Sunday, January 18, 2009

Time for Tea and Two Winners

The winning names for the Valentine Mobile Giveaway are Carole and Lilli - I'll get your kits in the mail this week!

My youngest daughter gave me this beautiful teapot for Christmas. I have quite a few teapots, but wanted one that holds more cups of tea! This makes 5 big mugfuls - perfect for when the girls drop by. Blue and white is my favourite colour combination and I love the swirls and flowers.

This teapot was made in Vietnam, I believe, and was purchased at Ten Thousand Villages, a fair trading company that supports local industries around the world. They have wonderful handcrafted items there. If your town has such a store, check it out!
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  1. What a fantastic gift! It's always nice to have a larger size for company, isn't it? Hope you have a great week!

  2. Hi Lorrie,

    Happy New Year (a little bit late).
    I wanted to thank you for your friendship, prayers and kind words.
    I have missed visiting but hopefully I will be back on track soon.

    Your teapot makes me think of Spring.
    Today we will be almost 80 degrees which is very spring like for Az.

    Have a wonderful week.


  3. What a lovely teapot! I love all things blue and white, I love tea and I love the fact that you can brew up five big mugfuls of tea in this pot. It really can not get any better than this!

  4. Such a pretty teapot and the fact that it can hold a few cups makes it all the better.

  5. Now that's a wonderful teapot. It's just beautiful and your daughter did an excellent job of selecting.

  6. Beautiful teapot!! Trying to catch up on our blogging...stopping by to say hello!
    kari & kijsa

  7. Lorrie,

    Teapots are the best! I perfer roses and pink but this is a lovely blue one.

    I am starting Friendly Fridays at my blog and thought you might be interested...

    Kindredly, Lynne Laura

  8. What a beautiful "blue" photo! Love all of the textures and the shape of your christmas teapot is lovely! What a thoughtful daughter you have!


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