Friday, April 28, 2017

Come Into the Garden

The sun streams through the windows this morning and I long to be outdoors. I have a few moments this morning; my class doesn't begin until 9:45, so I slip into my shoes and pick up my secateurs on the way out the door. 

I take a quick tour of the garden. The red tulips (and I thought I planted pink several years ago) blaze with life. I look more closely and sure enough, there's a pink rogue among the red. 

Over in the bluebells, the first pretty bells are open. I've noticed them in the woods where we walk, and have been impatiently waiting for ours. 

I snip a few stems. They look lovely on the tea cart, but the light in the corner windows will soon be their demise. I sip my mug of tea as I ponder where to put them. I like a mug for my morning tea, still thin bone china, rather than a tea cup. Which do you prefer? 

I plunk the flowers unceremoniously into a yogurt pot that I brought back from Paris last summer, and set it on the kitchen counter. 

As I wander back towards the fire (all that bright light does not equal warmth) to finish my tea, the play of shadow and light on this side table catches my eye and I reach once again for my camera. A plant, a book, and a coaster. I finished the book last night - Balancing Act, by Joanna Trollope.

Now it's time to head off. I'll walk to school today. Although I can't be in my garden, the sun will shine on my head and I'll breathe in the smells of earth. It's Friday and a weekend of possibility lies ahead.


  1. Lovely post and photographs

    A mug or fancy teacup choice depends on the weather, mind and the outdoors.

  2. The sun is glorious here this morning too. Love your sweet little bouquet and walk in the garden. At one time we brought tulip bulbs back from the Netherlands and they all turned red. We didn't buy one red one; so I think that is their natural color that they revert to.

  3. Agree, Lorrie, a thin china mug is my choice every time.
    Isn't the May Country Living interesting, I am enjoying my copy.

  4. I love a thin porcelain mug in the morning and a cup/saucer for afternoon tea. Have a great weekend.

  5. Joanna Trollope was born in the local vicarage where I live. It was her grandfather's house as he was the vicar there at the time.
    Our bluebell woods have reached the peak of perfection at the moment so I am off to visit one of them this weekend - hoping for sunshine and warmth.

  6. As much as I love tea cups a mug is my go to unless I'm enjoying tea with others. You have some lovely blooms from your garden. Oh how lovely to see the sun peeking through here and there.

  7. I also need more than a teacup's worth to enjoy my tea. . . always fine bone china, and I'm picking about the rim (slightly fluted lip, thinning), in a good-sized mug. Dunoon usually. . . .I'm always upset when I break one, which seems to happen every couple of years, and I know I have to hunt for the perfect replacement again.
    That Trollope looks worth picking up (just looked up the title and a brief review -- haven't read her for a year or two, but generally enjoy).
    Hope your day at school went well and you're back in the garden again by now. Might even be some sunshine still ;-)

  8. IMO you are blessed to have your work within a walk's distance! Gardens are particularly lovely in the early morning--another opinion!

  9. Such pretty flowers! My red tulips are just about to bloom too. I usually drink tea from a mug during the week. The bone china teacups are reserved for the weekends when I have more leisurely time.

  10. Wise you are, to nourish your soul with a walk around your garden early on in the day. I love to see your flowers.

  11. Lovely, I was there with you in the garden enjoying the beauty of the morning. So nice to have time before a school day. Enjoy your weekend. B x

  12. Such beautiful colors...the deer eat all of my red tulips! I still have yellow & white ones.
    I need to find some bluebells to pair with them.
    Hoping you had an easy Friday & are enjoying the weekend. It is raining here. :(

  13. Gorgeous photos and I so agree, tea and coffee for me has to be out of fine bone china not heavy mugs! Our bluebells here in SW France are sadly now all over, they start blooming in early March and for six weeks or so are utterly fabulous. Hope you have a lovely weekend x

  14. I can take tea in a bone china mug...a fine cup and saucer of a heavy Emma Bridgewater mug...I am not too fussy as long as the tea is hot! My morning cafe creme is served in a deep bow in the black toast pattern by Emma Bridgewater.
    We have oodles of those bluebells and grape hyacinths in the front garden but the deer have munched all the tulips!
    I will add that book title to my book list...I used to read Joanna Trollope but it has been years since I picked up one of her books.
    Hope you enjoy the weekend.

  15. I usually only use a teacup when friends are over for tea. A mug holds more and is easier to handle when walking about the garden.
    Tulips are blooming for the first time since the rabbit population is down, thanks to the foxes. For quite a few years I've been hopeful to see what colour they are and I'll get busy with my camera for the memories. ;-)

  16. A beautiful morning, Lorrie. So nice to have a few moments to enjoy a cup of tea and a visit to the garden. Lovely photos - the sun dapples are so nice. I am a mug drinker :) Hope you have a relaxing weekend. xx Karen

  17. Why do those rogue colors show up in a bunch of single colored flowers? Interesting how nature works

  18. Your garden flowers are wonderful (bringing back memories of when we gardened .. and lived .. in a more moderate climate. I'm happy you are an early riser and have time to see -- and share -- nature's beauty before your work day. I'm late getting here -- hope your weekend has been wonderful and you have a perfect week.

  19. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Lorrie, you photos are so gorgeous ~ I can almost smell the flowers. Tulips are some of my favorite flowers.

  20. Tulips and bluebells together ... it must be Spring!

    Good wishes for the new month of May.

    All the best Jan

  21. Lovely to go wandering in the garden with you!

  22. Between this post and the last, your images have me longing for a trip to your part of the world. It's almost as if we skipped spring here and went straight to summer. Everything is just greeeeen -- everywhere. I am not sure what happened exactly, I just think the flowers, shrubs, and trees were confused and didn't quite know when to start. So glad you have shared these beauties here, so that I can at least enjoy your spring! :)

  23. Love your photos. I like the early mornings, usually drink my coffee in the garden, alone, listening to the birds...

  24. Was the book good? I sip my morning tea out of a cup, but it isn't bone china.

  25. The Bluebells and red Tulips look gorgeous together.


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