Saturday, January 23, 2016

Homemade Sunshine

Not every day is sunny. Can one create a sort of sunshine in the mind? I like to think so, but sometimes it takes more effort than at others. 

A bit of coziness comprised of a cup of tea, a bit of chocolate, a few moments with a new magazine and a soft, warm spot on the couch improved my outlook on the day immensely. 

What little things brighten your day?

Linking with Sunlit Sunday, hosted by Karen of My Little House and Garden. 


  1. I love that magazine. Brings a smile to my face!

  2. That would certainly do it for me. We are having a cloudy, drizzly day here. :)

  3. Oh Lorrie, I wish I could send you some sunshine and warmth from down under!
    We are sweltering here, in fact it's even too hot to garden, the humidity is horrific.
    Your homemade sunshine looks wonderful and just what I do in Winter too!


  4. Couldn't agree more. I think we can and absolutely must create sunshine moments in our minds. Else life is too grey. Sending you lots and lots of sunlight and warmth for the days when you need it most xxxx

  5. Lovely, cosy photos, Lorrie! I would have coffee instead of tea, but otherwise your list is perfect. :)
    Wishing you sunnier days, a happy Sunlit Sunday and a lovely new week!

  6. My new Counntry Living arrived this week...definitely sunshine!

  7. A cosy corner with a cuppa and a magazine is a sunny moment isn't it. It is amazing when you start to look for sunshine how you can find it in the smallest things and how it reminds us that it is indeed the small things that matter the most! xx

  8. Much the same would do for me but add a little crochet and it would be perfection.

  9. I'm with you ... a cozy blanket, a cup of tea, chocolate and all is right with the world ... sunlit for sure!

  10. If I could only send a little of our sunshine to you today Lorrie! But yes, we can make our own sunny spots inside with a little creativity. Enjoy your day :)

  11. That would be my magazine of choice too, Lorrie. As for the tea - I think it would have to be something a bit fruity - and a fire....a fire would be nice too!

  12. Anonymous6:15 AM

    thats exactly what I would choose!
    Beautiful pillows!!

  13. That looks like exactly the right way to bring some sunshine!

  14. What a cozy little pile of goodies!!

  15. Anonymous9:31 AM

    That's a good question Lorrie! Your cozy scenes are nice to see. It brightens my day to be able to encourage someone and be encouraged by someone.

  16. I am not much of a housekeeper these days, I have help, so I do the things I can and then love blogging or watching or reading on my Kindle. You are so right being happy and content is a state of mind which I was good at about 10 years when I retired. I do have lots of hobbies and drag them out when I get the nudge. I have been cooking a lot soups, chili and salad all week while snowed in. Hubby gets out in a 4 wheel drive but I am content to just stay put. Blessings

  17. I think we can absolutely create 'sunshine' in the mind. I talk with my kids about this all the time, it is our perspective that makes us see things a certain way.

    Your photos looks just right for a Sunday afternoon!


  18. Ditto. As Deanna already says, your post looks just right for a Sunday afternoon!

    Sending happy wishes for sunshine, homemade or otherwise, every day.

  19. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Your little coffee spot is perfect! And just a little chocolate? That can be easily remedied! Thank you for sharing with us!

  20. Sounds like a wonderful Sunlit Sunday to me . Nothing like a cup of tea with a sweet treat YUMMY ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good week !

  21. The photos alone gave me that little bit of sunshine. I am starting to be excited about working on my little puzzle. That's good!

  22. Wonderful that we share many of the same blog Country Living UK, feels sunny just enjoying your post. :)

  23. homemade sunshine, that sounds nice. we have such brightens how to the snow all around us, it really makes every thing so bright. i need & do wear sunglasses a lot. i understand why my mom did it as a kid. it is hard on the eyes. can give ya a headache too. stay sunshine-y!! ( :

  24. Actually, your combo of tea, chocolate, magazine and cosiness works very well for me :-)
    I like the idea of creating my own weather.

  25. Those same little things brighten my day too!

  26. A lovely cup of tea and a quiet corner to read is a lovely way to spend a winter's day/sunshine is streaming through the windows today and there is a promise of one or two days above zero this week. That makes me smile.

  27. One of the things that makes me smile is spending time with my grandchildren, Lorrie They usually say or do something that cheers me up. Since my eye surgery my little granddaughter asks me all the time if I feel better--she is very concerned about me. Other than that I also enjoy time t read a magazine and a cup of herbal tea. I'll never say no to chocolate ;)

  28. I do believe just those same things would make my day a little brighter also. Nice! Now I need a new magazine.

  29. Ahhh, the beautiful cushion I like so much! A cozy spot with something to read and enjoy is a sunny place, indeed. These glimpses into your home show it to be a warm and welcoming place, Lorrie. I like your peaceful niche.


  30. Lovely. I have a routine I love. I get up, start a fire in the woodstove, make a cuppa coffee, and watch the sunrise. It's a wonderful way to start the day. :)

  31. Glad to visit you again,Lorrie.
    Lovely photos. Your cushion is beautiful. I like it very much.
    Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate my younger sister to take care of our mother. I am also in care of my mother-in-law 94 at home. i think it is not an easy road.
    Stay warm.


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