Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Sunny Morning Walk

The sun invited me outside this morning. I just couldn't say no...I put on my jacket and shoes, tucked my camera into my pocket, pulled on some gloves after stuffing my pockets with tissues because my husband was generous enough to share his cold, and headed out the door.

I was glad for the gloves because the air was chilly, and wished I'd put on some sunglasses, too.

There's a Conservancy area near our home - Rithet's Bog. That's where I went, searching for signs of spring although I know it's only January. The grass is green all year here, so that doesn't count. But I loved the way the sun made patterns through the trees. The path beckoned me on...

And here, if you look closely, you'll see a robin. Fat, with a rusty red breast, he sat preening while I took his photograph. The robins have been here since Christmas.

I'm glad I listened to the sun's siren call for this afternoon has been cloudy and gray. Seize the moment!


  1. I just love your pictures and stories . That path looks mysterious .

  2. Just peeking back to see what you've been up to. I think that little patchwork heart of last Sunday is adorable.

    How wonderful that the grass is always green in your corner. I took a closer look at the fat robin with his pretty vest. He blended in so well with the tree, I almost missed him.

    Hope that your cold zips on away soon!

  3. Hi Lorrie,

    Just a reminder about Friendly Friday tomorrow, will be linking to your blog.

    Kindredly, Lynne Laura

  4. Great post! This would be great for Outdoor Wednesdays hosted by Susan at A Southern Daydreamer!
    You might want to link to this post next Wednesday...too good not to share! :-) Susan

  5. Hi Lorrie, just getting back from some time away in Florida (no not the Super Bowl... it was a Christian leadership conference for couples.) It was wonderful to be away with only my sweetheart (highs in the low 80s!), and now I am playing catch-up on blogging (among other things.) This is a lovely picture and isn't it so refreshing to see signs of spring even though you know winter is far from over!


  6. Pretty walk and no snow!

    Also a pretty table setting and your heart, what patience you have Lorrie.


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