Saturday, April 15, 2017

Easter Preparations

An Easter photo from long ago. This photo is taken in front of a motel, so we were traveling. Probably to Abbotsford to visit family, hordes of family. Boisterous cousins, aunties by the dozen, groaning tables, and green foliage everywhere, a striking sight after the brown that signaled spring in the interior. 

My mother created those darling outfits for my sister and me, often sewing late into the evening. I'm the one in blue. Skirt, blouses, jackets. She's very talented. Don't we look prim and proper in our black patent shoes, little hats, and white gloves? And our brother in his miniature blazer? Just what we wore in the mid-60s for dressing up. The hippie movement hadn't caught us yet.

Easter Sunday. We attended services at my grandparents' church at East Aldergrove. I remember it as chilly, and a bit damp. The front of the church had a curved ceiling, painted pale mint green. The choir sang. The highlight of the service, for me, was when we all stood and sang, "Up from the grave He arose," the sound welling up as the notes climbed higher, joy filling hearts and space as the triumph of the Resurrection was celebrated. 

Tomorrow we will attend church and that song will likely not be sung. But I sing it to myself every year. Today, Saturday, preparations are made. Our family will gather this evening. The table is set. A vintage tablecloth from my mother-in-law sets the mood for spring. I iron it and think of her, and pray for her. 

Sometimes the little ones sit with us, sometimes they like their own table. I know they'll like the eggs on each napkin. 

Although this is the day between, the day when Jesus lay in darkness, a quiet day, we know the end of this chapter and so, in the spirit of hope, I say to you, Happy Easter! He is Risen!


  1. How sweet you all look. Those were the days when children were smartly dressed to go and visit, and your little outfits look so lovely. Easter was always a time for a new outfit for us as children, usually very practical, but always new white socks!

  2. Lovely table settings.

  3. He is risen indeed!

    Royal Albert Lavender Rose is the pattern of my good dishes as well. Still love them after 44 years.

    Christine from Ontario

  4. What a fun picture of your and your siblings. I hope you have a blessed, happy Easter with your family. I used to meet a friend in Abbotsford, WI, to exchanges girls for summer visits after our friends moved to MN. xo Diana

  5. What a sweet throwback photo. Your Easter table looks lovely. I think I spy the RA Lavender Rose china? My family is also having our Easter dinner this evening, as my brother will be flying back to Alberta tomorrow. Happy Easter, Lorrie!

  6. Have a lovely family day tomorrow Lorrie - you and your siblings look so cute in your Easter outfits.

  7. What a lovely photo of you and your siblings. The outfits are wonderful. Have a brilliant day tomorrow celebrating with your family :). B x

  8. What lovely memories, Lorrie! It was like that at my grandparents' house too. Lots of aunts and uncles, cousins. Great fun! Your outfits are adorable and your mom must be quite the seamstress. I know what you mean about the singing of those glorious old hymns not getting sung much any more. Isn't it a shame! When Hubby and I were in the Ministry, I always chose the music so the old and the new got sung every service. I thought it was important to keep those old hymns alive and minister to everyone not just the youth. Your Easter table is lovely and I do love the Lavender Rose pattern. Happy Easter, Lorrie!

  9. I have a few Easter pictures from the mid-sixties of our four kiddos dressed similarly. ... only of course their mother wasn't as talented as yours. Sears or Speigel catalog all the way in our house (poor deprived babies)....Happy days though and sweet memories. And a joy-filled Easter to you and your family!

  10. It's so good to know the rest of the story. Love that vintage Easter photo. My mother, too, would sew late into the night making new Easter frocks and Christmas frocks for us girls. A sweet memory. Also that song that isn't much sung anymore in our "modern" services is one that I remember singing every year growing up. "Like a mighty triumph ore his foes!"
    A very happy Easter to you and yours, Lorrie! Hallelujah, He is risen!

  11. He is risen, indeed.
    That photo of you and your siblings is beyond adorable. How well I remember those patent leather shoes and white gloves. Always white gloves for Easter. Your mother is very talented to sew the outfits. How proud she must have felt to see you all dressed so well. The vintage car is the perfect back drop for the photo.
    I love the vintage table cloth and the way it brings your thoughts and prayers to your mother-in-law.
    How special your grandchildren will feel to have their very own table. Special and loved.
    Wishing you and your family a very Happy Easter.

  12. You indeed are very prim little girls! Goodness, even your stockings are pulled up to the same length. 🤗

    My favorite...Up From the Grave...that one would swell until the entire church rocked a bit. Loved it!

    Easter blessings to you and yours..,

  13. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Lorrie, so sweet! Love your little outfits. We used to have little dresses, hats, and gloves too. I remember that hymn. Up from the grave He arose! ♥

    Happy Easter, Lorrie!

  14. A sixties child myself, my own memories are stirred by this post. My sister and I also wore Easter suits complete with hats, white gloves, and black Mary Janes. And I can certainly sing along with you "Up From the Grave He Arose." Such a glorious song! One Easter I happened to sit beside a lady who sang that first line of the chorus in a warbly soprano voice and I was a little startled by the sound of that. Even so, she sang it so enthusiastically that my young heart was stirred and I cannot sing or hear the song even today without hearing her voice in my mind.

    He is risen indeed!

  15. Such lovely post - how things have changed for Easter, the clothes, families scattered, some not even wanting to celebrate this wonderful Christian holiday. Seeing you, so little and perfectly adorable, in the 1960's makes me feel so old - I was already an emigrant (legal!) here in the US, wearing mini skirts and beehive hairstyles, and at special holidays always wishing I was still back home with my parents, little brother, and girlfriends!

    I pray your Easter day will be full of blessings and lovely moments Lorrie.
    Mary -

  16. I feel touched, like so many, to see your pictures as a child, knowing my life was much the same. My mother had our Easter dresses made and then we went to a department store for our coats and shoes. Oh...I'd love to see those pictures again!

    Hope the celebrations have been lovely, Lorrie!

    Jane x

  17. He is Risen, Indeed!

    We probably will sing "Up from the Grave He Arose!" tomorrow. You and your siblings were darling! What sweet memories you have of Easter visiting family.

  18. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Christ has risen indeed. Gail

  19. Happy Easter, Lorrie!! Loved seeing that old photo!
    Your tables are just darling & so full of memories while you make new ones with your own.

  20. beautiful table settings..
    happy easter x

  21. Happy Easter Lorrie! Your table looks amazing. Enjoy your family gathering! X Chy

  22. Thank you so much for sharing your most special photograph, they are indeed special and provide us with many good memories.

    Your table(s) look perfect, I'm sure everyone will have a lovely time.

    My good wishes for Easter

    All the best Jan

  23. That photograph takes me back to so many Easters when Mama sewed the matching outfits for me and my three little sisters. And new Mary Janes! And Up From the Grave He Arose will always be the happiest Easter song for me.

    Your Easter table is just perfect, the vintage tablecloth could not be more right for this very important meal of the year. I'm going to pin it to my Easter board!

    Happy Easter to you,

  24. Love the sweet photof of you and your siblings in your Easter finest. Your table looks so welcoming with your Mother-in-law beautiful tablecloth and your lovely dishes. Hopefully,our grandchildren will have similar sweet memories of family gatherings at Easter, maybe just not on such a large scale.
    Happy Easter to you and your lovely family.

  25. That is such a sweet photo of your family. I used to love getting dressed up almost the same way in a blue velvet coat and matching hat. It's nice that you have such fond memories of visiting church on Easter Sunday with family. Your table looks very welcoming with the vintage table cloth complimenting the china. We had just a small family dinner tonight and now everyone is relaxing after a bit meal in their own way. Happy Easter Lorrie!

  26. Your table was beautiful!

  27. Your table, actually tables, are so pretty and I love the vintage photo of you and your siblings... so much like me, my sister and brother! My mom also sewed everything we wore, but that gene was not passed down like it was in your case.

  28. What a dear, sweet photo of you and your siblings, Lorrie! The outfits are just darling.
    Your table looked beautiful with the pretty tablecloth of your MIL and your pretty dishes. The kids' table looks so cute with the pastel chairs. I know you had a blessed Easter!

  29. I remember shining my black patent leather shoes with Vaseline prior to going to church every Sunday :)


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