Sunday, October 31, 2021

October Daily 31: Thirty-One Days


Here we are at the very end of October, such a lovely month. How quickly the days pass. Committing to blogging every day had me racking my brains at times to come up with something to write about. Thank you to all who read the posts and commented. I discovered some new-to-me readers, through comments here and personal emails. 

It's humbling to think of people reading my blog in so many different countries of the world. The essentials of daily life are similar for most of us, and we have so much in common as human beings. Food, clothing, family, Nature, reading and leisure activities make up the bulk of my posts and of my daily life and that's what I share on my blog. 

I've enjoyed writing every day, but I will be stepping back from daily posts. I'll very likely do this again. 

Thank you, too, for all the birthday greetings. It was a lovely day, and there are more celebrations to come. My parents return on the ferry tomorrow morning, and we've had a wonderful visit. 

These are the little trick or treaters who stopped by this afternoon. All except for the sword wielding fighter whose mother sent me the photo. I'll see her tomorrow. 

Iris was a ladybug and her aunt painted little ladybugs on her face. Her mother made the cape.

Cora was a little grey bunny with the sweetest long ears. She is not very happy these days as she's produced four teeth in very short order. 

I've not read much in the past few days, but I have a stack of books from the library that I'll be getting into this week. 

And so ends one month and another one begins. Thirty days of potential ahead. 


  1. October has been more special by reading your interesting blog posts. Thank you

  2. I like that; thirty days of potential ahead :) Love your little trick and treaters, their outfits are wonderful. Glad you had a good birthday. I’m off to check out a couple of those books. The Sea Gate sounds intriguing. It’s been great to read your posts every day. Have a good week. B x

  3. Well done for posting every day, and each post was interesting. I dont think I could do it.
    the grey bunny is just so sweet, but I can imagine the teeth are painful for a little bunny.

  4. wonderful photos of the children! I love when ours visit on Hallowe’en and besides, they take the remaining treats with them. Yay.

  5. How quickly these 31 days have flown by!

    Lorrie, you mentioned recognizing, upon hearing from blogging friends around the world, that the essentials of daily life are similar for most of us, that we have so much in common as human beings. I love that thought. It's so true!

    So enjoyed seeing your cute trick or treater photos. My goodness, they are growing up and that little Iris is looking as cute as bug. And what a sweet bunny fellow!

    Wishing you a beautiful November... enjoy that stack of books!
    Brenda xo

  6. Such adorable little ones!!!
    I'm amazed that you posted every single day. I struggle to post every second day ( that's my goal but sometimes I fail_).

  7. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... My lovely comment went pooooof. Ohhhhhhh!

  8. so quickly....

    have been waiting to congratulate you

  9. on your 31 days.

    each post was thought out and work.

    not just some 'old thing'...

  10. so you really deserve congratulations!!!

  11. cute little ones.

    4 new teeth. awwwwwww....

    🍂 🍂 🍂

  12. I admire your faithfulness of blogging every day. I have a hard time putting out a post once or twice a week.

  13. That lady bug and bunny are just the cutest! Glad you've had a nice visit with your folks. Congrats on your 31 days!

  14. Aww lovely photographs.

    Wishing you a happy month of November, the year is flying by!

    All the best Jan

  15. Gotta love those adorable Halloween costumes!

    Congrats on completing the October Daily 31 Days of posts!

  16. Wow! That was quite a commitment to write everyday. These days I can hardly do twice a week.
    What cute costumes and grands in them.
    The books on your pile sound good. More ideas to add to my list.

  17. Anonymous9:58 PM

    I noticed that you have two books by the same author. Do you also like to read all the books in a series you enjoy_

  18. Look at all those cute faces! They made me smile 😊

  19. Good morning, Lorrie. I do not know how you have managed to write a post every day. However, I can tell you I have enjoyed them, even though I am playing catch-up with my comments. I love Iris as a Lady Bug. Talent does run in your family. Your daughter evidently inherited your sewing skills and the sweet bugs on her face are amazing. A perfect costume for Iris. Sorry Cora has been under the weather. Hopefully, she will be back to herself soon.

  20. Oh what wonderful costumes!I am glad you guys had a lovely October. And happy belated birthday!I am decorating for thanksgiving And enjoying the change of holidays.Have a great week. Kit

  21. Such darling trick or treaters!

  22. What a delightful post, Lorrie!

    I enjoyed the photos of the adorable trick or treaters and their costumes.

    Happy Wednesday!


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