Saturday, January 10, 2009

Felt Flower Brooch

This little pin is brightening up my black winter coat these days. I made two of these - one for a friend as a Christmas gift and one for myself. I used Betz White's tutorial, found here. The white petals are from a thrift store sweater I felted, the blue and green are scraps of wool felt I had. Betz uses a felt ball for the centre, I used a pearl button.

There are so many generous designers in blogland. They share so much of their creativity and I am thankful. They inspire me in so many ways.
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  1. Ooh! I think I'm going to have to make one of those for my grandmother who hooks wool rugs! She'd love it!

  2. Anonymous4:57 PM

    very pretty! xo

  3. I love the idea of a companionable silence between you and your hubby as you work side by side. How wonderful!



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