Happy Weekend! xx

  17. Nice week! Cute nightie, wonderful view, always nice to rearrange, yes to books, and fresh! But Yikes for the price of cauliflower.

  18. Yes! Love rearranging furniture and the fresh aspect it gives me. And I dearly love blue flannel nightgowns on little girls!

    Your weekend sounds just right but oh my, the price of cauliflower does not.

  19. Sounds like a good Friday and weekend coming up. The nightgown is simply darling - I'm a big fan of ruffles too. Snuggly and warm for the chilly evenings.

    Wow - that is super precious cauliflower - but one of my favorites - raw!!! What is the exchange now - I've not looked lately, nor been to the border to see the signs. I noticed today that the waits at the border were all well over half an hour - wonder what was going on. Usually a couple of the crossings are under 5 minutes on the weekends. Maybe everyone is taking a chance at a good bargain with the exchange rate.

  20. And I loved your living room - looks very spacious. I love to rearrange furniture. When the kids were in school they would run like crazy if they saw me eyeing up the furniture. LOL

  21. I included An Inconvenient Indian on an upper-level class I taught last year focused on the works of Thomas King. It's an important text, but there's so much to process on many different levels. I can see why you might use the other books to give you breathing and thinking space.

  22. Anonymous5:22 PM

    The nightgown is adorable! Certain to lead to sweet dreams!

    I do love rearranging furniture but I can't imagine we will for a while since we just moved in.

    I haven't looked for fresh herbs at the grocery lately but now I've got that on my mind!

    Happy Saturday!

  23. Great job on the nightie! So sweet. Your living room looks lovely. Great job! I'm with you that sometimes you just need a taste of something fresh. Thanks for sharing. Blessings on the rest of your weekend. Xoxo

  24. The ruffled night gown turned out so cute and the model is adorable, Lorrie!
    I don't ever rearrange furniture as it seems best situated as it is. I do change the wall decor way too often, much to my husbands distress!I thought five dollars was a horrible price for cauliflower, but then prices are usually higher where you live out west.
    Relax and enjoy what's left of the weekend.
    Take care-Kim

  25. Your sewing skills are amazing ; how adorable is this little sweetie in that pretty nightgown.

    Cauliflower has been 6.99 per head locally for close to a month and this week just went on sale for 3.00 / needless to say I snatched one up! :)

  26. "Appreciate the shades of the day" stopped me in my tracks. It's been grey and gloomy for a long time here so I think I need to change my attitude and work out how to "appreciate" it because otherwise, it just gets me down. Thank you, Lorrie. x


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