Friday, January 30, 2009

Stitched with Love - Friendly Friday

Love is a marvelous, miraculous thing, but has this in common with fire:
one must keep it going and feed it.
Jean Simard

An evening or two of stitching resulted in this crazy patch heart. I love making things without patterns - just stitching as the muse leads. A few buttons and a piece of twill tape stamped with love to hold a little bouquet finished it off.

Now, where to put it? And should I do a tutorial?

Check out more Friendly Friday posts at Lynne Laura's A Romantic Nest.


  1. Yes!!! Please do a tutorial! :)

  2. very pretty. and yes please do a tutorial.

  3. I echo the "yes"s! Lovely heart!!! Love the layering of stitching. Who knew French knots and blanket stitching could look good together?

  4. Oh, yes. Please do a tutorial. Very sweet!

  5. Lorrie, this is so sweet...very pretty! I found your blog via Vee...she had made your love bird mobile and posted a link--I came along and linked back only to find that you lived in the same city as me so I just had to say HELLO!


  6. This is so pretty.. I love hearts and I love the way this turned out.
    Yes, you should do a tutorial.. I always seem to accomplish when I can get a step by step directions and complete it.. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Such a lovely heart Lorrie, you are truly talented!

    Kindredly, Lynne Laura

    Thank you for participating.

  8. Thanks for stopping in for a visit. Oh my, I love your heart! I'd leave on the pillow of my loved on with a little note and a piece of chocolate! Oh, please do a tutorial!

  9. I love your blog and the heart is beautiful.

  10. Anonymous2:59 PM

    oh how pretty!


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