Monday, April 10, 2017

Mosaic Monday - Easter Week

Although the temperature remains chilly, and the drizzle falls, there's enough sunshine and warmth to make the garden pop. I went out and collected blooms and greenery for a table bouquet - forsythia, daffodils, grape hyacinth, blue and pink hyacinth, lemon balm, lamb's ears, and feverfew made their way into my basket. 

The flowers brighten up the dining room table. Walking past, the lovely sweet scent of hyacinth wafts upwards. 

Easter decor is very simple. Some bunnies, a lamb and a pretty bookmark that says, "Believe." 

The first bleeding hearts of the season dangle from slender stems.

Spring is here, all in a rush of blooms. Part of me wants to say, "hurry, hurry - warm up", and another part wants to say, "slow down - let's enjoy each bloom to the full before moving on to the next". Is spring lagging behind or rushing ahead in your area?

These are taken with the I-phone. Although I know my camera is in safe hands, it's not here yet. Perhaps this week, or next. Meanwhile, the phone does an acceptable job. 

Linking with Mosaic Monday, hosted by Maggie of Normandy Life. 


  1. Beautiful post, loved your mosaics.
    I-phones take a good picture.

    Enjoy your week

    All the best Jan

  2. Our spring came early, then we had a week of freezing temps then pretty seasonal since then.

  3. Oh Lorrie ... I always talk about how I miss 'real' Spring flowers, and yet I had forgotten all about bleeding heart ... oh so beautiful. Oh gosh. Thank you for the beauty and the memories!

  4. Very pretty blossoms! I see green things up in the garden, but half of the garden is still under snow. It was 70° today and it is supposed to climb to 80° tomorrow. Very odd to have snow on the ground and those temps. It's like the scene in The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe of snow melting because Aslan was on the move.

  5. Yes, I have the same feeling about hurry up and wait for Spring. Your Spring is just lovely.

  6. That's a beautiful flower arrangement that you casually arranged! Have a blessed holy week.

  7. I love your Easter arrangement with white bunnies! Pretty chilly here too, but I have joy to expect: my son's huge Bernese mountain dog for a whole week! Happy Easter Lorrie!

  8. Just a few twigs and flowers, with an egg or a bunny, makes a lovely Easter arrangement. (Says she who has so far done nothing...but is planning to!)

  9. Your Easter vignette is delightful and I can almost smell the hyacinth fragrance all the way over here in Normandy. I've not attempted anything Easter(y)so far, I think I might just hang some decorated eggs on a few branches from the cherry tree and pop them in a large vase.

  10. Your spring blooms have coincided perfectly for decorating the Easter table. Most of our bulbs have come and gone. We're on to azaleas and dogwoods. I'll have to get out there and see what I can come up with. I like your idea for adding lamb's ear. For some reason I never think to cut it.
    Your iPhone captured it all beautifully.

  11. Your phone did a great job for sure. Lovely mosaics. Happy Easter week to you...

  12. Always love those signs of the bleeding hearts. It looks lovely over there! Happy Easter to you and yours!

  13. I love that your centerpiece came from your yard and garden already! And, we've had too much here for any Easter decor at all. I just realized that there are no decorations at all. I'm not sure I'll even go get them. And instead just focus on the Holy week.

  14. Dearest Lorrie,
    I heartily thank you for sharing such lovely inspirations, your post is truly outstanding !!!

    Hope your week is off to a good start,
    I'm sending blessings on your coming days
    with much love

    XOXO Daniela at - My little old world - (Dany)

  15. Spring is lagging over blooms yet, although some greens are popping out of the ground.

    I'm impressed by your camera phone. Last weekend, I accidentally left my cellphone in a hoodie that got tossed in the washing machine. Whoops! The cell phone survived (the date was reset to its original year: 2009!) but the sound is quieter. Looks like I'll be getting a new phone sooner rather than later.

  16. We're just starting to ease into spring now, lots of bulbs preparing for their Easter parade and the birds - singing every, and all day!
    The iPhones take pretty decent photos - I use mine all the time.
    Happy Easter Lorrie.

  17. Spring is coming to an end over here. Has been very drab and gray all week so I've not ventured out much. All the flowers are having their last hurrah before summer heat sets in. Soon I'll have to start enjoying what everyone else is posting. I use my phone exclusively for picture taking. It's so quick and easy and always with me. The big camera is exclusively for bird watching. For the first time I had a little hyacinth bulb that bloomed indoors but didn't last very long. I think I need to research how to take better care of it. Have a great day!

  18. Beautiful blooms! I know what you mean, you want spring to hurry and get here, but not hurry away too fast, which seems to happen too! I enjoyed seeing your blooms, no big blooms here yet, but they are coming... :)

  19. Your post was a feast for my eyes, sweet Lorrie. Spring is starting to show her lovely face here in the mountains and oh, I'm just loving it!

    Have a blessed Easter. Hugs!

  20. I have always loved Bleeding Hearts. I hear this is the PINK moon named for pink flowers that bloom about now. Perhaps they were the bleeding hearts that inspired the name. We have our first daffodils and hyacinth blooming. There are wasps, little bugs and gnats that have come to welcome the flowers.

  21. Bleeding hearts are one of my favorite spring flowers.

  22. We have had a few days of warmer weather, rejoicing that spring's arrival is just around the corner. Only to be awakened the following day to colder temperatures.
    However, I did notice on my walk yesterday a forsythia tree was budding with yellow blooms were peaking through.
    Wishing you & your family a blessed Easter, Lorrie.

  23. Spring is lagging but we are seeing more evidence every day that it is underway here. I wish you and yours a blessed Easter Lorrie. Enjoy!

  24. What gorgeous offerings from your garden, artistically arranged for your table! Spring has sprung here, after a lot of on-again-off-again.

  25. Hi Lorrie, Is that an Ikea basket on your table? It looks just gorgeous filled with your array of fresh flowers! I love the mix of colors! Bleeding Hearts are such exquisite flowers, aren't they? I first saw them years ago at a friend's mother's house. She had a yard filled with old-fashioned flowers, which I adore. Yes, hyacinths do have an amazing perfume; we saw lots of them at Biltmore a few weeks ago, both inside and outside the house.

    Thank you for sharing your pretty mosaics and wishing you a Blessed Easter.



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