Tuesday, April 25, 2017

April in the Garden

My camera arrived home this week. I am so tickled to have it in my possession once again. And it's just in time for the apple blossoms! Most buds are still tightly closed and such a delicate and fresh pink. 

A few buds unfurl towards the sun, revealing pale blush pink petals surrounding creamy stamens. How beautiful the light is in the late afternoon. 

A few violets have emerged spontaneously from a mossy bed. 

In the vegetable beds, lettuce is flourishing and we'll have a salad for two within the next week or so. Peas are up, and radishes. Teensy green apricots dangle from hair-thin stems on the apricot tree. Herbs are flourishing and add fresh flavour to our meals these days. 

Strawberries are blooming and I've seen a few bees buzzing around which bodes well for fruit. 

The fig tree can't wait to bear fruit as it's forming even as the leaves emerge. I never noticed this concurrence before. 

Our local grocery store celebrated an anniversary this past weekend, and while trundling through the aisles on Saturday I was offered a pretty long-stemmed rose and a piece of cake. I brought both home and am enjoying the bit of colour on the mantel. Tim and I managed to make short work of the cake.

How is your garden doing? I hope that warmth and sunshine are coming to your corner of the world, or cooler and rainy if you're in the southern hemisphere. We've had a LOT of rain this spring which makes things grow beautifully - especially the lawns. 


  1. So glad your camera made it back to you. It's nice to find some dry periods to walk around the garden and see what's happening!

  2. Gorgeous photos, Lorrie!
    It's wonderful that your camera arrived home, indeed in time for the apple blossoms!

  3. Well that was a nice gesture at the grocery. All your blooms look lovely--I can imagine it feels good to have your camera back. This area of the southeast has had a ton of rain--maybe more than I remember having in three days of pretty much non-stop rain. Now I'm going to go out and try to mow the result!

  4. I am rejoicing with you at the return of your camera! How can an artist paint without her paintbrush? You are already "painting" beautiful pictures!

  5. Beautiful photos, Lorrie! I'm sure you missed your camera.

    We are getting our first warm days this week...FINALLY!
    Lovely rose...I have the very same vase that you have it in. :)

  6. Fabulous photos with your camera. I didn't realise the figs started forming before the leaves either :). B x

  7. What a delight to see all the beauty growing in your garden. What a wonderful gesture a rose and cake...

  8. Glad you got your camera back.
    These are delightful. Such crisp, clean images and oh so pretty.

  9. Glad to hear that you have been reunited with your camera and how lucky for us too.
    The scenes from your spring garden are spectacular. I love this time of year when everything is so new and fresh.

  10. Apple blossom time....lovely and looks at how that lettuce has grown!
    We are harvesting our asparagus too and enjoying a feed every few days.

  11. Reunited and it feels so good! Lovely photos, as always. My tulips are just about to bloom!

  12. I am glad you got your camera back. You got some great pictures of your garden and flowers. We don't have anything growing here yet---well, I did see a few tulips poking up through the dirt here in the last day or so. Maybe, just maybe we will have spring after all. xo Diana

  13. Oh swoon, how I love apple blossoms. Your photos are gorgeous. All of your garden is just wonderful. Our garden is becoming quite lush, everything is growing so fast now. With the rain it is hard to keep up with the lawn.

  14. Those apple blossoms! Beautiful!

    You take such wonderful photos - who knew a fig could be so delightful!

  15. I so enjoyed your gorgeous apple blossom pictures here. And what a lovely idea of the grocery store to give customers celebratory cake and a rose! Glad you got your camera back....so much to enjoy and to photograph just now.
    Helen xox

  16. So beautiful xxx

  17. Oh what glorious images! I like what Cheryl said...never thought of my camera compared to a paint brush...but it is true, isn't it? I know I'd be lost without mine!

  18. Lovely images. Just wonderful especially that fig!
    Everything is green and budding and leafing out!!! THis means in my mind that winter is actually over. You cannot see our house from the road anymore. You can only see it from the road in winter.
    So many new things to appreciate at our new home. Discovering tulips and budding trees and perennials. It is fun. I am thrilled we have 3 wild apple trees in bloom right now.


  19. Your April blooms are looking lovely...especially through your lens!

  20. Lorrie, a talented photographer like you should never be without her camera! The flower photos are beautiful, but I was intrigued by your shot of the fig.

  21. I think your camera is happy to be home, it is working hard for you. These photos are gorgeous.

  22. I'm so pleased you got your camera back ...
    These are all lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan

  23. Your picture of the lettuce is stunning colourwise.


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