Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Last year, for the first time, inspired by other bloggers, I choose a word, actually five words, on which to focus. I made a collage reminder, seen here, and hung it in my office/studio. I was surprised at how often over the year I would look at the piece and think, "ah yes, that's what it's all about."

But I didn't see how I would be able to come up with new words every year, because I certainly haven't exhausted last year's words. But as I've been reading my Bible and thinking about the year to come, the word that kept coming to mind was "New." Sometimes I feel that there is so little that's new at this season in my life when I'm struggling with the empty nest syndrome. (Oh, how I hate being part of a "syndrome.") But as I've prayed and cast about in my mind for what the future holds, the words written by Isaiah the prophet "See, I am doing a new thing," remind me that God is always doing things that are fresh and new - even in this time of my life.

I'm not depressed or despairing, just dealing with a new reality. There are pleasures in every stage of life. And I've got goals and plans - exciting things on the horizon. And so I will continue to Trust and to Dwell.

Over the weekend my husband worked on designing a new piece of furniture on the computer and I sat at my little table and played. This collage featuring my word(s) for 2009 was one of my projects. I love working up here together with Tim - we don't chat much, but just being in the same space is wonderful. He is truly and completely my best friend.
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  1. Hi there! I just came over from Kari and Kijsa. I love your word collage. It's very inspiring.

  2. First off, I love your flower brooch. I enjoy the generous artistic
    bloggers that give tutorials. I don't have as much time creating on my own so, I appreciate being able to do something someone shares.. The flower is darling on your coat. I also loved your word collage. I have wanted to do something like that for my word for 2009. You have inspired me to just get busy.. Hope you are enjoying everyday. God Bless.

  3. Once again a beautiful collage Lorrie and what a good idea to have it there as a reminder.

    A great post and well written. Yes no matter how many new things God brings our way it is still difficult to come to terms with empty nesting. It takes time. As m uch as I miss my children being around I know at this stage in my life it would be difficult tohave them back too.

    Thanks for all your recent comments. I do appreciate them.

  4. That is so cool and the one that you did for last year was wonderful, too.

  5. This is so pretty...the colors are very soothing. (I'm on the CPA email list.)

  6. What a GREAT idea! I may just borrow it. Any excuse to make art! Art with a good purpose.


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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