Saturday, April 08, 2017

Saturday Doings

Seen from the breakfast table and the kitchen window, these flowers make my day bright from the start. This collection was one of those pre-planted pots I purchased one spring and had on the porch until the flowers faded away. I wondered how they would do planted in the garden, but I figured I had nothing to lose. And now I see I had much to gain. This morning, in the rain, this sight filled me with happiness.

These "book" titles, seen in Winners, made me giggle. 
Letter Writing: the new texting, 
Have My People Call Your People: How to get others to do your work, and 
The Day the Wifi Died and Other Short Horror Stories

Best sellers, all, don't you think?

In spite of the drizzle, I couldn't resist going out into the garden and puttering a little this morning. The peonies are growing tall and I see they've escaped their cage. Time for some re-jigging there. 

I potted up a few stray herbs/weeds and put them on the table on the front porch. They look a little muddy, but will soon be cleaned off with the rain. The Snow-on-the-mountain in the right front pot is such a pretty plant, I think, but oh, so pushy. I sowed it plentifully quite a few years ago and have regretted it ever since. Now it's confined to one pot in the garden, and when I see a bit of it emerge elsewhere, I am ruthless. 

I'm not particulary short, nor am I tall. 5'4" and a bit. But I find most furniture is too deep and I have to stash a pillow behind my back or my feet don't touch the floor. The other day in Winners (the same day I found those catchy book titles), I saw this chair. I sat in it, went home and thought, went back to the store and sat in it for a longer time, thought some more, and on Thursday night brought it home. Of course it meant some re-jigging of the furniture arrangement, but I'll show you that another time. I'm quite pleased with my new chair and am sitting in it now, as I write this post. 

Soup's on the stove, the dishwasher is ready to be unloaded, and the dryer has sung its melody telling me it's finished, too. So I'll sign off here and get back to housekeeping. 


  1. That first photo is a breath of spring if ever there was one.
    The book titles are hysterical. Yikes!
    You have just reminded me to check on the placement of my peony rings. Thank you.
    I think your new chair is a beauty. The colors are right up my alley but, of course, the ideal comfort level is key.

  2. Lovely chair and beautiful spring on your island!

  3. The titles really were fun and especially so since I misread one and it became The Wife is Dead and Other Short Horror Stories. 😳Things are really growing well there...hope that this means it is much warmer. Your new chair looks so comfy and is very attractive.

  4. The "Letter Writing" book cracked me up. I'm so glad that you brought the pretty new chair home with you. I've lost count on the number of times that I "thought" about a purchase, only to return to the store to find out it was gone. D'oh! Happy sitting!

  5. The view from your window is lovely. I love looking out on a garden. Have a wonderful week!

  6. Wow - your spring is far ahead of ours - and only so few miles apart. My bulbs are slow to appear this year and only a few daffodils have begun to bloom. I received a pot of white and pink fluffy tulips for my birthday and they are on the dining room table and about ready to bloom - can't wait. Your new chair is quite spiffy - and nice to find one the fits well, and looks pretty.

  7. Wonderful sight from your window... It is always so fascinating to watch the peonies grow! Happy Sunday Lorrie!

  8. I am so excited for spring just looking at your pretty hyacinths, Lorrie! Your weather seems perfect. I love herb gardening as well. I do have some chives sprouting up, and of course the tulips and daffodils. We had a mild winter so they are a bit early.

    The books titles are hysterical. Isn't it the truth about texting?

    Finally, I really love the chair. It's hard to find something comfy and attractive and this meets all counts. It fits your decor...I'd love to see the rest of your room. I'm making slow progress with my living room. I'm like that though, indecisive.

    Wishing you and your family a lovely Easter.

    Jane x

  9. Your replanted bulbs look lovely - whenever I replant hyacinths in the garden they have a habbit of turning white or very pale pink even if they begin blue - I think it must be something to do with my soil.
    Lovely chair - a comfy chair that is both supportive and easy to arise from is so important - I hate those squashy low slung chairs that many tend to have.

  10. Lovely spring flowers from your window. The book titles made me smile and your chair looks very comfortable. We had to move our peony support too:)

  11. I love to buy pots of spring flowers for the house and then put them in the garden after. It always seems good value, and nice to see them another year. Love the look of you new chair. Very comfy. Would love to sit in it and read some of those books, they look intriguing. B x

  12. aww the view is so beautiful...
    love and smiles x

  13. You were absolutely right to bring the chair home. It is so lovely.

  14. What a pretty chair...and there is nothing like sitting in a chair that 'fits' you just right. Your flowers and view are just lovely. I can't wait until we get something green and growing here besides the winter mold on the pavers. lol Have a great upcoming week- xo Diana

  15. The chair looks really sturdy and comfy as a reading chair or one to take tea in and gaze out the window at your beautiful garden....
    those book titles do seem curious...I wonder if they will sell.

  16. Wonderful things coming up in your garden already!

  17. Oh I love the sight of those beautiful flowers outside your window, how wonderful that when you planted them, they came back so beautifully! Enjoyed this peek into your world today :)

  18. Soon I will google what Winners is - they seem to have lovely chairs... and interesting books. Or "books"? Are they just ornaments for the home? They surely would look good on the bookshelf.
    Wonderful flowers! I hope your camera soon reaches you!!
    Have a happy new week!

  19. Our peonies are at about the same stage as yours. I hope they give us a good show this year, deer permitting. I love your new blue chair. I would have been called to by it's beauty. We have a similar chair that was my parents. So comfortable, good looking, and easy to get in and out of. Happy Monday!

  20. That chair! I love the color and it looks great in that space!

    Your spring flowers are great - so glad you planted them! My peonies are at about the same stage as yours! Their favorites and I can't wait until their blooming!

    Fun book titles!

  21. I love your chair Lorrie, the color is rich and the chair has a look of class and style.
    The cherry tree's are finally blooming here and now we hope for several days of sun. Happy Easter to you and Tim!

  22. Oh, those wonderful flowers would immediately brighten my day - what fantastic colours.

    I do like your chair, it is so important to sit comfortably.

    Yes, those book titles are fun!

    Have a good week

    All the best Jan

  23. Anonymous4:59 PM

    What beautiful flowers to look at from the kitchen window. They transplanted so nicely. Have a lovely evening!

  24. That chair is definitely you! Very nice find. Enjoy!

  25. The flowers are absolutely beautiful!! Enjoyed your post.


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