Thursday, April 20, 2017

An Evening Walk

An evening walk. 7:30 and the sky is blue. There's still plenty of pink in the trees, but more and more it's being replaced by varying shades of green.

Fluffy pink against the blue.

In the naturalized lawn along my path the grape hyacinths are nearly finished and now Henderson's Shooting Stars (Dodecatheon Hendersonii) cluster in bunches. 

My path takes me along suburban streets, but also through wooded parks and trails where fawn lilies continue to bloom profusely.

The bluebells are beginning to bloom. Along the streets each garden has something in bloom - daffodils, tulips, clematis, rhododendrons, azaleas, and more. Colour bursts out on every corner.

A steady patter of bird calls fills the air with sound as the birds hide in the trees and sing themselves to sleep. Can you find the lone robin sitting on a branch in this photo?

Home again and the light is fading quickly.

An easy dinner this week used up the last of the ham (other than the bone). Frittata with broccoli, mushrooms, ham, eggs, and a bit of cheese.

It's been a long week, in spite of the Monday holiday. Report cards are done, whew, and we're paddling down the rapids of the last term. One more day of classes and then the weekend. Dinner with friends is on the calendar, and other than that there will be gardening, housekeeping, and relaxation.


  1. Lovely walk photos
    The frittata looks delicious.

  2. You have a beautiful place to enjoy your walks. I'm amazed at the wild flowers! We don't have any blossoms yet except for some forsythia which I saw in someone's yard yesterday. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. I came to the final photograph and wondered what kind of plant you had found in the forest. It really helps when I read. Your corner, in spite of or perhaps because of the rain, is far ahead of mine. I once read that pink and blue combinations are among the most immature in decorating, which makes me grin because God thinks it is a fine combination! Your pics are always lovely and it really doesn't matter much what camera you use. You have the eye.

  4. The woodland flowers are beautiful. The shooting star is one of my favorites because it reminds me of my grandmother's cabin in the Colorado mountains where the woods were full of the mountain flowers. The frittata looks delicious. I should remember that it makes a great simple supper--we have plenty of eggs.

  5. It seems like Spring has arrived in all of blogland now! Love that white flower...looks pretty at dusk. Enjoy your weekend ahead! Hugs, Diane

  6. Lovely blooms along your walk. And it sounds like a perfect weekend ahead!

  7. beautiful walk..i love it.
    smiles and love x

  8. What a pretty walk. I don't know that 'shooting star' plant-but it is quite pretty! I can't wait to see some things blooming here. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. xo Diana

  9. I love seeing where you walk. The wildflowers are spectacular. That frittata looks delcicious.

  10. Yum! Love the sound and look of your dinner "used up the last of the ham (other than the bone). Frittata with broccoli, mushrooms, ham, eggs, and a bit of cheese."

    What a very pretty walk too, the colours lovely to see.

    Have a relaxing weekend

    All the best Jan

  11. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Lorrie, your scenery is gorgeous! I love all the colors. Everything is green here. The flowers aren't blooming much.

    Oh my that frittata looks so delicious! Yay Ham!

  12. Beautiful photos! Did you get your camera back?

    I've been taking more outdoor strolls in an effort to be more physically active. During one walk, I stumbled across an adorable "free little library"! I'll have to go back and try to get a photo.

  13. The shooting stars take my breath away!

  14. What a beautiful walk! Love the pink blossoms against the blue sky and those fawn lilies and shooting stars are so lovely. The frittata looks so good! Hope you find a moment to relax this weekend :) xx K

  15. Your scenery is like taken from a fairy tale. Adorable blooms!

  16. Just catching up and what a delight to see such beauty. The pink blossoms were such a delight to see. Sounds like a wonderful weekend planned.

  17. Wonderful flowers and scenery and such a delicious frittata!
    We readers wouldn't ever guess you are feeling uninspired. The term ending and spring advancing, inspiration will certainly return very soon.
    Have a relaxing weekend!

  18. It looks like you enjoyed a lovely walk and don't you just so love Spring colours...though they fade quickly, while present, they are such sweet gifts. Your fritatta looks so yummy. We enjoy them as often as I can fix them, always tossed together a little differently. Hugs to you~

  19. I love looking at your photographs, always!

    What a beautiful area you live in!

  20. That light is wonderful. Aren't we lucky to have the light evenings at the end of a busy day. Your supper looked delicious. B x

  21. It is looking like spring over there! And now I am hungry for a frittata. Enjoy your weekend.

  22. Love the shades of Spring on your island. Hope you are enjoying a relaxing weekend.

  23. Your evening walks always include such beauty! What a thrill to find these spring delights! As always, you have artfully recorded these gifts of creation with your lens.

  24. Wow, what a delightful array of colorful blooms! Trees still are trying to bloom out here, it shouldn't be long. I can imagine the nightly path you take to be simply amazing, with all the lovely blooms! I can imagine you are quite ready for the school year to be done, it is just that time of year! And your frittata looked delicious, a great way to use up that ham. Have a lovely weekend :)

  25. Your walk is beautiful!

    I never minded coming back from spring break because I knew it meant just 9 weeks until summer vacation and those 9 weeks always sped by.

  26. What a lovely walk. We are enjoying the sights and blooms of spring here, too. It is lovely to be able to open the windows (only once or twice!) and enjoy the fresh spring air. Your frittata looks delicious! xo Deborah

  27. Those early evening walks when the sun is beginning to go down make such mellow pictures.


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